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DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

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I think these are called infected camps.

The infected camps are spawned by the server like a helicopter crash site. The camps I speak of are custom buildings added through the database. Objects added by the administrator of the private hive that did not spawn zombies before the latest patch.

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Antibiotics added to starting inventory on UGN servers :D

Oh no. Are servers heading down the same path as the vehicles?

AUSGroover1: 1.7.7/Spawn with DMR/100,000 vehicles/Hospitals spawn 1000 antibiotics!/

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Played it some more, it is just horrible. Every single zombie can hit you to the ground, and if you get up, you get knocked down again, which makes it really hard to search for stuff(inb4 this is a survival game and it is ment to be hard). Someone mentioned they reverted zombie hearing back to which accordingly to a lot of people was broken as zombie can see/hear you 100m crouch walking.

Infection rate is a bit too high, first hit by a zombie after spawning in got me infected. It is ridiculous.

What if you could balance zombies out with loot? Earlier today I had struggle even finding a hatchet, well, I never found one. I searched the entire Solnichy factory area and barns behind it. Most of the loot spots were empty. Only things you can find are tin cans, which seems to have a spawnrate of 60%.

(Note: This is my rant and opinion about 1.7.7, changelog seemed to be promising, but...^)

Edited by Dafix
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With all of the complaints regarding infection, I have to wonder if I'm doing DayZ wrong or something. I actually tried to get infected as a test, since I had recently lost my previous character, and died from getting punched to death by zombies before it happened. I'd start coughing and stuff, right? Did they change that?

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Way I see it, one of the following elements needs to be fixed, because otherwise, it's just not working:

1. High infection rates are fine, so long as every city hasn't already been cleared out of antibiotics. I've had runs for hours running through Elektro and Cherno for antibiotics, found no antibiotics, but somehow have geared up on full military loot. Obviously things are spawning, and rare things are spawning, but someone's taking them.

2. Low antibiotics rate would be fine, so long as the rate was decreased, or it didn't outright kill you. It's pretty much: Infected as a fresh spawn? Kill yourself and try again.

3. Lower food rates would be fine, so long as I'm not dying of blood loss from the infection every single time.

And the kicker:

4. All of the above, so long as they accepted all of the above as an incentive for working together. However, we've still got people sitting on the industrial rooftops in Cherno, killing for sport, not even for getting gear. I've encountered many more friendlies after this update, and still I'm being killed by that one guy in the coastal cities.

Seriously, if any one of these things was mended, the other things would be fine. I really love the feeling behind this update: Zombies are more dangerous, a little more sparse, and you've really got to loot pretty hard to have a good chance of getting good gear. I even like the feeling of stress from being infected and needing to find antibiotics. But when there's no payoff, there aren't antibiotics, and I die every single time, it just becomes frustrating.

That said, I managed to get a decent amount of gear together (read: a hatchet and some food) without getting infected, and that was a blast. I felt really great, much more accomplished to be at that level than before, and that's great, because it makes me feel like there's a lot more progression and struggle. But to be honest, it wasn't worth the previous four or five multiple-hour lives wasted on the coast, trying to get something before passing out continuously from the infection or straight up getting sniped.

Edit: Being knocked down is just stupid. If the zombies started beating me to death, it'd be scary. But no, they knock me down and then get confused as hell, walking around me until I get up and run away. Either way, the rate should be reduced.

Edited by IonicPaul

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I gave it another day, and I still hate this patch. I play on a vanilla server and found a car. I then proceeded to hit every town around the map including zelengorsk, vybor, berezino, and a few others. My total loot? A hunting knife, compass, binocs, a lee, and 1 THING of antibiotics. the berezino hospital actually had ZERO MEDICAL SUPPLIES. If this patch stays the same, im calling it quits till the standalone (and praying nightly for a different setup in that game).

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Dear god! Stand in a field for 5 minutes and expect to see 8-15 zombies wondering your way....

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I personally am enjoying this patch quite well. We all used to laugh at how much zombies were not a threat, and how easy it was to gear up. Well with this patch, you simply can't run into a town, grab your loot, and leave. The zeds will destroy you. Coming from a very realistic survival mod, this seems appropriate. How about you slow down your pace, team up, and take things one building at at time. You all sound like spoiled kids who had their loot handed to them, and now that they have to actually work for it, they get all upset.

One thing I do agree with is that way infection/anti is dealt with. Either lower infection rate/death by it. Or change anti loot tables. The people complaining about the knockdowns. It does not happen every other hit (unless your being gangbanged) and yes they will tackle you when you run by. Stop complaining and realize you can't run two feet past them anymore and expect to make it out alive.

I get this feeling that all the people complaining are the PvPs, and the greedy folk. Stop being greedy, be happy to find a winchester. Slowly build up your survival kit, and maybe stop running around like rambo to get a m4 and you'll live longer.



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In regards to getting infected, the one thing i don't agree with is the speed which it happens. Infections don't normally occur straight away, it can take hours even days for infection to get to the stage where you get really sick. How long does it actually take to die when you are sick in game?

Maybe we need a few more items with which to fight infection. Maybe you can clean (with clean water) and bandage regularly thus holding the infection at bay?

Chicken soup also cures all.

New crafting recipe. Chicken meat + water + tin can + fire = cure for cancer.

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Okay I know this will come in waves but the infection rate needs to be decrease either that or antibiotics need to be found more commonly or something because as of now If you get infected its like oh gotta kill my self and run to my body. At least have it where if you bandage regularly and eat and drink more periodically you get cured or the effects wear off or better yet make it were Mountain Dew cures you like sprite helps cure a cold and stuff with soup and stuff make it were antibiotics are not the only cure.

Edited by XxMartinez18xX
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this patch sucks balls now im all for zombies to be harder but its a bit out of balance that zombies call give a sickness that kills you really and then to make antibiotics super fucking rare think of balance i mean also taking out those guns should have been replaced with alot more guns every i have talked to doesn't like the update (not impressed) DEAN HALL you where the chosen one


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Way I see it, one of the following elements needs to be fixed, because otherwise, it's just not working:

1. High infection rates are fine, so long as every city hasn't already been cleared out of antibiotics. I've had runs for hours running through Elektro and Cherno for antibiotics, found no antibiotics, but somehow have geared up on full military loot. Obviously things are spawning, and rare things are spawning, but someone's taking them.

2. Low antibiotics rate would be fine, so long as the rate was decreased, or it didn't outright kill you. It's pretty much: Infected as a fresh spawn? Kill yourself and try again.

3. Lower food rates would be fine, so long as I'm not dying of blood loss from the infection every single time.

And the kicker:

4. All of the above, so long as they accepted all of the above as an incentive for working together. However, we've still got people sitting on the industrial rooftops in Cherno, killing for sport, not even for getting gear. I've encountered many more friendlies after this update, and still I'm being killed by that one guy in the coastal cities.

Seriously, if any one of these things was mended, the other things would be fine. I really love the feeling behind this update: Zombies are more dangerous, a little more sparse, and you've really got to loot pretty hard to have a good chance of getting good gear. I even like the feeling of stress from being infected and needing to find antibiotics. But when there's no payoff, there aren't antibiotics, and I die every single time, it just becomes frustrating.

That said, I managed to get a decent amount of gear together (read: a hatchet and some food) without getting infected, and that was a blast. I felt really great, much more accomplished to be at that level than before, and that's great, because it makes me feel like there's a lot more progression and struggle. But to be honest, it wasn't worth the previous four or five multiple-hour lives wasted on the coast, trying to get something before passing out continuously from the infection or straight up getting sniped.

Edit: Being knocked down is just stupid. If the zombies started beating me to death, it'd be scary. But no, they knock me down and then get confused as hell, walking around me until I get up and run away. Either way, the rate should be reduced.

we are working to adjust infection and tackle however loot and zeds dmg wont change.

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hint: if you crouch into a low pine, the zeds don t attack you even if they come to half a meter, stop being aggro and roam away.

!devs: suggestions for a quick (before anything else, before everybody s losing interest):

- fix zeds going through tents walls

- fix the massive fps drop

- fix zeds sight: if their sight is limited to 100m, how the fuck are they following from 200m; either are they closeing up or they should suck a dick

- fix loot table

do that and we ll deal with the infection/antibiotics issue

I ll still play but my teammates are slowly abandon it, so I guess I also eventually will

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we are working to adjust infection and tackle however loot and zeds dmg wont change.

Well, like I said, only one of those things needed to change for it not to be a problem in my eyes.

Edited by IonicPaul

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we are working to adjust infection and tackle however loot and zeds dmg wont change.

Have you thought of doing that BEFORE releasing a live patch? Because don't tell me you did, 90% of the time you get hit by a super zed it's infection on the first hit. I've used more antibiotics in the last 24 hours than I have in the last 24 days.

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Have you thought of doing that BEFORE releasing a live patch? Because don't tell me you did, 90% of the time you get hit by a super zed it's infection on the first hit. I've used more antibiotics in the last 24 hours than I have in the last 24 days.

C'mon now that's just ridiculous. Unless you have the worst luck in the universe, you're overstating that. I've played the current version too, obviously, and it's NOT that prevalent. At most, a 15% chance. Maybe. That's when I was /trying/ to get it so I could try and figure out the other way to cure it. If you're avoiding it, just try to avoid getting hit. If you stay mobile, they'll very rarely hit you.

Edited by Zetal

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hint: if you crouch into a low pine, the zeds don t attack you even if they come to half a meter, stop being aggro and roam away.

!devs: suggestions for a quick (before anything else, before everybody s losing interest):

- fix zeds going through tents walls

- fix the massive fps drop

- fix zeds sight: if their sight is limited to 100m, how the fuck are they following from 200m; either are they closeing up or they should suck a dick

- fix loot table

do that and we ll deal with the infection/antibiotics issue

I ll still play but my teammates are slowly abandon it, so I guess I also eventually will

1/ Zeds tho walls can not be fixed due to model issues.

2/ FPS is being looked at.

3/ Follow means they already have you as a target sight and sound (this is limited) is no longer checked only Line of sight a different system all together. LOS is no different in this version just the pulse it runs on has changed

4/ Loot tables are fine you mean fix the amount of weapon holders that spawn.

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Have you thought of doing that BEFORE releasing a live patch? Because don't tell me you did, 90% of the time you get hit by a super zed it's infection on the first hit. I've used more antibiotics in the last 24 hours than I have in the last 24 days.

The patch got tested by a lot of you guys before it was released.

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I want to know if this is by design or do I need to modify the custom buildings to remove the zombie spawns?

Zeds may spawn behind any building wide enough, and may spawn on any loot position.

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Just confirmed it. Sleeping provides a chance for curing Infection. So, antibiotics are not required, guys. Spread the word.

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The only problems I have with the patch so far are:

- sluggish servers (I mean, FPS are from 30-60, but laggy as hell)

- tent placement is nerfed (R4Z0R49, I will provide screenshots as soon as possible)

- loot spawning is bugged (sometimes whole parts of a town has no loot at all, you relog and voila, loot is there)

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The only problems I have with the patch so far are:

- sluggish servers (I mean, FPS are from 30-60, but laggy as hell)

- tent placement is nerfed (R4Z0R49, I will provide screenshots as soon as possible)

- loot spawning is bugged (sometimes whole parts of a town has no loot at all, you relog and voila, loot is there)

1 What do you mean sluggish? we have been playing with 30-50 players and its running fine?

2 provide photos plz

3 looking into this

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I don't post much here; I usually just read, but every since this latest patch, my fps have dropped significantly so I thought I would come here to report. I'm not sure if it's the servers fault since there is apparently more things going on to render, but I can't even play this anymore. Last night in Cherno, on a high population server (50 ppl) I was only getting about 10 fps. I tried switching to a low pop server (like 4-5 ppl) and it didn't improve much at all.

I've rolled back to the stable build b/c I read in another post that it could help but it didn't.

My pc specs:

1100t @ 3.9ghz

16 GB of Samsung


Latest Nvidia Drivers, etc, etc.. I rarely have problems running new games on max. Is it just something with Arma?

Most rendering is done client side.

How many fps do you have when you play an ArmA game on a Chernarus map?

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Have you thought of doing that BEFORE releasing a live patch? Because don't tell me you did, 90% of the time you get hit by a super zed it's infection on the first hit. I've used more antibiotics in the last 24 hours than I have in the last 24 days.

as one of the people who was tesing this patch out and giving feedback, i really dont see why people sare getting infected so quickly, 1 your obviously rushing yourself if your getting aggrod a lot now, the ranges for me have been for the most part FINE, i can literally sneak around zombies with ease, have you ever found a smoke grenade??? ever had one in a place where players are trying to kill you, why not say hmmm, throw it in the enemies general direction then sneak off and get th fk outta there or track the person as they lose a train of unforgiving zeds and kill them. as for antis i played this build this morning for like 3 hours, in one server in cherno or elektro alone, i found a total of 4 anti biotics, by which point id already found a hunting knife and machete and filled my bag and invent with beef and chicken just in case i got ill, to top it off i got bandited for surprise surprise tryna be a good guy player. if you wanna survive in this game then get out of the south, anyone complaining of low loot is looting wrong, just run through buildings and dont pile anything, just hit each building grab the goodies and move on to next town or something and come back,

so bored of reading these complaint threads when the mod has just taken a huge leap in the best direction it could, actually been teaming with randoms i meet more now than i ever thought would be possible. i cant beleive razors gonna waste time "fixing" other peoples sloppy playing styles for them by making a by definition hard game easier for you all, i personally would rather he was putting out test builds with crafting in and working on any of the minor bugs in .7.7 as and when he can be bothered/ finds the time. the reward for getting even a loaded pistol now is in good contrast to the games settings, if it were a zed apocalypse, you really think your gonna hit a hospital in a city and find any kind of useful kit, well heres news for you buddy it has already been looted by every other fk bean.

i understand ur frustrations with some of the new mechanics but tbh you all can find a knife and axe so you can all hun enough meat to keep u alive long enough to find antis, if i can do it, as a fairly mediocre dayz player, anyone can.


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Just confirmed it. Sleeping provides a chance for curing Infection. So, antibiotics are not required, guys. Spread the word.

wow so thats nice at least there are TWO super rare items to keep your eyes peeled for now XD

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