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US 420 Dallas VANILLA DAYZ SERVER! Newly Opened, Staying Till Standalone.

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Yes they all have the black smoke and at night they even emit light like its on fire. Much easier to spot them at night. Always in open fields, you won't find them in the middle of a bunch of trees. Find a car of some sort and it will make finding them much easier.

About the hacker... Do you know what day/time that happened? Names of anyone you suspect? Name of your friend? Need more info so I can search the logs and find out if I need to ban someone.

Yea jamal dude is hacking up a storm some type of bomb went off my whole screen went white for a while then i heard a chopper and saw him get teleported and in regards to my friend it was yesterday maybe 3-5pm PST time

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I think you guys got a script kiddie on there, some random things going on like vehicles spawning (including a tank).

Edit: Didn't see the report above at first, sorry.

I also saw a dog, but I wasn't sure if they had been added to the game, I knew they were planning to at some point. I remarked on it in direct chat because I thought I heard a player, didn't know the talking was coming from the dog until now.

I also saw "jamal" get banned by anti-hack for teleporting, but when I checked the playerlist before logging out, they were still ingame. This all happened about half an hour ago, when I first posted.

I have banned several players just today. Do you have any idea who the dog was? I have banned jamal (for the second time, he came back with a new GUID), two DZM members (one was hacking, the other is associated with him so he gets the ban hammer too), and about 4 others that were running scripts. Please keep reporting anything unusual you see here and I will do my best to catch them.

Unforturantly this game is very easy to hack and this world has too many 12-18 year old kids living in there moms basements with more free time then they know what to do with. I just wish one of these punks would show up at my door so I can stick my fist so far up there *** they couldn't sit down for a week. I mean what benefit do they get from ruining others attempt to have fun....

I will not tolerate this, all of my bans are reported to the community and I will be very aggressive with this.


Edited by Drunkpunk082
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I have banned several players just today. Do you have any idea who the dog was? I have banned jamal (for the second time, he came back with a new GUID), two DZM members (one was hacking, the other is associated with him so he gets the ban hammer too), and about 4 others that were running scripts. Please keep reporting anything unusual you see here and I will do my best to catch them.

Unforturantly this game is very easy to hack and this world has too many 12-18 year old kids living in there moms basements with more free time then they know what to do with. I just wish one of these punks would show up at my door so I can stick my fist so far up there *** they couldn't sit down for a week. I mean what benefit do they get from ruining others attempt to have fun....

I will not tolerate this, all of my bans are reported to the community and I will be very aggressive with this. A warning to all the script kiddies out there.. I've been hacking COMPUTERS for 15 years, and although I have much better things to do with my time if you screw with my player base or my server I WILL find you, and your computer will not be happy I did.


awsome thanks for being on top of the server makes it that much better if u find that hacker who almost made me lose my UAZ let me know ima shove his head so far up his @ss who ever pulls it out will be crowned the next king arthur

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Jamal was the only one I knew was doing anything, and only because the name came up when the anti-hack message appeared. When I saw they were still in game later, I figured they were the one spawning in stuff, but I had no idea the dog was part of it until reading the other reports here.

You can never stop them all, but you have my beans for trying, sir.

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Yes they all have the black smoke and at night they even emit light like its on fire. Much easier to spot them at night. Always in open fields, you won't find them in the middle of a bunch of trees. Find a car of some sort and it will make finding them much easier.

About the hacker... Do you know what day/time that happened? Names of anyone you suspect? Name of your friend? Need more info so I can search the logs and find out if I need to ban someone.

took your advise searched the fields from restart to restart last night night time only person online didnt see 1 crash site i think i have bad luck i went all the way north and even over to gorka on the prowl still

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I don't think so. I have found the fire they emit in the rain before. Now do keep in mind that this is a vanilla server. There are I beleive a MAX of 3 heli crashes per server reset. These crashes have the best weapons and equipment available so they are not real common. I have the server set for 3 hour restarts and it has a chance to spawn a new heli crash every 15-45 min. There are maps on google of suspected crash sites but in reality they do not have set spawn points. They will appear more in the large open fields. The area around the NW airfield and Stary Sobor are good places to search. We have only found 3 crashes in like 3 weeks and I normally have 2-3 people, in cars, searching. So they are there, just hard to find.

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I don't think so. I have found the fire they emit in the rain before. Now do keep in mind that this is a vanilla server. There are I beleive a MAX of 3 heli crashes per server reset. These crashes have the best weapons and equipment available so they are not real common. I have the server set for 3 hour restarts and it has a chance to spawn a new heli crash every 15-45 min. There are maps on google of suspected crash sites but in reality they do not have set spawn points. They will appear more in the large open fields. The area around the NW airfield and Stary Sobor are good places to search. We have only found 3 crashes in like 3 weeks and I normally have 2-3 people, in cars, searching. So they are there, just hard to find.

yea i found one, then last night i saw one go down west of the air field WAYYYY in the distance but it was pouring and i ran straight to it but couldnt find it or see the fire, i did find 1 2 nights ago and you were right they are deff easy to spot at night lol looks like a damn tac nuke went off huge mushroom cloud

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Looking to trade some gear for either a pair of NVG's or a Rangefinder message me on here for more info and what i have to offer

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Wish I had some to offer. We have yet to find any elite weapons, GPS, rangefinder, or NVG. Sounds like your better geared then we are! My buddies found the first working helicopter yesterday! Sad thing is they went to meet up and by the time they got back the chopper was no where to be found. They aren't real sure where it was so either there is a chopper hiding somewhere or someone found it and hid it. Either way I know what I'll be doing for the next few days, chopper hunting!

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dang yea i just lost my atv yesterday 3 dudes jumped me and my bambi buddy i killed one but they got my buddy and my atv it had enough parts to fully repair any chopper and 7 jerry cans on it

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So hostile that group of urs drunk haha that you guys chasing me from stary toward the air field with the m107 and the dude in the ghillie

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Hah that was you?! Sorry man lol. Yeah we ran someone over for sure. That was a fun night. We are on the prowl, beware all that enter Elektro!

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yea your welcome for the ghillie and m107 took me a week to get hahaha who had the ak they hit me twice luckily didnt knock me out

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I tried out your server. During the authentication process, it said that something went wrong and that I should disconnect and try again. I'm in debug land and can't abort because it says I can't when close to other players. There's no one in the server but me. Little help here?

EDIT: The only other option was restart. I didn't want to do it because I thought it would make me lose my gear. After a couple minutes, I said screw it. I've been thinking about starting from scratch anyway. Lo and behold, that option didn't work either. I got the same "can't abort when close to other players". I had to force close Arma 2 to get out of there. Hopefully, I'll be able to play a bit after I get off work tonight.

EDIT #2: Tried again and it's working fine. I haven't played in months and I've since gotten a new graphics card. I forgot this game looks so amazing.

Edited by Dagoth Wit

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Glad you got it all working. Haven't had any other issues reported so everything server side should be good to go.

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Did tent spawn rates get nerfed hard or something? My friends and I have been playing on this server for at least two weeks and none of us have seen a single tent. We've checked Cherno, Elektro, and Berezino apartments, offices, and grocery stores multiple times, even doubling back across town when the loot respawns. We've gone looking for camps and haven't found any pitched tents either.

I'd be willing to trade my ghillie for a tent at this point.

Never mind, finally found one.

Edited by Cochese

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Sorry for a double post, but we encountered a problem and I wanted to make sure the thread was updated.

My group has a couple vehicles, one is irreparable. We get the options to make repairs, and the parts get used and we get the success message, but when we check the status the damage indicators have not changed. Refueling does not make the gauge move at all, either.

Tonight, just after the script kiddie posted the Justin Beiber banner, we saw that the fuel in another of our vehicles had reset to almost empty, and we had just refueld before the attack. We assumed the rollback had reverted it to last save state, before we filled up, so we refueled again. Now it seems to have the same problem, and no amount of gas registers on the gauge. It is slightly damaged, but we haven't tried repairing it yet, though I suspect it wouldn't work now.

We wanted the admins and everyone to be aware of this, and we wanted to know if anyone also notices issues with their vehicles. My friend suspects the rollback triggered the bug, but I'm not sure, since there hadn't been a rollback to my knowledge before we found the first vehicle I mentioned. I hope there's a way to fix this, it's one thing to lose vehicles to other players or poor driving, but it would suck to lose them to a glitch or not be able to use new vehicles at all.

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Sorry for a double post, but we encountered a problem and I wanted to make sure the thread was updated.

My group has a couple vehicles, one is irreparable. We get the options to make repairs, and the parts get used and we get the success message, but when we check the status the damage indicators have not changed. Refueling does not make the gauge move at all, either.

Tonight, just after the script kiddie posted the Justin Beiber banner, we saw that the fuel in another of our vehicles had reset to almost empty, and we had just refueld before the attack. We assumed the rollback had reverted it to last save state, before we filled up, so we refueled again. Now it seems to have the same problem, and no amount of gas registers on the gauge. It is slightly damaged, but we haven't tried repairing it yet, though I suspect it wouldn't work now.

We wanted the admins and everyone to be aware of this, and we wanted to know if anyone also notices issues with their vehicles. My friend suspects the rollback triggered the bug, but I'm not sure, since there hadn't been a rollback to my knowledge before we found the first vehicle I mentioned. I hope there's a way to fix this, it's one thing to lose vehicles to other players or poor driving, but it would suck to lose them to a glitch or not be able to use new vehicles at all.

We have also encountered the refueling bug on a few of our cars. Mainly the Military Offroad Jeeps. It seems as if they still get full with gas because I can run one empty and then put a can in it and start it back up. Keep in mind some of these cars can take ALOT of gas. I think the Military Jeeps take 50 jerry cans to fill it all the way from empty?

The repairing I am not sure about. I have not encountered that on any of our cars or trucks yet.

That being said, we did have all 3 of our cars vanish over the last 48 hours. The strange thing is the server still lists them as valid vehicles. So I will be doing a repair/refuel to ALL vehicles tonight to attempt to fix all of these issues.

Let me know if it works for you.


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It's unfortunate for all, but I'm also relieved we're not the only ones with the problem.

No time tonight, but I'll check in the morning if it worked and let you know.

Thanks, I speak for my team and say we appreciate the speedy help.

Edited by Cochese

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Wow, great. I played the vanilla dayz since the start, at 2012. I'm back now, i'm glad there's a private hive w/ good admins.

You guys should make a whitelist for players, maybe this is the best way to avoid hackers. Thanks.

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Has there been a nerf to compass spawns? I swear I've never had this much trouble finding one. Navigating chernaurus on foot without one can be difficult.

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