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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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bug report:

*hatchet spawned ammo when dropping weapon. (previously stated)

*hatchet kills animal/zombie and it flies away. (previously stated)

*swinging hatchet at wall, destroys some buildings/fences. (not all servers)

same with some smoke grenades.

*GPS, range finders, ghillie spawns very very easily? (dnt know if stated.)

ideas: gameplay & remove bugs?

*make melee weapons as secondary weapons, so we can have rifle AND melee. (otherwise melee will soon become unused, i would not like to program something just so its going to be unusable in near future)

*melee ammo(?) with 0% probability to spawn?

other than that, keep up the VERY good work you're doing.

*rare loot make it rare again, food and drinks, decrease spawn rate, makes it a better game, when u have good weapons u will not look for anything in supermarkets/safe houses, decreasing food and drink spawn chances makes ppl search for more loot. (hunting and lakes will be needed much more)

and keep up the VERY good work you're doing

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Im going to ask again' date=' how i am going to harvest wood now?


Yea I was wondering the same... I also noticed my wood gather hatchet/axe is now gone from my inventory.... wonder if you just have to find wood piles now? which is a pain in the ass...

So now to cook you have to find a animal which is % then find a wood pile wich is %... overall hunting/cooking may have just became beyond a pain in the ass.

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[quote name="

vv211]as for me' date=' i'm still on 1.7.0. i usually see what people are saying about the updates before i decide to try them, or so i know what to watch out for. wasted a good couple hours in looking for loot that doesnt spawn :P

i also made a new folder on my desktop with backups from 1.7 and so i can always switch back if i feel the need


Yup.. 1.7.0 is the last version that worked for me, still playing it between failed attempts at loading the latest patches.

Careful not to rename the addons folder and leave it in the @dayz folder, if you use six updater, it will delete the files inside.

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Another terrible update where cons outweight the pros.

The night is darker than usual and zeds are still spawning altogether inside buildings.

I think you're the first person in this thread to call it terrible. Also.. it's Alpha (yup' date=' said it again). If you didn't find problems.. then it wouldn't be an Alpha would it?

Go post bugs in the bug forum.. complaining about gameplay because you're playing it like it's an end product is pointless.


Another terrible update where cons outweight the pros.

The night is darker than usual and zeds are still spawning altogether inside buildings.

Well if it isn't Mr Constructive... Look man - the game is likely to get even more hardcore before he's done so maybe look elsewhere' date=' or rephrase in a useful fashion.


There comes the army of fanboys bashing whoever criticises the mod.

Am i the first one to complain about it?. Wow, now thats just great. :sleepy:

Just because i disagree with some of you it doesn't mean you have to insult my intelligence or denigrate my post. :rolleyes:

No, with respect, it's just the manner in which you posted - i read your post and see nothing but complaining - if you're that anti how this is going, then you're unlikely to be satisfied by the end product. If you had said something constructive and potentially useful then that would have been great. And if being a fanboy means taking issue with your kind of post - well fine, then I'm a fanboy. I just really enjoy the mod and the gritty direction it's going. I just don't see what you want to achieve with your post.

Right said my bit, won't waste anymore space in the thread.

I loved this mod until rolled out and totally killed the experience for me.

As much as i enjoyed playing it, i have over 100 hours logged in and over 10 videos or so uploaded on YT, i just can't stand it anymore.

I wish i had enough free time just to sit on my ass 10 hours at day so i can play all day this mod and gather all the stuff, but now its almost impossible and some of us want to have fun for a while, not spending all day in some sort of IRL Survival Zombie apocalipse simulation trying to find a can of bean.

I know this is the mod i been dreaming all my gaming life, but its sad to see it heading in the wrong direction.

This is not some random trolling post, but a frustrated player who can no longer enjoy something i used to.

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Ahah this is great. "Zombies will now see you from miles away and run straight at your face. To counter this, we have implemented a nuclear-powered hatchet with which to launch zombies and farmyard animals into outer space."

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I feel the axe is way to powerfull. I can kill individual zombies in two hits. I can kill them in one hit if they get knocked back and fall to thier death. Melee weapons are fun but I suggest you make the mechanics so handguns are very much prefered over them. I belive melee weapons should be a last resort or a weak starting weapon to counter single zombies.

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I'm enjoying the gameplay, except I can't seem to find a stable server. I presume this has to do with the patch. I've been on five servers that have timed out on me. Rocket, please check up on this.

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Im going to ask again' date=' how i am going to harvest wood now?


Yea I was wondering the same... I also noticed my wood gather hatchet/axe is now gone from my inventory.... wonder if you just have to find wood piles now? which is a pain in the ass...

So now to cook you have to find a animal which is % then find a wood pile wich is %... overall hunting/cooking may have just became beyond a pain in the ass.

The hatchets on the ground looking like ammo are a bug. You can actually find a legit hatchet, it looks like a hatchet on the ground. It is a primary weapon now though, which is of course a PITA because you can't easily carry a proper primary and a hatchet with you now. But it makes sense to a degree, right? I mean, this "hatchet" is as long as my arm. rocket should rename it to "axe".

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is it possible to make it so you can somewhat see, but lock the gamma and brightness completely? This way everyone will have the same amount of brightness at night, and i don't have to turn up the gamma and brightness just to be able to see what is in front of me. It sucks because i have no choice but to turn both up to full at night, or the screen is completely (and i mean COMPLETELY) pitch black. The flash light is too bulky, so i don't have it on me unless i just spawned, and flares are still kinda dim.

At least the night maps are playable now.. i just like to complain a lot i guess..

Overall, good job.

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So is there really no way to unequip a hatchet and put it in your bag, or am I missing something?

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* [NEW] Tone Mapping to enhance nightlighting conditions


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Rocket' date='

"[NEW'] Tone Mapping to enhance nightlighting conditions."

So after trying out the it seems it's possible to turn a nearly pitch black night into a black & white with nearly as good visibility as if it was daytime. Is there no way to fix this? Are there only these two choises, either pitch black or suffer the gammawarriors? This only benefits the cheaters so, in my opinion it should be an even ground for everyone. That is if upping gamma/brightness to 1.5/2.0 is concidered as a cheat of course. .....................

A tough dilemma to overcome. Unless he can (not sure) limit how high the Gamma can go (maybe similar to how he set the grass to always be visible, even if you set "Terrain detail" to "Very Low") I see him having to make it closer to your second image where everyone can at least see like a really bright full moon lit night. That would keep things balanced at least. Not nearly as scary and dreadful when you can see everything though.

On second thought he might be able to lock everyone to the "Normal" HDR setting which is what currently turns on magic night vision (for me at least). Even with Gamma to max with HDR on "Normal" it is still pretty much pitch black terrain. At least it is this way on my GTX 570. Not sure about other cards.

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I'd like to suggest that melee weapons are simply one of the 'passive' slots at the bottom of your inventory (e.g. hatchet from before) and they serve to chop wood/break fortifications depending on type, and you press 'F' to switch to them as you would with a flare.

To make up for how useful they are - they would be far less powerful, perhaps their only affect to 'stun' a zombie (i.e. it falls down but will revive again in several seconds), allowing you to make a hasty escape when needed but not allowing you to wipe out a whole town in no time at all.

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I am in a pitch black server at night time right now and turning up the gamma and brightness to maximum does nothing; the night is still solid black.

Are you possibly joining servers that do not have the beta patch installed?

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I keep getting no message received or this server is not running the correct dayz server code over and over on every server I join. I have reinstalled dayz with the torrent, six updater and a manual install and I have reinstalled the latest beta for arma 2. I have tried servers still on and servers with

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Servers crashing ever 20 minutes or less, really lame cant get anything done.

Edit: And its alot of servers, the last 6 I have been on have crashed, come back up, and then crashed again

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The patch may have added a lot of cool stuff that I can't wait to try out, eating being the one thing I can't wait to do. But it has made the game unplayable so far with the crashes and server code issue.

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Servers keep crashing with no message recieved and then counts down. Has happened three times now.

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My friend and I loaded into a server, pitch black. We didn’t have any flares, chem-lights, flashlights.

Luckily I was in the forest so I gathered wood and made a camp fire. We made a trail of campfires to a nearby town and fought off zombies we ran into while we pierced the darkness to light another fire.

40 minutes of running back to get more wood and maintaining our trail we managed to make our way to the supermarket and find some flares.

Without a doubt the most difficult thing I have had to deal with in game lol. I’m just glad that nobody happened to see our highway of campfires and come end our adventure.

It was a fun experience, one I wish to never have to repeat.

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Maybe make hatchet = handgun spot

Crow bar = rifle spot

Make hatchet's reach half of what crow bar is?

I do think a weapon melee should take one of the gun locations.

Melee = choice of player play style.

If melee is being seen as ammo maybe the ammo value for crow bar and hatchet weapons could represent uses? Ie after a crowbar is used say 5-10 times it breaks.

By using ammo value as use/ durability then this will keep the melee weapon from being OP.

Melee is basically a silent weapon but there is cost to it like having it break.

This would mean you would need to have a smaller hatchet for wood collection or when you find it you cane choose for to be weapon or tool?

If you keep hatchet as weapon and plus a get wood tool, solution for those who don't want to lose a gun weapon slot for hatchet-

At the locations where you see an Axe in tree stomp- player can scroll wheel over it and select chop wood. This would be like going to a water hole/well.

I am unsure how many of these axe in tree stop locations they are so this might make it to easy to gather wood?

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Servers keep crashing with no message recieved and then counts down. Has happened three times now.

yep, it happened to me a few times too

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Servers keep crashing with no message recieved and then counts down. Has happened three times now.

yep' date=' it happened to me a few times too


Same thing has happened to me and a buddy on the 6+ servers we've tried. Could it possibly be due to the Hatchet and Crowbar "ammo" that seems to duplicate itself on the ground a shit ton?

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i need to call you rocket whats your cell I need a hotfix i cant play this amazing mod!

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