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US 420 Dallas VANILLA DAYZ SERVER! Newly Opened, Staying Till Standalone.

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4 hours to fix a heli, cant find rotor, fill jerrycan, refuel heli, fill jerrycan, refuel heli,fill jerrycan, refuel heli,fill jerrycan, refuel heli,fill jerrycan, refuel heli,

tons of times. Was going to take it off and hide somewhere near before the fuel goes all out. Crashed into a tree. D A M M I T.

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4 hours to fix a heli, cant find rotor, fill jerrycan, refuel heli, fill jerrycan, refuel heli,fill jerrycan, refuel heli,fill jerrycan, refuel heli,fill jerrycan, refuel heli,

tons of times. Was going to take it off and hide somewhere near before the fuel goes all out. Crashed into a tree. D A M M I T.

I wish I had hung around for that.

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I played on this server last night and it was great. It honestly brought back some of those original feelings I had while playing dayz. Yay, there aren't barracks every five feet!

Only issue I had was when I logged out and back in once my backpack was gone. Not sure why that happened. I'm going to hop on again tonight for a bit.

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Posted this in the trading thread as well:

I've got a bunch of weapons I'll be giving away later tonight, assuming my gear is still there and nothing comes up that prevents me from playing.

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Holy shit, that's was an awesome time i got.

I was alone at NW airfield, damn zombies broke my leg and made me get some "forced sleep", hehe. When i come back, i was with 0.01% of the life.

Killed all zeds, used the band-aid thing, crawled all the way to my bike, and took off.

These vanilla thing can be hardcore aswell brothers!

Edited by towhook

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Would the coward who murdered me at the Solnichniy gas station please stand up, we'd all like to know who deserves the award for outstanding achievement in the field of gutlessness this year.

You shot a man with a hatchet as he was fueling his vehicle, unable to move and posing absolutely no threat.

I guess you're a shy one, it's all right and I forgive you, but be sure to pat yourself on the back wherever you are, you earned it.

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Ouch sounds like its getting brutal out there!! I sent my motherboard to ASUS and am awaiting confirmation and info on the RMA status. Hopefully I will be back on in a week or so.


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Me, generic and mailbox at NW airport, going to meet some guy at the command tower. PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW, lots of DMR fires, and the guy who was on the command tower was dead. The killer aborted, but i know where he was. When he come back, i saw him at the light tower (that metal things all over the airfield, he was on one of those.)

Ak-74, 2 bullets to the head. He's dead.

I dont got his nickname, but he got some script or hacked items drunk. I'll keep it, but if you want i will delete ir or something. Thanks.

(the item i think its hacked is a couple of ak rounds SD)

Edited by towhook

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Buuuuuuuuump it!

Its morning in the game guys, server is empty. Best hour to get started. Lets go, head to cherno, grab some gear, and lets roll bros!

Edited by towhook

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Yeah SD AK ammo is not in DayZ, I will check the logs and ban accordingly. Thanks!


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Yeah SD AK ammo is not in DayZ, I will check the logs and ban accordingly. Thanks!


Thanks punk, hope you get bak ASAP to the game. Good luck with the pc.

Edited by towhook

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Seems the server crashed, this appears to be at least the second day in a row this is has happened, and I believe at around the same time as yesterday. Coincidently, I was actually in the same town both times.

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Wow, I didnt even realize there was a thread on the forum for Dallas 420. Glad to see all you guys here. Generic- I got a bullet with your name on it as a thank you for blowing up my UAZ.

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Seems the server crashed, this appears to be at least the second day in a row this is has happened, and I believe at around the same time as yesterday. Coincidently, I was actually in the same town both times.

I'm pretty sure that this crash is the second one today.

Edited by xGenericName

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Give me more info. Crashing how? Loss of connection and then it reboots? How long is it down for? Does it save before it goes down? It's hosted by a remote company, I will send them an email and ask if there is an issue.

Also I noticed some worry last night about the Machette item. That item is in the game and is legit. It was added with last patch.


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Also I do apologize about the crashing. I'm looking into it today for you guys. I am still out a PC right now or I would have caught it earlier. Thanks for your patience and enjoy your time on Dallas 420!


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I hope this server is still up when I hopefully get this game this summer it looks good.

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Update. Just heard back from my hosting company. They are in the process of mitigating a series of DDoS attacks on all US based servers. Unfortunately hackers and script kiddies enjoy messing with the DayZ community. They are on top of it so you can expect server stability to be restored soon.


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Drunk, i was placing my CCO on my tent, and taking 1 of the 2 M104 (sniper .50), and i was kicked (batleye)

when i come back, both of the m104 was gone, my CCO duplicated (one was on the tent, one with me).

I lost 2 m104 and 14 m104 mags...

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WTF drunk, you banned mailbox? Someone stole your admin tool? WTF!!!

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Will check it today when I get home. It might have been a false positive from my Gotcha Anti-hack. I will remove it ASAP. About the M104... What was the # on the kick reason? M104 should be legal. If I can find where it kicked you I will replace the M104 + ammo. This will require you to log off with room in your inventory to hold both guns + ammo. Also if you could provide me with the day and a rough estimate of the time of day it will make it easier to track down.

On the bright side I got an email from ASUS saying my motherboard is being shipped back! Hopefully the problem is fixed and I will be back on in a few days.


Edited by Drunkpunk082

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