LancerG2 369 Posted April 3, 2013 (edited) Now out of these two situations what would you choose. A poll is put above for your voting needs.Guy one:So you're in the heat of battle. You run with your heavy rifle in your hands. It took you ages to get it off your sling attached over your arm and you're fumbling to aim the damn thing straight. You're dead. You where too slow. Now your corpse is a bandit's best wish, and a zombies best wish too.You've respawned! You lumber through the forest and make your way to a farmhouse. You quickly pick up a Lee-Enfield and start heading for Electro. You notice a building and you quickly investigate for loot. You need to focus so you put your rifle down and start looking though the pile of loot dumped. Then behind you, you turn to see a bandit with a revolver pointed at you. Before you can react by taking your rifle the brains from your cranium dribble all over the floor like melted cheese.Guy two:You're running though the open plains. And you quickly see a hostile zombie proceeding towards you. You pull the rifle off your back, You take a breath and fire. The corpse of the Zed splatters all over the ground. You put your rifle back out with minimal effort and continue on your way. You continue to the city after your journey. And you quickly check a building for loot. A bandit is behind you and has a revolver tucked in his pants. You have a pistol holster though and you see his shadow. With your reflexes you turn around and make him Swiss cheese with your M1911.Hello. Lancer again with a suggestion. Rifle/shotgun and pistol holsters.Now this suggestion allows the use of fast weapon switching in a realistic aspect. Now with some guns in DayZ there is a weapon sling (specifically the M4A1) but with the addition of weapon holsters you can quickly draw out your weapon with minimal effort compared to using the slow flimsy sling. Some weapons would not fit into the holsters such as the MK.48 and the M249 machine gun or some of the bigger sniper rifles like the AS500/M107 or the humble crossbow.The same goes with pistols. If you don't have a pistol holster your character tucks the pistol in their pants. But the addition of a pistol holster means you can quickly pull out your handgun with minimal effort. The revolver has its own so it will fit in its own.Holsters are common so they can be looted really quickly. Rifle/shotgun holsters are less common then pistol/revolver ones so you may have to do a bit of looking around.Upon wearing a holster it appears on your character as a cool item (as shown with the pictures). However a holster cannot be combined with a quiver for your crossbow bolts.Here are a list of definite weapons you could put in the rifle/shotgun holster. You could also put other guns into the holster but I would be unsure. Here are some weapons you could put in.Shotguns that can be put in the holster:- Double barreled shotgun- Remmington 870- M1014- Winchester 1866Snipers that can be put into the holster:- CZ550- M14AIM- DMRSub-machine guns that can be put into the holster:- MP5A5- MP5SD6Assault rifles that can be put into the holster:- M16A2- M4A1 HOLO- M4A1 CCO SD- AK-74- AKM- Lee-Enfield- FN FAL- AKS-74UAnd for the pistol holsterPistols that can fit into the holster:- All the pistols except for the PDWRevolvers that can fit into its own holster- The revolver. (Durr)So in conclusion the holster addition would allow faster weapon switching compared to putting down your weapon or using the guns sling. This feature would be great for looks and would make you look bad ass with plenty of guns just hung up on slings. Edited April 3, 2013 by LancerG2 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidcactus 719 Posted April 3, 2013 I want to see shotgun bandoleers more than anything Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted April 3, 2013 (edited) For pistols, yes, but I'm not sure how a rifle 'holster' would be faster... slings for me. A "tactical"3-point frontal sling seems to be the fastest possible method. The rifle holster's I've seen seem to be intended to make carrying a rifle over long distances more comfortable.Sling: Edited April 3, 2013 by Gews Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enforcer1975 1111 Posted April 3, 2013 A rifle holster is to carry the rifle, and you usually carry it with a sling either on your back or in front of you if you need it "ready"...afaik there is no quick draw holster for rifles and you would need a quick draw holster to draw really fast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clumzy (DayZ) 377 Posted April 3, 2013 I wouldn't mind seeing a front sling where the weapon falls to your chest when not in use... Now THAT'S minimal effort. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LancerG2 369 Posted April 3, 2013 For pistols, yes, but I'm not sure how a rifle 'holster' would be faster... slings for me. A "tactical"3-point frontal sling seems to be the fastest possible method. The rifle holster's I've seen seem to be intended to make carrying a rifle over long distances more comfortable.Sling: It is faster. You just grab the stock out of the holster and pull out the rifle from the stock. Something like this one in the attachment. With this specific holster you just attach it to a sling and wear it around your back. And if you quickly need to use your main tier weapon (shotgun, rifle, Marksmen Rifle, Sub-machine gun, etc) you just pull it out from the stock. Unlike the previous attachment I showed it requires you to take the holster off. This one however doesn't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Noszombie 284 Posted April 4, 2013 Sounds like a good idea and may also add some co-operation and less Kos.(until everyone gets some anyway) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enforcer1975 1111 Posted April 4, 2013 What would stop me from grabbing your rifle from your back holster and shoot you in the back when you let your guard down while i pretended to be a "friendly"? Doesn't stop KoS imo.A rifle carried in a holster on the back poses a greater danger for the carrier imo, the rifle should be in front at all times. You could easily get caught in branches, any kind of entryway and other stuff or by zombies grabbing your rifle and holding you back ( if they would make that possible ). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Noszombie 284 Posted April 4, 2013 (edited) ^I didn't say it would stop KoS. I suggested that it had a possibility of lessening it if it slows the normal animation without it. Also people can kill you anyway while they pretend to be friendly. Also maybe if you have it in a sling maybe you can run faster so it would have another benefit. Edited April 4, 2013 by Noszombie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trizzo 632 Posted April 4, 2013 (edited) A rifle holster is not faster than a sling from the shoulder. The design will make it quicker, it's more used for carrying without fatigue. 1,2,3, point safari slings carry the rifle well enough and get it up quick, a simple sling (two) swivel looped over your opposite shoulder lets roll the rifle up to your opposite shoulder very quickly.Drawing pistols should be from a holster OR making holsters lootable items. More room in inventory (pockets) and a faster secondary weapon draw would be nice.What is stupid is the inability to change guns when running. When you stop swinging both arms you dont run as quick but you dont stop! Nothing is more frusting than switching from axe to pistol. Edited April 4, 2013 by Trizzo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Griffith 62 Posted April 4, 2013 For pistols, yes, but I'm not sure how a rifle 'holster' would be faster... slings for me. A "tactical"3-point frontal sling seems to be the fastest possible method. The rifle holster's I've seen seem to be intended to make carrying a rifle over long distances more comfortable.Sling: Yeah what Gews says. You cant get a rifle out any faster then a Point Sling (1/2/3) carried at rest. Rifle holsters are just silly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Griffith 62 Posted April 4, 2013 would you give up your backpack for a rifle holster ? I wouldnt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thegalakrondian 17 Posted April 4, 2013 (edited) Seems like a double-edged sword. 1. you could move more quickly, but maybe not fire as quick, but if they implement some kind of mechanic where if you're in physical contact of a hostile, such as a zombie, they can grapple you to the ground putting you in a less-defensive position. Edited April 4, 2013 by thegalakrondian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Griffith 62 Posted April 4, 2013 It is faster. You just grab the stock out of the holster and pull out the rifle from the stock. Something like this one in the attachment. With this specific holster you just attach it to a sling and wear it around your back. And if you quickly need to use your main tier weapon (shotgun, rifle, Marksmen Rifle, Sub-machine gun, etc) you just pull it out from the stock. Unlike the previous attachment I showed it requires you to take the holster off. This one however doesn't.I am sorry but there is no way that a rifle holster on your back is faster then a 3 point sling. Watch this video In real life with a similar sling to the one in the video I can go from rest to shoulder with 3 shots to the midsection of a man sized target at 50 ft in under an eigth of a second, and that aint great compared to others. Most rifles would need you to fully extend your arm to clear a holster taking precious time, then you would have to sholder it and aim., not to mention gear from your pack may get in the way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enforcer1975 1111 Posted April 4, 2013 3P slings are a bit outdated. You can only shoot the rifle from one side and if you want to switch hands you would have to losen it up quite a bit or sling it around you in a different manner because it gets in your way. But for normal use it's pretty good if you need to keep your rifle on the ready. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Griffith 62 Posted April 5, 2013 3P slings are a bit outdated. You can only shoot the rifle from one side and if you want to switch hands you would have to losen it up quite a bit or sling it around you in a different manner because it gets in your way. But for normal use it's pretty good if you need to keep your rifle on the ready.What do you use in place of a 3point, 2 point, or 1 point sling that is better? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LancerG2 369 Posted June 11, 2013 What do you use in place of a 3point, 2 point, or 1 point sling that is better?A back holster. All I gotta do Is reach for the stock from left side and grab it with my right hand then over my left shoulder and into postition on my right sholder... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
methr1k2dop3 323 Posted June 12, 2013 I like the idea of finding a weapon holster and you being able to carry it with out taking room in your inventory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted June 12, 2013 Hello thereI'd like to see a variety of different slings/holsters/old bits of rope I can attach to a rifle if it has the required attachment points.Each with their own pluses and minuses.RgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wisper 61 Posted June 12, 2013 Nobody argues about pistol holsters, so this voting concerns rifles. They should be available and may I note that I have seen some fine examples of home made ones. The choice of wether u will forgo a nice big rucksack in favour of such holster should be entirely yours, but u should have such a choice to begin with. Anyway, with the average life expectancy being as it is, a backpack might not sound as important as it would be in real life... (with zs arround?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
methr1k2dop3 323 Posted June 12, 2013 ok so let me break this carry a weapon in your can put one in your backpack.but what if you can find a sling or some sorta holder , certain holsters will hold certain kinds of weapons. (on your back)it be availible to switch too in combat. (in a good realistic manner)for example. if you don't have a holster for your pistol you will have to place it in your bag. and i be a hassle to pull it out. (as it take longer to pull it out) if you find a holster then you can pull pistol out much faster than the next guy with it in bag. it will be a key peice of gear to have. obviously. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enforcer1975 1111 Posted June 12, 2013 What do you use in place of a 3point, 2 point, or 1 point sling that is better?It's been long but anyway...I would use a 1P sling for the weapon in use and a normal 2P sling to carry the other across the back if i had to.What people want to do is basically run around like this...I wonder where they put their food...or do they take the term "eat bullet" literally? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RIGHTLY 87 Posted June 13, 2013 I don't care how slow I get a weapon out... I WANT TO FUCKING MOVE WHILE GETTING ANOTHER WEAPON OUT.Getting chased by a zombie and want to get your pistol out to dispatch it?"Oh... I guess I'll just stand in the middle of this field completely open to sniper fire and zombies to sling my weapon onto my back and pull out my pistol..."NO! YOU DON'T DO THAT! YOU DO THIS:"OOOOHHH SHIT! THIS PLACE IS BAD! SHIT ITS A ZOMBIE! SHIT SHIT SHIT *run run run, pulls out pistol* DIEEEEEEEE!" 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LancerG2 369 Posted June 13, 2013 if you don't have a holster for your pistol you will have to place it in your bag. and i be a hassle to pull it out. (as it take longer to pull it out)if you find a holster then you can pull pistol out much faster than the next guy with it in will be a key peice of gear to have. obviously.You forgot to mention instead of putting in your bag you can tuck it in your pants, be careful though, you might blow your balls off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites