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Players get ability to restore power at houses and more.

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I thought of an idea after playing game ''The Walking Dead''

My idea is that players could restore electrical power for houses and live inside of them, use the buildings at countryside as a advanced camp.

In order to restore the power players should find spare parts, like wires.

Then they would need a tollbox to fix the electric console.

Also there should be a new item that would be placeable at building doors, an iron lock, the ones you see at public toilets placed at festivals etc.

This would allow the player to lock the house doors so zombies don't get in.

Maybe add the abbility to barricade the doors with planks and nails, add an additional item called "box of nails" it could contain 25 nails or so. Also add a hammer.

Also make the closets, drawners at houses with invetory space so items could be stored.


- this would add more places where to feel safe from zombies

- more storage for players

- just more interesting things at the mod for players to do.


-As always could endurance Pvp

-Bandits have easier to find looting targets.

So what are your opinions about this idea?

please give your pros. and cons.

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I do believe something like this is planned for the stand alone. At least something along those lines. Im not entirely sure.

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I know​ that electrical restoration is planned; I remember a debate on the dev blogs. I think it'd be fun, because at night, you could shut all the lights off, or only light up part of town to concentrate the zombies. Also, maybe flashing SOS signals? :)

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Gas-powered generators are the way to go.

Perhaps these said gas generators will be very noisy, attracting zombies and bandits alike?
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i cant wait to raide peoples houses that are so called "safe" that they are "living in"

Dayz Home Invasion 101, guard yo beans

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Perhaps these said gas generators will be very noisy, attracting zombies and bandits alike?

I had an idea wherein certain stores could have gas generators in the basement. You could board up the storefront, repair the gas generator (like you would a vehicle) and keep it fueled so it powers the building. If the generator runs out of gas, the power ceases. If you don't oil the generator frequently enough, it breaks.

Practical uses for restoring power to a store/home/etc.

  • Running, clean water
  • Lights
  • Stoves for cooking certain foods
  • Power tools, welders, etc; for crafting, perhaps gun modifications
  • Radio equipment

Edited by Very Ape
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If they made bear traps last like tents one could rig the entrance with them I like the gas generator Idea a lot. there is actual low noise generators. Now if noice is a concearn the generator could be a bit far from camp or abandon building for safety. Like you could plant one on another building or a BS fake camp :thumbsup: beans up Very Ape :beans:

Another source of electical power could be solar panels and maybe a makeshift wind mill to attach it to a electrical motror and Electricity to use the small electrical mini oven baker lol best hotdogs in the world lol Also all this could help you build a cool undergrown bunker and better camp out in the wilderness. One thing this will come usefull with, is to give power to a small machinshop to make new parts for your broken guns or gear, sharpen knifes , dull hatchets, machete anyone. Katana maybe?

Me being a gunsmith would love to have a small machineshop to make gun parts and maybe even start a little ingame business fixing peoples guns an trade of food or other goods ;)

Edited by madhellsing

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Good idea but maintaining a power grid needs more than just the flip of a switch...

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Good idea but maintaining a power grid needs more than just the flip of a switch...

And renewable power like windmills, etc makes the game just too damn easy!

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I've always liked the " fix power " idea.. i always thought you should need 2-5 items to fix a "power box" on a house.. and perhaps you have to do some kind of "mini game" once you have the pieces you need to get the power going.. but I guess independent power (to keep it true) should really be a generator or something cause the main power grid would be down ... hmm dunno but I like TEH IDEA !

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I've always liked the " fix power " idea.. i always thought you should need 2-5 items to fix a "power box" on a house.. and perhaps you have to do some kind of "mini game" once you have the pieces you need to get the power going.. but I guess independent power (to keep it true) should really be a generator or something cause the main power grid would be down ... hmm dunno but I like TEH IDEA !

Why would you need to repair the main breaker? Did the infected go to each house and destroy them because they are afraid of the light? I would think if there is no power it is not on the individual user level but area wide. A failed substation, maybe the entire area has been taken off the grid. If this is a true apocalypse then the entire grid may have failed on a national/global scale.

Your power will come from generators. If the building is intact chances are the electrical will function. The higher profile the setup the more power you will need and the more attention you will attract.

All in all i like the idea of being able to generate power as long as it comes with the appropriate potential negative consequences. Any for the occasional random house fire due to faulty electrical?

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Any for the occasional random house fire due to faulty electrical?

That would be interesting.

Walking through the woods, spot smoke hoping for a heli crash site and stumble upon a burning house.

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I had an idea wherein certain stores could have gas generators in the basement. You could board up the storefront, repair the gas generator (like you would a vehicle) and keep it fueled so it powers the building. If the generator runs out of gas, the power ceases. If you don't oil the generator frequently enough, it breaks.

Practical uses for restoring power to a store/home/etc.

  • Running, clean water - Doesn't necessarily make sense with a power grid, water is often run through a seperate system, rural areas usually use the wells dotted in various areas and there's a reason why there is out houses in the back or by the side.
  • Lights - Good, lights in general is the bonus application
  • Stoves for cooking certain foods - For places within a city, such as an apartment I could see it being true, but much of the area of Chernarus is Rural and would most likely have wood burning stoves, I could see some however acting as gas powered stoves using butane or propane.
  • Power tools, welders, etc; for crafting, perhaps gun modifications - Could work really well if someone held up inside a fire station or auto mechanics shop.
  • Radio equipment - Unless it's already installed, I think having power would better facilitate it as a requirement, you'd still need to find radio equipment to set up in your base.

Just some points

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I would still like to see some random sparks and or electrical disturbance in some random buildings to keep it interesting in the city etc.. you know the old flickering light in the darkness that you see a shadow run past just for atmosphere and not more so having to rely heavily on the power grid idea..

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