Dreygar (DayZ) 178 Posted March 24, 2013 Personally, I have no issues with the .50 cal. I think they, as well as other sniper rifles should be added to the game. I don't really care if there was 100 different weapons to choose from, as again I like options. That doesn't mean you'll find all 100 of them, some could be more rare than others.I think a lot of people want a game that everything is so rare that it crumbles the point of a game like this. They want everyone running around with sticks and stones.If I had any issues with weapons, it's that the less powerful but equally deadly rounds such as the M9s, Makarovs, MP5s, Bizon's, etc are super weak. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted March 24, 2013 (edited) Sure, sure... but the .338 LUPUA IS a pretty powerful round.Yup, it would be easily capable of taking out an elephant in one shot. It just seemed kind of lazy to me... they were VERY specific about the .338's muzzle velocity, they even used the exact British military load and got it right to the nearest foot-per-second, but they didn't bother changing the damage or penetration whatsoever...If they had done it properly it would do about 15,500 blood damage, so it would still be a one-shot kill within a few hundred meters and very damaging at longer ranges.Edit: Actually I'm bored, so...000m: 15,466 damage200m: 13,995 damage400m: 12,657 damage600m: 11,450 damage800m: 10,360 damage1000m: 9,369 damage1200m: 8,477 damage1400m: 7,667 damage Edited March 24, 2013 by Gews Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
applejaxc 2500 Posted March 25, 2013 I really want bullet penetration in the DayZ SA; my .50 BMG should shoot through glass/wood, dammit! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted March 25, 2013 I really want bullet penetration in the DayZ SA; my .50 BMG should shoot through glass/wood, dammit!Not to mention people! Two birds, one stone.... heh. :lol:I'll be annoyed if they take bullet penetration out of the game, though. Rocket said they were taking out a lot of unnecessary code... that made me worry about bullet penetration and air resistance... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
applejaxc 2500 Posted March 25, 2013 Not to mention people! Two birds, one stone.... heh. :lol:I'll be annoyed if they take bullet penetration out of the game, though. Rocket said they were taking out a lot of unnecessary code... that made me worry about bullet penetration and air resistance...There used to be a A2 mod that was discontinued when OA came out that had bullet penetration for all weapons, and better shrapnel for explosions. YOu could lay down on grenades to save your teammates :)There was this one time I was playing as OPFOR on a murder server, where the objective is do as much terrorism as you can before BLUFOR kicks your ass with air support and whatnot. I fired a Pecheneg and one bullet killed 13 civilians.Speaking of MGs, I want DayZ SA to have collapsible MGs to support teamwork. Instead of a backpack, you can carry a MG or the MG's tripod, and a team of 2 guys for parts and 1 guy for ammo could set up MGs at their *epic base* to defend themselves. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted March 25, 2013 There used to be a A2 mod that was discontinued when OA came out that had bullet penetration for all weapons, and better shrapnel for explosions. YOu could lay down on grenades to save your teammates :)There was this one time I was playing as OPFOR on a murder server, where the objective is do as much terrorism as you can before BLUFOR kicks your ass with air support and whatnot. I fired a Pecheneg and one bullet killed 13 civilians.Speaking of MGs, I want DayZ SA to have collapsible MGs to support teamwork. Instead of a backpack, you can carry a MG or the MG's tripod, and a team of 2 guys for parts and 1 guy for ammo could set up MGs at their *epic base* to defend themselves.There's technically bullet penetration for all firearms, but it's kind of low... using the modding tools and playing around with the values is fun, you can shoot people through concrete walls.I fired a Pecheneg and one bullet killed 13 civilians.That's strange, I read that bullets wouldn't go through bodies due to an engine limitation. Maybe someone found a way round that...Speaking of MGs, I want DayZ SA to have collapsible MGs to support teamwork. Instead of a backpack, you can carry a MG or the MG's tripod, and a team of 2 guys for parts and 1 guy for ammo could set up MGs at their *epic base* to defend themselves.I actually don't really have a problem with machine guns, they're all over Chechnya and other relatively lawless places. There are millions of them out there. I'm not sure why they picked the M240 over the PKM though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xianyu 820 Posted March 25, 2013 Why do people assume that my high disdain for the .50 rifles in this game stemmed from being shot by them? I've said it in every single thread when the conversation INEVITABLY swaps to 'oh my god, you're just bitching because you get shot by them all the time'. But lolnope, I don't. I've been killed by them twice. Once when I was watching Elektro and covering my friend (My fault for lying prone on a hill with a ghillie and an AS50) and one of the very first times I entered the barracks, when a loot-hopper spawned into one of the rooms and popped me with his AS50 from two metres away.That being said, I've started with a winchester, ran around, found an M107 at a crash site, dropped it for an AS50 at another, and found ANOTHER AS50 at ANOTHER crash site all on the same server. They're really just not that bloody hard to get hold of, if you know how to helicopter hunt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BearGravy 53 Posted March 25, 2013 Well then again there is no real point to have a rocket laincher in the game except for the lols, but yeah, i wouldnt mind if as50 and m107 were taken out, there isnt much light armor in the game anyways. Either that or make them as rare as a rocket launcher. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
p4triot 207 Posted March 25, 2013 Well then again there is no real point to have a rocket laincher in the game except for the lols, but yeah, i wouldnt mind if as50 and m107 were taken out, there isnt much light armor in the game anyways. Either that or make them as rare as a rocket launcher.Light (and also heavy) armors are a must imo. Though they wouldn't stop a .50 cal but that is another story.And Im agree in having m107/as50 as rare as a rocket launcher. However I may have a better idea for this, I will make a post when Im on vacation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 122 Posted March 25, 2013 Normally you wouldn't survive a Mosin-Nagant shot to the chest either... Or not for long, at least. If blood levels were lowered back to realistic (Arma) values, I wouldn't mind if they removed them, but then people would complain they die too quickly. Wusses be complaining about anti-material rifles when they have roughly 3 times more health than they should... Tsk. You can lump your winchester/civilian guns around for all I care, I'm still going to pick the military weapons and KOS whenever I can. Get a clan together on TS, you random Skype casuals! >=DThat said, I don't kill newspawns/unarmed people, I just like my m107's filling up my tent like some sort of treasure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
floogy (DayZ) 25 Posted March 25, 2013 The 50 BMG weapons are kind of a double edged sword to me. Yeah, you kind of need them to counter vehicles and helos but they are typically used to kill people from extreme ranges. Which is what they're used for in real life as well. There won't be vehicles right away in the SA so that precludes the immediate need for those weapons.It sounds to me like the loot system in SA will fix a lot of these type of problems. Dean mentioned in the PAX Q and A session that they had something like 867,000 (can't remember the exact number) spawn locations now with the new system. So now there will be many more spots to check for these items, but they won't be concentrated in a few key areas. I like the idea that a noob just scavenging some military areas has the same chance of finding top tier stuff as a clan who would now fly around looking for crash sites. I'd like to know if crash sites will be in the SA, which could be interesting depending on whether or not they're included. But either way, things will be much rarer and harder to find since there aren't dedicated loot tables.I wouldn't be surprised if this stuff is included in the SA eventually but I like the idea that an M4 with attachments will be top end gear. It should be like this. Some thing like an AS50 if it included later on should be something rare enough to have 1-2 per group, instead of 1-2 per person. So, an 8 man team spread out looking for loot should be able to turn up enough to gear up pretty nicely, but maybe only find 1 'sniper' rifle and a a few assault rifles for the whole group. No vehicles, at least initially will have a huge impact on loot gathering since it will be harder to hit multiple sites in one go.I'm hoping that the SA makes things rare enough to where not every clan is like a paramilitary unit geared to the teeth. Ragtag band of survivors should be more like it. Strength in numbers not in gear. I want to feel like a noob again getting my hands on a double bbl shotgun or Winchester and being stoked about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ioncannon 10 Posted March 25, 2013 (edited) My 8mm Mag weighs 22 lbs. I would wager a bet that in real life a CZ weighs close to that. I am 265 lbs and have been lugging a 40-60 lb pack around hunting with that and other 20-25 lb weapons for years. I would not even blink at carrying that SUPER HEAVY 30 lb barret. So if you are talking realism about "who would lug something like that around?" not all of us are 100lb pasty faced weakings.I have no problem with them being rare, but sure as the sun shines if you have a military base, you are going to have a plethora of equipment for every specialty to resupply, and thousands upon thousands of rounds of ammo.Just be honest and say that you don't want 1 shot weapons in game, stop hiding behind "realism" because that argument is obviously not going to work. I think personally that weapon balance will never be achieved...because some people are just better shots than others...I can headshot you with a DMR from 800 yrds just as easy as gut shoot you with an AS50 at 1600. I've seen people that can headshot with almost anything at near the maximum range, player skill will always fuck with balance when you have any long range weaponry as some players are just so much better shots than the average player. Edited March 25, 2013 by Ioncannon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bongofish 22 Posted March 25, 2013 I want one shot kill weapons gone because I am tired of this DayZ easy mode bullshit. Also, anything that makes this game less appealing to the COD deathmatchers, I am all for.This mod needs a serious return to its roots. It has been completely highjacked by a bunch of kids who think sniping is the best thing ever.Get rid of the easy vehicles, make ammo EXTREMELY rare, don't allow instant respawns. Dying needs to hurt. I think a 30 minute respawn timer would help. Don't like where you spawned? Tough shit, man it out or go play something else. Basically make this game difficult again so that people have to make important life or death decisions.I would love to hear all the crying from these wannabe alpha male tryhards when the game takes away all the easymode crutches they have gotten used to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tek (DayZ) 95 Posted March 25, 2013 My 8mm Mag weighs 22 lbs. I would wager a bet that in real life a CZ weighs close to that.No way would a CZ weigh 20+ lbs. Standard hunting rifle in (ex .270, 30-06, 7mm) weigh about 7-8 pounds. Unless you have ridiculous amounts of gear on your 8mm rifle, there is no way it would way 22 lbs just for hunting. My .270 rifle weighs just a tad over 7 lbs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
floogy (DayZ) 25 Posted March 25, 2013 (edited) My 8mm Mag weighs 22 lbs. I would wager a bet that in real life a CZ weighs close to that. I am 265 lbs and have been lugging a 40-60 lb pack around hunting with that and other 20-25 lb weapons for years. I would not even blink at carrying that SUPER HEAVY 30 lb barret. So if you are talking realism about "who would lug something like that around?" not all of us are 100lb pasty faced weakings.I have no problem with them being rare, but sure as the sun shines if you have a military base, you are going to have a plethora of equipment for every specialty to resupply, and thousands upon thousands of rounds of ammo.Just be honest and say that you don't want 1 shot weapons in game, stop hiding behind "realism" because that argument is obviously not going to work. I think personally that weapon balance will never be achieved...because some people are just better shots than others...I can headshot you with a DMR from 800 yrds just as easy as gut shoot you with an AS50 at 1600. I've seen people that can headshot with almost anything at near the maximum range, player skill will always fuck with balance when you have any long range weaponry as some players are just so much better shots than the average player.Your 8mm Mag weighs 22lbs? Holy crap, what kind of barrel do you have on that thing? I bet it helps with recoil but that's crazy. I'd honestly like to see a picture of it. What's the longest range you've been able to shoot at? I bet it makes a sweet 1000 yard gun if it's that heavy, depending on your optics. I've got a Rem 700 in 300 win mag but it's the standard barrel and not very heavy at all (about 8 lbs). A CZ550 is about the same size as a Remington 700 and mine weighs nowhere near that. At least the version in the game. There may be bench guns that heavy but your standard bolt action rifle is going to be in the area of 6-10lbs.An M16 is six pounds, my 700 is 8, the M24 or M40 is a heavy barrel military version of the Remington 700 so add a pound or two for that. By contrast the M107 weighs 30lbs. No one, no matter how built or in shape will be running a long time with that thing. I for one don't care about weapon balance being in the game, it's not supposed to be balanced, it's supposed to be realistic(as possible). Most of the 7.62 rifles in the game are almost one shot weapons already if you hit someone right.I'm more concerned about relative realism. Can the average guy run at 18 km/hr with a 30lb rifle? No. But if you got as tired as you might in real life it just wouldn't be very fun. Sure, .50 cal rifles exsist in the military but they are quite rare. I think on a ship of several thousand Marines and Navy Sailors I saw two M107 rifles during the whole deployment. Those belonged to the Marine Scout Snipers aboard. Maybe a dozen guys total. Cool dudes, but that's another story. If at some point there are .50 cal weapons in the SA I won't mind too much. But they need to be very, very rare.I'd ask this of anyone who really wants the AS50 or M107 because it's realistic. "Ok, it's the zombie apocalypse or the fall of civilization as we know it. You have all the things you need to survive for a few days. Go get a .50 BMG rifle." I live a 2 hours away from Camp Pendleton. I've been there many times over the past several years. I have general knowledge of the base layout from training there as well as visiting friends still stationed on base. I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THEY KEEP THE M107s. I'd actually be able to find an armored vehicle with an automatic 25mm cannon more easily. No one would ever use a .50 cal rifle in this type of scenario. Even people who own one privately would not take it along. The damn thing can barely fit inside a car. Edited March 25, 2013 by floogy 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerbo 198 Posted March 25, 2013 (edited) My 8mm Mag weighs 22 lbs.I'm going off topic here, but what? A standard Remington 700 weighs about 8lbs and a Lee Enfield about 9lbs. How much crap did you have to put on your 8mm rifle to make it weigh that much? Edited March 25, 2013 by Kerbo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rifle Eyez 34 Posted March 25, 2013 (edited) The problem is gonna be balance. Sure, it's gonna be awesome fun (sarcasm) running around with melee weapons, but that is just gonna make firearms completely overpowered, especially if you come up against a semi organised group who all have guns themselves. Can you imagine groups mowing people down around the south who can't find a gun between them? I fancy my chances with the Dobryy/Cherno campers 100% over that. At least defending yourself is easier if you have as much chance of finding a firearm as a clan/buddies who are constantly looting everything. I play 70% lonewolf and 30% with 1-2 players so I see it from both perspectives. People cry now about being shot when unarmed, but it's gonna be 20 times worse when firearms are scarce. Also, inb4 ''the SA will force players to work together so less shooting on sight'', not gonna happen. PvP will still be as rife, if not worse considering by the sounds of it essentials will be rarer than the mod and I will actually PvP more on the SA as medicines/food/clothing/firearms/ammo will be more valuable. I will actively kill and betray a majority of people I see to provide myself with valuable supplies and my friends. And I'm a neutral in game, I've killed for no reason and on the flip side i've given new spawns a pistol and spare supplies or lifts. The SA will give people more of a reason to kill on sight, no doubt about that.RE vehicles, if it's more of an effort to maintain and find them, i can see plenty people being disillusioned with the game. It's bad enough grinding for one wheel that fits all, but trolling will be through the roof if just getting a vehicle in working condition will take real life hours. Sure they're a awesome end game to work for but I wouldn't dare drive anywhere for fear of one or two shots or bad collision detection forcing another few hours grinding again,Also I don't get the logic of ''remove as50'', when in reality a DMR or m40a3 would kill you just as quickly. It's back to the age old argument of snipers and being one shots and people being butthurt, been that way over countless games for years. All the M24/CZ/SVD does on the mod is gives people a chance to alt f4 from my experience. Even with ''point and click'' mechanics compared to ACE etc I feel if you can hit a moving target on vanilla arma engine from 600+m you should be rewarded with a kill. Then you're down the route of ''remove snipers'', then remove automatics, then remove everything apart from pistols till we're all running around with planks of wood. Edited March 25, 2013 by showtime Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreygar (DayZ) 178 Posted March 25, 2013 (edited) I'd ask this of anyone who really wants the AS50 or M107 because it's realistic. "Ok, it's the zombie apocalypse or the fall of civilization as we know it. You have all the things you need to survive for a few days. Go get a .50 BMG rifle." I live a 2 hours away from Camp Pendleton. I've been there many times over the past several years. I have general knowledge of the base layout from training there as well as visiting friends still stationed on base. I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THEY KEEP THE M107s. I'd actually be able to find an armored vehicle with an automatic 25mm cannon more easily. No one would ever use a .50 cal rifle in this type of scenario. Even people who own one privately would not take it along. The damn thing can barely fit inside a car.They keep them in the Arms room, along with the rest of the weapons.. Duh. Obviously not exposed as a motorpool with a hundred vehicles. Oh, and good luck finding ammunition for that 25mm; that won't be in the Arms room.Not every unit will have an M107 in their Arms room, only slotted for specific units. Also, you won't find ammunition in an arms room either. Edited March 25, 2013 by Dreygar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreygar (DayZ) 178 Posted March 25, 2013 (edited) Why do people assume that my high disdain for the .50 rifles in this game stemmed from being shot by them? I've said it in every single thread when the conversation INEVITABLY swaps to 'oh my god, you're just bitching because you get shot by them all the time'. But lolnope, I don't. I've been killed by them twice. Once when I was watching Elektro and covering my friend (My fault for lying prone on a hill with a ghillie and an AS50) and one of the very first times I entered the barracks, when a loot-hopper spawned into one of the rooms and popped me with his AS50 from two metres away.That being said, I've started with a winchester, ran around, found an M107 at a crash site, dropped it for an AS50 at another, and found ANOTHER AS50 at ANOTHER crash site all on the same server. They're really just not that bloody hard to get hold of, if you know how to helicopter hunt.I'm amazed at your skills. Just because you're on servers that have adjusted loot tables and find everything to be plentiful means that the weapon should be removed? I like the idea that magazines will be entities and you will have to maintain them as well as manually load them. I think it's going to change the way people play a lot. Though maybe not seeing the new inventory system which will allow us to carry a lot more things.Though, as standard with anything on forums. If someone is complaining about something or wants something changed then there is an underlying reason. You finding them to be too common, hardly convinces me that is your reason. If you've only ever been shot 1-2 times in your experience playing the game, then obviously them being common on your server isn't that much of a big deal?You guys can petition and convince Rocket and the Devs all you want that every single thing you want in the game is overpowered, and not needed... and you know what? In the end, we'll have only a handful of guns and run around with tree branches and sling shots and no one has fun. Edited March 25, 2013 by Dreygar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
keosan24 55 Posted March 25, 2013 Its more about what people actually do with the guns. They don't look for AS50s and M107s to kill zombies with, they look for them so they can find a nice camping spot and snipe players all day and thats what rocket doesn't want. He does not want a lot of KOS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rifle Eyez 34 Posted March 25, 2013 (edited) Its more about what people actually do with the guns. They don't look for AS50s and M107s to kill zombies with, they look for them so they can find a nice camping spot and snipe players all day and thats what rocket doesn't want. He does not want a lot of KOSFact is I fear KoS will be even worse on the S.A. Currently many just do it for fun, which is understandable if not a little bit predictable. (i always think ''another camper on Dobryy, sigh, good job bro'') but when medicines/clothes/rarer weapons/ammo/loot is involved? I consider myself a neutral, i've looked for conflict and opened fire on players who I've had the drop on, but also given new spawns my pistol/supplies but I guarantee 100% I will KoS even more in the S.A. Imagine being sick and needing medicine, running low on ammo/food, or extra clothes, or even rarer unique car parts for yourself + friends...at least in the mod killing for these things is never a REAL motive as they're all easy enough to acquire but with limited and rarer loot in the S.A? It's gonna be so much worse. On the flip side if you have these items yourself you're more likely to KoS simply to avoid any potential for being killed yourself. If I've just spent a hour or 4 searching high and low for fuel, or for a medicine for myself or a friend, food, or even hit a motherlode of ammo and see a dude I don't know coming, he's getting dropped. On the mod it's less risky simply because it's never too difficult to brush yourself off and gear up again.Like I said before I'm not a straight bandit but I find PvP the most interesting thing in the game and will in the S.A, even if they made superhuman zombies the human element is more exciting and I think PvP should remain a playstyle and not be gimped. Sure, I don't agree with picking up a enfield/winchester from the first house you enter just to TDM in Electro, but beyond that I'm all for day-z being half survival, half PvP based - it's what makes the game exciting imo. I enjoy the combat aspect of the game, and inb4 ''play arma/wasteland then'', it's a completely different scenario. Edited March 25, 2013 by showtime Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jamz 253 Posted March 25, 2013 Fact is I fear KoS will be even worse on the S.A. Currently many just do it for fun, which is understandable if not a little bit predictable. (i always think ''another camper on Dobryy, sigh, good job bro'') but when medicines/clothes/rarer weapons/ammo/loot is involved? I consider myself a neutral, i've looked for conflict and opened fire on players who I've had the drop on, but also given new spawns my pistol/supplies but I guarantee 100% I will KoS even more in the S.A. Imagine being sick and needing medicine, running low on ammo/food, or extra clothes, or even rarer unique car parts for yourself + friends...at least in the mod killing for these things is never a REAL motive as they're all easy enough to acquire but with limited and rarer loot in the S.A? It's gonna be so much worse. On the flip side if you have these items yourself you're more likely to KoS simply to avoid any potential for being killed yourself.Another good reason for the removal of the higher end weapons. Players would still just as easily be able to kill each other with the more common (and more likely to be available) standard military arms. The SA will still cater for PvP, in fact as stated, it will potentially be more common. Bring it on. Only you'll have to see the whites of your opponents eyes when you pull the trigger... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rifle Eyez 34 Posted March 26, 2013 (edited) Another good reason for the removal of the higher end weapons. Players would still just as easily be able to kill each other with the more common (and more likely to be available) standard military arms. The SA will still cater for PvP, in fact as stated, it will potentially be more common. Bring it on. Only you'll have to see the whites of your opponents eyes when you pull the trigger...I agree with you, but then the issue lies with balance. I hope if high end weapons are removed then the civilian weapons are just as common. If all firearms are made rare to the point melee becomes 50% of PvP (i'm speculating here) then the old adage ''in the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is king'' comes into play. At least in the mod you can quickly find a enfield/winchester, hell even a double barreled shotgun or m1911 in one loot run through a city to defend yourself. Imagine a group moving along the coast with automatics while the best you can find is a melee weapon..Hence why removing high end gear is a thankless task if you cannot find a basic firearm yourself. I'd rather the tiers be similar to the mod than high end removed and melee promoted. A ak 47 is pretty high end when you're facing 3 guys with baseball bats from 50+m away.I must admit though, in the....nearly 9 months i've played day-z, believe it or not I've been one shotted along the coast (balota/electro/cherno) only a handful of times maximum. What they should do is make ammo more rare to the point you actually have to ration high end ammo. Currently in the mod with all the admin abuse, duping and scripting down the lines pretty much every as50 camper ALWAYS has 5/6 5rnd nato mags, and a m4 cco sd in their bag with 5 mags. In the S.A this should be sorted. Additionally, make sniping from 500m+ much more difficult, then at least if you do get nailed it's more ''sweet shot'' than ''pull out duped rangefinders, press page up, point, click''. I do enjoy the aspect somewhat of ''if i run across that field, there's every chance some dude is camping with a 50 cal'', it added so much suspense sat in a bush debating on just running and zig zagging. However the TDM'ing around cities is understandably not the direction the S.A should go..Although maybe the mod has in fact warped my mind in some respects. I do have more fun with lower end gear, but having home servers with camps and access to high end gear on demand maybe has spoiled me and come the S.A I will realise the as50 bashers were right all along. Who knows? Edited March 26, 2013 by showtime Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xianyu 820 Posted March 26, 2013 (edited) I'm amazed at your skills. Just because you're on servers that have adjusted loot tables and find everything to be plentiful means that the weapon should be removed? I like the idea that magazines will be entities and you will have to maintain them as well as manually load them. I think it's going to change the way people play a lot. Though maybe not seeing the new inventory system which will allow us to carry a lot more things.Though, as standard with anything on forums. If someone is complaining about something or wants something changed then there is an underlying reason. You finding them to be too common, hardly convinces me that is your reason. If you've only ever been shot 1-2 times in your experience playing the game, then obviously them being common on your server isn't that much of a big deal?You guys can petition and convince Rocket and the Devs all you want that every single thing you want in the game is overpowered, and not needed... and you know what? In the end, we'll have only a handful of guns and run around with tree branches and sling shots and no one has fun.I found them on a hive server. Once I started actively looking for crash sites (looking for a pair of NVG's, to be honest. And never found any) I started getting M107's and AS50's easily.As for being shot at? I can remember pretty much every time I've been killed in this mod.Sniped once at long range, shot in the face with an AS50 by a server hopper, and the rest are pretty much hack deaths. Died after being teleported to a hillside with everyone else on the server. I died after picking up a can of mountain dew to an invisible guy with what sounded like a M14 or DMR firing from a few metres away. Had a ghillie-guy teleporter run out of a tree directly besides me and my friend and spray us down with an M4. And that completes the 'deaths by other players' for me. Those are all the times I've ever been killed in PvP, off the top of my head.But yeah, I do want all the things I think are overpowered removed. But don't you agree that a gun that is perfectly accurate from 1 -1600 metres, kills in one shot to any part of the body, can destroy helicopters, is semi-automatic, and takes two different magazines, one of which is found is normal military loot fairly commonly, is a LITTLE BIT OVERPOWERED?As stated previously. What DO we need to have before you guys will admit that it needs to be removed? A farsight?I just don't think that anyone should be given the ability to EASILY kill another survivor at any range at any time without ANY effort on their part. What kind of game mechanic is that? It makes the game BORING.If you want sniping, you should have to put a long-range scope on an M4 and use it as a marksman rifle, rather than 'hurrr, I has 50 cal. you die now. durrrrrrrrrrrr'.Give me one good reason a one-shot weapon should be included in ANY game other than for destroying helicopters? Edited March 26, 2013 by Xianyu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Henryllex~ 407 Posted March 26, 2013 (edited) I do not want them to remove high powered weapons, because chernarus is a post war and has a handfull of Military bases, and with british insurgence in the war, i do see purpose of the as50, the thing is that we need ammo to be freaking hard to find,so when you find 5 rounds of NATO OR maganizes for them you can be like this: Edited March 26, 2013 by Henryllex~ 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites