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Run slower without shoes on.

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i think that without shoes on you should run slower, this is because the floor is filled with foreign objects that cut in injure you as you run. so realistically you would be running slower. this makes shoes an important part of the game than. because when you find shoes you will get that small speed boost which can help you in many ways.

what you guys think?

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Then why is it when i run in RL without shoes i run alot faster?

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Then why is it when i run in RL without shoes i run alot faster?

Is everyone in real life you?

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Is everyone in real life you?

So everyone else has bitch feet? :)

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Is everyone in real life you?

Well, if it's on a hazardous object-free surface, everyone will run faster without shoes. Less weight.

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Then why is it when i run in RL without shoes i run alot faster?

take into consideration that this is after an apocalypse, there is junk everywhere. stuff on the floor, you wouldn't be running to fast. yes it is true that if it was like a gym floor you would be running faster, but in say a forest where there is tree branches and stuff... you would be getting cuts alot.

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Well, if it's on a hazardous object-free surface, everyone will run faster without shoes. Less weight.

Well, quite honestly, not really true, Me being a track athlete i can run MUCH MUCH easier AND faster with shoes because it doesnt hurt my feet as much and it gives the needed support

Edited by *Exile* Sami
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Well, if it's on a hazardous object-free surface, everyone will run faster without shoes. Less weight.

My town is full of glass, junk and occasional needle.


no excuses Inception.

*tut tut*

Edited by GOD™
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Well, if it's on a hazardous object-free surface, everyone will run faster without shoes. Less weight.

lol you repled faster and with same response. nice!

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but this idea also gives a good meaning for shoes. it gives it actual purpose. much like the coat keeps you warm in cold weather. the shoes keep your feet safe and make you run faster

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also it would be really nice to see that ridding a bicycle without shoes makes you go a little slower too. why? because if you ever tryed it you would know that the peddles hurt because they have tiny spikes on them designed to grip shoes.

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also it would be really nice to see that ridding a bicycle without shoes makes you go a little slower too. why? because if you ever tryed it you would know that the peddles hurt because they have tiny spikes on them designed to grip shoes.

just dont put your feet on the spikes.

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I think weight should be factored in as well.

Because most players often carry a weapon in their backpacks(most likely a sniper), equipped with a primary and secondary weapon + equipment and if not wearing shoes would make you run faster, then that wouldn't make sense with all that gear to carry.

If objects would be a harm for your feet, then you're only risking safety over faster traveling.

The bottom line is; I don't think this should be integrated. It's fine as is.

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Shoes/running relation is a good idea. If clothes/cold is implemented I don't see why they would have trouble with that. The trick is to not elaborate too much, (like different items have different qualities for such indicators). Otherwise we will end up having all people dressed similar and bandits going to killing sprees for a good pair... by the way, have you seen the new adidas technology? :-)

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If I were to go by his Twitter posts, Rocket is a sneaker lover (stated he was cleaning his sneaker collection on St. Valentine's day) so... he may be down for this.

I would like this. A good pair of boots for the burdened survivor, and sneakers of different styles to those who spend more time running lighter.

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Nah, just make it say "FUCK DAT HURT" when you step over a glass shard.

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Nah, just make it say "FUCK DAT HURT" when you step over a glass shard.

And it should "break" your leg DayZ style...

Barefoot can't be less healthy than using shoes but people use shoes to have their feet protected just in case or else they wouldn't have invented shoes for every possible purpose because that makes it easier for the modern human because we are not used to walk barefoot anymore ( we wear shoes from early childhood ). Some might be tough and ccan walk barefoot but i don't think you could walk around just the same way with a 25-50kg backpack on you and it also depends on the surface you are walking on. The best surface to walk barefoot is on a "natural" surface.

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Shoes/running relation is a good idea. If clothes/cold is implemented I don't see why they would have trouble with that. The trick is to not elaborate too much, (like different items have different qualities for such indicators). Otherwise we will end up having all people dressed similar and bandits going to killing sprees for a good pair... by the way, have you seen the new adidas technology? :-)

ya i agree. the whole point to this idea is to try making clothing items actually mean something other than looks. for them to actually have a use that give you a realistic advantage.

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Then why is it when i run in RL without shoes i run alot faster?

Because your a hillbilly? :)

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