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DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

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Yesterday they did more motion capturing...

I think to get the Z's anims. proper.

But hell the fact that theyre doing mocap means , no release too soon.

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Looking at the work gone into it from the Rezzed and E3 videos I can now more than understand all the time it has taken to get this far.

As far as Zombie / Infected games being dated and getting old, Dead Rising 3, Last Of Us and others are proving otherwise. I don't think players will get bored of this genre any time soon, Developers know players like mindless killing and no better way of doing this than a Zombie version of their games via DLC and Mods.

I wouldn't say the genre is getting old. Or no lets say I think while the zombie genre is what it is, it is the survival genre that is on the rise. That's the core gameplay, zombies/infected are just a very good vehicle to drive it forward. A DayZ style game in the universe of Metro or Stalker I would buy in an instant.

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Yesterday they did more motion capturing...

I think to get the Z's anims. proper.

But hell the fact that theyre doing mocap means , no release too soon.

concerning motion capture :

Changing weapon while moving was one of that which we captured today (and a major priority)

(posted on reddit)

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If people choose to pay the price (If there is one) to access the Alpha and not contribute to actually making it better, then you may aswell go play something else, Dean has already said that the Alpha isn't going to be catering for people that just want to play for a few shits and giggles.

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I disagree budheadz, I'm glad they've waited and taken time. Think of it like a house, they decided to concrete the foundation instead building it on dirt. Its created options, now you can build whatever you'd like on the foundation and it will no longer be washed away or cave in after 6 months. We should congratulate them on the progress they have made. I understand the need for constructive feedback but its reaching the level of bickering about the colour of the curtains on the second floor when we are yet to complete the scaffolding. Nevertheless i am one eager beaver for its release.

Yeah, dont get me wrong. im all for a good foundation, and for the standalone to be the best it can be when it finally hits... however long it takes. What im not gone on, is the vague info being given on a release date/dates we'v all had to bare with since last december. Thats been the most annoying thing.

Youd think theyd know exactly (and im not saying they dont) what they want accomplished before the standalone is unleashed on the public, and how long that would roughly take, maybe narrowing it down to a 2 month window for release. as in, look at what needs to be done, look at the amount of man power you have, estimate the amount of time it will realistically take. Maybe its all down to politics going on in the background though, or maybe they'v just genuinely been adding more, and more stuff with limited man power, and thats whats pushing release back.

Its not a massive team working on the project, but the fans deserve a release date at this point even if its christmas. That would be sweat.

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the fans deserve a release date at this point even if its christmas. That would be sweat.

I'd rather have no release date and the SA released next month than an announcement next week for a release in christmas...

just sayin'

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I understand that Dean does not want us to tell the magical week when DayZ is supposed to release. He does not want to get too much players for the start, it would most likely overload the servers. But he told us all he wants to be transparent. And if he really wants to be absolutly transparent, then he has to tell us that magical week, no matter if it's just a guess or a final release week. Transparency can not be hold up with secrets.

Edited by Wayze

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I understand that Dean does not want us to tell the magical week when DayZ is supposed to release. He does not want to get too much players for the start, it would most likely overload the servers. But he told us all he wants to be transparent. And if he really wants to be absolutly transparent, then he has to tell us that magical week, no matter if it's just a guess or a final release week. Transparency can not be hold up with secrets.

NSA knows and the guy who tried to leak the release date is holed up at the Moscow International airport transit-zone, or so we are lead to believe.

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not trying to complain a shit ton just saying Zombie craze is dieing off a bunch would be nice to see you guys capitalize on the huge craze

I wouldn't say it is dying but the longer DayZ SA takes, the more competition the game has to go against. Games such as 7 Days to Die and The Dead Linger show a lot of potential for stealing some of the DayZ spotlight.

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Have you guys seriously missed this ?

Here he's talking about the timespan of an week, BEFORE the end of june, a month which he's been talking about for a long time.

They have a working build so stop giving them excuses to stall the game even further.


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How pissed is the community going to be at me for saying that my interest is fading fast?

I don't understand why they can't release the damn game. They've already prepped all of us that it will be buggy. Why not release it and commence to fixing bugs behind the scenes while we all play and report back?

Seriously, does anyone have a good reason why this game isn't out yet?

Edited by DrGonzo

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"yeah so- I guess the big question the lot of people have is 'when are we actually gonna get this out' and-ah the-the period where we are, we-we've set a date now, a like window about a week, and we're not gonna, we're not gonna say when that is because we-we originally we'd gonna release them and 50.000 keys increments but we decided to do- kind of everything all together and-ah so we really wanted to focus so that the architecture is good so that we can get things back." -- Rocket Dean Hall @ Rezzed 2013-06-23

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Yup, it's not ready.

However much we hate waiting and however much we say we're willing to accept bugs etc (rest assured there'll be rivers of tears flowing through the forum due to bugs) there's still certain elements that simply have to be in place both logistically and technically. That's just a fact and no level of frustration on our part will change that.

I disagree that intrest is fading. When the devs are quiet for a while so is the community. The recent explosion of hype and activity following E3 and Rezzed shows that the interest is still very much there.

Edited by Fraggle

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Yup, it's not ready.

However much we hate waiting and however much we say we're willing to accept bug etc there's still certain elements that have to be in place. That's just a fact and no level of frustration on our part will change that.

I disagree that intrest is fading. When the devs are quiet for a while so is the community. The recent explosion of hype and activity following E3 and Rezzed shows that the interest is still very much there.

Fraggle, you can usually cheer me up, so thanks for trying. I didn't mean the community's interest was fading, I was referring to my own interest. There's a lot of cool looking, extremely time consuming, games that I'm waiting on playing in hopes of DayZ SA release. Most of the games I want to play are ones that Dean has been promoting. I feel like if I move onto something else now, I won't buy into the alpha. I'm just not sure. I'm holding out for some kind of news. I feel like the first week of July is going to be it. Edited by DrGonzo
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Yup, it's not ready.

However much we hate waiting and however much we say we're willing to accept bugs etc (rest assured there'll be rivers of tears flowing through the forum due to bugs) there's still certain elements that simply have to be in place both logistically and technically. That's just a fact and no level of frustration on our part will change that.

I disagree that intrest is fading. When the devs are quiet for a while so is the community. The recent explosion of hype and activity following E3 and Rezzed shows that the interest is still very much there.

I agree with Rocket, hype and interest is irrelevant.

Its word of mouth that sells games like this. Hardcore gamers tell their friends their experiences, and the level of quality to be found in a particular title, then the information spreads and the sales catch on.

The DayZ mod, Dark Souls, Rogue Legacy (Top Seller on Steam right now), Hotline Miami, FTL, Chivalry, etc, etc. These games all appealed to the hardcore fan base, word of mouth spread and they sold like wildfire.

I think around October or November of this year, when all of the major bugs are getting fixed and new content is being added, the hype and interest will start to pick up major steam.

Fraggle, you can usually cheer me up, so thanks for trying. I didn't mean the community's interest was fading, I was referring to my own interest. There's a lot of cool looking, extremely time consuming, games that I'm waiting on playing in hopes of DayZ SA release. Most of the games I want to play are ones that Dean has been promoting. I feel like if I move onto something else now, I won't buy into the alpha. I'm just not sure. I'm holding out for some kind of news. I feel like the first week of July is going to be it.

You can only help yourself by holding out.

Play some awesome games that you pick up during the Summer Sale while you wait. Jump in around August/September and experience a much more complete game. Rocket said he would not raise the price until Beta, which won't be for a while.

Edited by Grief.exe
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I moved on from the mod months ago. There's loads of decent games around atm to enjoy. Because I've got so many to enjoy I'm not sitting here hanging on every word Rocket says, I'll just be pleasantly surprised when it released.

I've been playing Dark Souls, Arma 3, KSP, Don;t Starve and loads of others. I think the key to not being frustrated is to just accept that they'll do it in their own time. People keep saying it's been so long in development but it really hasn't especially when compared to almost every other game out there. The Only mistake Rocket made was by talking about a release last Xmas (that was for a ported mod, not a full new game with all the features they're adding now).

If interest does fade then so be it. If they release an awesome game then that interest will soon be rekindled in my opinion.

Edited by Fraggle
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However much we hate waiting and however much we say we're willing to accept bugs etc (rest assured there'll be rivers of tears flowing through the forum due to bugs) there's still certain elements that simply have to be in place both logistically and technically.

Would be really nice if you could actually tell us about the logistical and technical issues they work on. Maybe after you tell us we could be more reasonable.

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I agree with Rocket, hype and interest is irrelevant.

Its word of mouth that sells games like this. Hardcore gamers tell their friends their experiences, and the level of quality to be found in a particular title, then the information spreads and the sales catch on.

The DayZ mod, Dark Souls, Rogue Legacy (Top Seller on Steam right now), Hotline Miami, FTL, Chivalry, etc, etc. These games all appealed to the hardcore fan base, word of mouth spread and they sold like wildfire.

I think around October or November of this year, when all of the major bugs are getting fixed and new content is being added, the hype and interest will start to pick up major steam.


I seriously can't wait any longer, they pushed 2-3 updates into the steamdump for DayZ two days ago and I was hyped as hell, this thing has been taking forever and waiting an additional 6+ months is totally unrealistic.

Edited by SpecOpSpruce

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Would be really nice if you could actually tell us about the logistical and technical issues they work on. Maybe after you tell us we could be more reasonable.

Most people are being reasonable already.

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Most people are being reasonable already.

Great response! I feel like being discriminated for my bad english. ^^

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Great response! I feel like being discriminated for my bad english. ^^

Not sure what you mean? Your English is fine.

Edited by Fraggle

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I didn't mean reasonable, but couldn't find another word for it. Probably "understanding" would fit better.

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I didn't mean reasonable, but couldn't find another word for it. Probably "understanding" would fit better.

Have you even watched the alpha videos? The zombies are horribly buggy.

No one's discriminating you for your English, so calm down.

Edited by colekern

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Have you even watched the alpha videos? The zombies are horribly buggy.

No one's discriminating you for your English, so calm down.

I think he's calm. I think "discriminating" was another word he picked because he had trouble finding the right one. He's saying that he thinks people would be more patient and understanding if they had more of an idea of what's going on. Not that they're being completely unreasonable.

To this I'd say that the development team has been quite open about what they're working on and what they're planning on working on. There's no reason they need to update us every day on what they're doing. Just have some confidence in them, be patient, and remember that there is nothing requiring them to tell anybody anything and they don't mind if some people are mad enough about that to not play the game.

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