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Just Some Ideas Stuck Inside my Head for DayZ

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So I've been thinking about ideas for DayZ. I'm probably using this part of the forum for the wrong idea. But hopefully my intention is correct.

* Perhaps a radio in a few parts of the infected world of Chernarus.

Positive - There are two way radios. If you pick up one. You could send someone a message from the other end.

Negative - The radio makes a loud static noise. Zombies would be able to hear you if you traveled with it.

Sad Part - Most people would be using social software like Skype to talk to other people.

* To cloak yourself in zombie flesh (The Walking Dead's idea Season 1 Episode 2) Using your hatchet to chop the zombie.

Positive - When you cloak yourself you could completely disguise yourself in rotten filth.

Negative - If you ran too fast, the zombies would be suspicious and run after you - When it rains (Just like in The Walking Dead episode) the blood would wash away. And the smell would just go away and the zombies would be able to smell your clean skin and blood.

* A new animal: Horses, being able to use an animal to travel somewhere.

Positive - You could ride your horse to travel to specific locations.

Negative - It acts like your character. Needs to be fed - It gets tired - Zombies can attack the horse and will die - Bleeds when hurt - Legs can break -

What do you think? Let me know!

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Use the search, these have all been brought up before.

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I like radios, the zombies aren't really 'dead' and rotting so that might urk a few Censors. Horses have been discused, think the problem was getting the animations right so they got at least tabled.

Zombies are avoidable if you know how to use stealth.

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* A new animal: Horses, being able to use an animal to travel somewhere.

I wanna horse. Or a pony. I wanna ride around like a Soviet border guard.


Q: Have you looked at implementing horses?

A: We have looked seriously at horses, the main issue is one of animation. Our CEO (Marek) really wants horses but there is a pretty serious issue with horses, like don't act like cars when going up hills.

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I think all of these things have been suggested before, except maybe the horse riding part.

If horse riding is implemented players should be required to tame wild horses, and the steering of the animals should be realistic, as in holding q would make your character increase the speed, z would pull back on the reigns, a and d to the sides and so forth. The horse needs to handle like a vehicle is what I'm saying. The horses would have to be fed as well.

Also, the title of your thread is horrendous. I almost told myself to completely ignore it because the title gave me no idea of what the contents were going to be. When you start a thread, mention the things you are going to talk about in the title.

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I wanna horse. Or a pony. I wanna ride around like a Soviet border guard.


Oh damn. I suppose there are other ideas that aren't getting noticed and are probably really good.

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i heard they were gonna put some Tesco Quarter Pounder's in... arnt they similar to a horse

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I wanna horse. Or a pony. I wanna ride around like a Soviet border guard.


A brony riding a pony? Sounds legit.

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