ZlobaRUS54 441 Posted April 10, 2013 Right I don't have the time to be able to do a full dev blog update, however here is an update in brief- At the moment I am following up from meetings at PAX/GDC, keeping Dean updated with development progress, keeping external artists tasked, Ivan Buchta (The Lord Mayor of Chernarus) is helping me a large amount on the design side while Dean is away.- Our Programmers are still working on the client/server architecture, radios/VOIP and solving several bugs.- In house art cell are working on path lods in buildings to improve zombies movement in buildings and texture passes on assests.- External art cell, working on a couple of weapons, some more clothing items and some items.- Our animation cell, are working through a backlog of animations we want to do.- SenChi with the help of Ivan are going through existing towns now and making improvements through changing layouts slightly and such.I'm sorry for the lack of communication, I've just been exceptionally busy.See, it wasn't so hard, now was it? :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mzltv 2281 Posted April 10, 2013 Shouldn't have to apologise mate - I'd rather you were busy with the standalone than busy spell-checking a Dev Blog. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted April 10, 2013 Thanks for the info Matt :beans: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DZR_Mikhail 2424 Posted April 10, 2013 Right I don't have the time to be able to do a full dev blog update, however here is an update in brief- At the moment I am following up from meetings at PAX/GDC, keeping Dean updated with development progress, keeping external artists tasked, Ivan Buchta (The Lord Mayor of Chernarus) is helping me a large amount on the design side while Dean is away.- Our Programmers are still working on the client/server architecture, radios/VOIP and solving several bugs.- In house art cell are working on path lods in buildings to improve zombies movement in buildings and texture passes on assests.- External art cell, working on a couple of weapons, some more clothing items and some items.- Our animation cell, are working through a backlog of animations we want to do.- SenChi with the help of Ivan are going through existing towns now and making improvements through changing layouts slightly and such.I'm sorry for the lack of communication, I've just been exceptionally busy.RU Translation / ПереводВ общем, у меня не очень много времени для создания полноценного поста в блог, но я могу немного вкратце кое-что рассказать:В данный момент я занимаюсь подведением итогов с выставок PAX и GDC, сообщаю Дину о прогрессе разработки, раздаю задания внештатным дизайнерам, а Иван Бухта (Повелитель Чернаруси) помогает мне очень много по дизайну карты пока нет Дина.Наши программисты все еще работают над клиент\серверной архитектурой, радиосвязью и VOIP и фиксят некоторые баги.Ведется разработка лодов путей в зданиях для улучшения перемещений зомби в интерьерах и текстур интерьеров.Идет работа над несколькими видами оружия, парочкой предметов одежды и других предметов.Работа над анимацией идет по плану.SenCHi и Иван шерстят все населенные пункты и улучшают их, оптимизируют расстановку зданий и т.п.Прошу прощения за нашу молчаливость, но мы были исключительно заняты в последнее время. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted April 10, 2013 Good stuff indeed.I'm locking this and will create a new thread with the above info for clarity.RgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites