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Skilled Vs Unskilled bandits

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I have been playing Day Z for quite a bit now. I have gotten really good too. I have started banditing quite a bit and I have gotten quite good. I decided to start playing Origins and I am sad to report that there are far too many unskilled bandits out there. What is an unskilled bandit you say? Shouldn't bandits just shoot on site? I say no. In daylight sure. But during the night time? Not at all. It is a lame tactic and it really is simply the sign of a poor player. Anyone...I mean ANYONE can grab a sniper rifle and sit in the dark and shoot someone who turns on a flashlight. But what fun is that? That means that pretty much nobody can play in the dark when they are a newbie. Too much risk. I stopped playing at night when I am in a new server because of the nightvision DMR campers.

So. What is a skilled bandit? Well. I was killed twice today and once was skilled and the other was not. If you are in US002 origins...I was kiled on the NE airfield by the DMR nightvision camper. He is up past the hangars and I have seen him there more than once. Kill him if you can lol. He was sitting in the rocks waiting and I looted all the hangars and was leaving the airfield. I stopped to check my position 1 time on my map and was shot dead in pitch black. That...is an unskilled bandit. I didn't know he was there. I was on the airfield and no chance of fighting back. No chance to surrender. Nothing. There is a special place in Day Z hell for those losers.

Now. The bandits that have TRUE skill are the ones who just did me in. I was in some town I had looted it and gotten an AK and plenty of gear and a nice pack. I moved from town to town. I was doing well. I drove up about 500m to a town (a little closer than normal...but this place didnt allow it). I moved in and looted it. As I came back to the truck...out of nowhere someone tells me not to move. THAT is a skilled bandit. Using the dark as cover...waiting at my vehicle...and NOT shooting on site. He tells me to drop my weapon and pack. I comply. I dropped my side arm too. He took EVERYTHING useful I had...even though he had it all already. I was on the verge of no food and no water. He then proceeded to give me a morphine and shot me in the leg. THAT is what a skilled bandit is. Doesn't just waste a player. He takes EVERYTHING the player has...and forces him to play from where he is. Doesn/'t give him a chance to respawn. My hat is off to that guy. Great bandit.

Yes the game needs bandits. And yes shooting on site is sometimes the only option. But when you have the drop on a player...dont be a wimp. Try and hold them up. I am sick of the scaredy cat bambi bandits. I LOVE being held up and I love HOLDING people up, Heck sometimes I do a reverse bandit and give people gear if they are fresh spawns so that they can grow and I can bandit them later. There aren't enough hold ups...there are too many wimp bandits out tthere. So I urge you guys...PLEASE PLEASE hold people up. Nothing quite as heart pounding as a hold up for the non bandit and the bandit.

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So.. you are complaining that someone didn't needlessly risk there life to 'hold you up' rather than taking the simpler option of shooting you?

Edited by Rossums
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unskilled bandits: people who can barely use anything other then as50's and m107 because it has zeroing and other sniper rifles dont.

skilled bandits: people who can use basically any weapon to kill their targets, even using the makarov. Also people who can engage multiple targets, groups of people by them selves, not necessarily using a sniper.

Edited by KC Pr3lLoX
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Choosing to make myself vulnerable out of some misplaced sense of e-honor has nothing to do with my ability to waste you.

If you can't handle dying, find another game.

Edited by Smith Comma John
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unskilled bandits: people who can barely use anything other then as50's and m107 because it has zeroing and other sniper rifles dont.

skilled bandits: people who can use basically any weapon to kill their targets, even using the makarov. Also people who can engage multiple targets, groups of people by them selves, not necessarily using a sniper.

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I very much agree. Shooters who can use anything are awesome. I can't shoot AKs well but I'm getting better. I actually love using the Enfield. Great weapon. I also love executing people with pistols.

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Choosing to make myself vulnerable out of some misplaced sense of e-honor has nothing to do with my ability to waste you.

If you can't handle dying, find another game.

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So you aren't good enough to hold someone up and then execute them before they try anything? Especially in a night time server? Come on man. Wasting people who can't see it coming?

You want to talk about not being able to handle dying? Talk to those bandits who risk nothing by sniping flashlight wielding newbies. Lol. Can't handle dying? If I had a problem dying I would be a cowardly sniper bandit. Instead I hold people up. I try to keep servers fun for the Bambi's do they get full and I can shoot them later.

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1. For all you know, the first bandit you encountered had been stalking you the whole time, and was just waiting for the perfect shot. Your death was YOUR fault, no one elses. That was YOUR lack of skill.

Also this:

Choosing to make myself vulnerable out of some misplaced sense of e-honor has nothing to do with my ability to waste you.

If you can't handle dying, find another game.

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1. For all you know, the first bandit you encountered had been stalking you the whole time, and was just waiting for the perfect shot. Your death was YOUR fault, no one elses. That was YOUR lack of skill.

Also this:

After coming back to BB I've given up my bandit play style. However you nailed that one Inception.

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After coming back to BB I've given up my bandit play style. However you nailed that one Inception.

I still remember when you hopped in my yellow hatchback at Mogilevka...gave me a scare, haha!


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I didn't know he was there. I was on the airfield and no chance of fighting back.

That is generally what you are supposed to do when sniping. Not give them the opportunity to fight back or see you.

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So in essence:

Skilled bandit: doesn't kill people

Unskilled bandit: kills people


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So in essence:

Skilled bandit: doesn't kill people

Unskilled bandit: kills people



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I stopped to check my position 1 time on my map and was shot dead in pitch black. That...is an unskilled bandit. I didn't know he was there.

That sounds like a pretty skilful bandit to me. He killed you stone dead, so quickly that you didn't realise you were under attack, and he then had a chance to loot your corpse at his leisure. Think of it as a learning experience. By venturing out in front of a known sniper position in a situation where you were disadvantaged, you basically killed yourself. The highwaymen were putting themselves at enormous risk of being killed either by your teammates or by other, less foolish bandits watching from the treeline.

In fact, he followed the advice set out by Sun Tzu in his classic Art of War - build for yourself an unassailable position, and then fall upon the weakest aspect of the opponent's forces with the speed and fury of a lightning bolt. "What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease. / ... his victories bring him neither reputation for wisdom nor credit for courage. In war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory."

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So you aren't good enough to hold someone up and then execute them before they try anything? Especially in a night time server? Come on man. Wasting people who can't see it coming?

You want to talk about not being able to handle dying? Talk to those bandits who risk nothing by sniping flashlight wielding newbies. Lol. Can't handle dying? If I had a problem dying I would be a cowardly sniper bandit. Instead I hold people up. I try to keep servers fun for the Bambi's do they get full and I can shoot them later.

You have yet to make a case for why I should 'hold you up.' I don't play this game so that you have fun, I play this game so that I have fun. I will KOS everyone I see who isn't on voice comms with me because there is no good reason not to and there are several compelling reasons to shoot first and ask questions never.

If you find yourself in a straight-up firefight after you had the drop on your opponent, that means you fucked up. If you chose to talk to your victim and let him know that you're there, and he kills you, it is your fault for being a dumbass. I take advantage of people who do this shit all the time, and have no interest in joining their idiot ranks.

You are clearly just mad that you got shot by people with DMRs and NVGs. I'm sorry this makes you so angry. Just kidding, I think it's pretty funny.

Edited by Smith Comma John
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No no no. Does kill people. Doesn't just camp an airfield in the dark and snipe Bambi's. that is not skill. There are really good bandits out there. Then there are those weak guys who are afraid of a little close quarters stalking.

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So you actually believe in camping an airfield just sniping Bambi's in the dark? I mean if YOU can't take and sneak up on someone with no nvgs in the dark that is terrible. I've done it. Holding people up is like the greatest bandit stalking feat. If you can't do it ok...snipe Bambi's in the dark. I'm sure it is real fun to shoot people who have no chance, and you must be real unafraid of dying so you choose to stalk them within 400 m and snipe lol.

I don't mind being sniped. I really don't. Daylight sniping is awesome. Honestly KOS daylight doesn't bother me. It rarely happens to me...mainly out of luck...but partly because I try to be slow and steady. The guys who are terrible bandits are the ones who pull out nvgs and KOS night time Bambi's. You know this. Play or fun for you...but I'm telling you....you stalk a Bambi to point blank and hold him up and you will have way more fun than a quickie airfield snipe with your dmr and nvgs.

I knew I would come off as being against bandits. I play as a bandit. I also don't hate dying. It makes it fun. What I detest is people acting like it is talented/difficult/skilled to night snipe a Bambi/fresh spawn.

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I like how half the people here are actually agreeing that the sniper was a "bandit". No that was just a KoS player aka Call of Duty player.

What takes more skill people? Managing to sneak up behind someone at gunpoint and forcing them to drop their stuff? OR just sniping someone easily?

Actual bandits use skill and cunning. Nothing really cunning about sniping someone who is not near your loot area. The whole point of being a bandit was taking supplies from a player and then leaving them for dead back then at least for me. Heck i actually applaud this bandit for actually giving away morphine and not walking away to leave you 'alive' but suffering.

^ Now those types of bandits were terrifying. . .and these kids these days just KoS anyone just make me shrug.

"Oh no....now i respawn with full health, food, temp, and thirst. How terrifying of you. Oh and thanks for the chance at finding you much easier now"

rather than

"Crap...i'm in the middle of nowhere with a broken leg and no supplies, this will take fricken forever but at least I'm alive. By the time i get this leg fixed he/she probably already has left the area/game."

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What I detest is people acting like it is talented/difficult/skilled to night snipe a Bambi/fresh spawn.

Nobody is doing this. However, the rest of us don't have moral qualms with it because this is a video game. You are claiming that anyone who has shot someone with a DMR and NVGs is 'unskilled' when that just isn't logic. Just because Kobe Bryant has scored points from the free throw line doesn't mean that he only shoots free throws. Getting to DMR/NVGs is kind of a goal simply because having those two and playing on a night server makes you a god compared to those without NVGs. I doubt that any players spend all of their time camping the NWAF with NVGs and a DMR because that's just boring. Mostly because night servers generally have low populations. At any rate, you give the game away when you say that sniping in daytime is somehow better. If i'm in a sniping position, night or day, you won't see me.

You also still have yet to make a case for why anyone should bother playing it that way. You say its fun? I disagree. I don't think holding up other players is fun, I think that it is stupid. If you find it fun, great. Knock yourself out. You payed money to play this game, do you. I'll do me and I'd appreciate it if you would grow your perspective enough to understand that people's play styles and what they enjoy doing are going to be as unique as every other aspect of their personality.

Edited by Smith Comma John
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I like how half the people here are actually agreeing that the sniper was a "bandit". No that was just a KoS player aka Call of Duty player.

What takes more skill people? Managing to sneak up behind someone at gunpoint and forcing them to drop their stuff? OR just sniping someone easily?

Actual bandits use skill and cunning. Nothing really cunning about sniping someone who is not near your loot area. The whole point of being a bandit was taking supplies from a player and then leaving them for dead back then at least for me. Heck i actually applaud this bandit for actually giving away morphine and not walking away to leave you 'alive' but suffering.

^ Now those types of bandits were terrifying. . .and these kids these days just KoS anyone just make me shrug.

What a load of crap.

Here is a scenario for you:

My friend and I are at the North-East airfield, he is busy looting the barracks while I am positioned nearby to make sure nobody decides to give him a surprise.

Suddenly 2 players appear in the distance, both armed, but not as well as I am.


Okay, so you are trying to say if I were to shoot these players I am a 'KoS' player and unskilled?

You'd rather I let them approach and lose the element of surprise just because it takes more 'skill' ?

I don't need loot from them, I'd leave the corpses, I'm armed better - letting them come closer is a simply a stupid move, no more, no less.


Putting yourself needlessly at risk to prove some naive and misplaced sense of honour is just ridiculous.

Edited by Rossums

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What a load of crap.

Here is a scenario for you:

My friend and I are at the North-East airfield, he is busy looting the barracks while I am positioned nearby to make sure nobody decides to give him a surprise.

Suddenly 2 players appear in the distance, both armed, but not as well as I am.


Okay, so you are trying to say if I were to shoot these players I am a 'KoS' player and unskilled?

You'd rather I let them approach and lose the element of surprise just because it takes more 'skill' ?

I don't need loot from them, I'd leave the corpses, I'm armed better - letting them come closer is a simply a stupid move, no more, no less.


Putting yourself needlessly at risk to prove some naive and misplaced sense of honour is just ridiculous.

Thank you.

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