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I will pay YOU $20 for the life of...

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You can't handle the truth!!!

Edit - I got ninja'd and now look kinda silly.

Edited by Fraggle

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I wanted to talk to someone at BB about more events like the Race on UK 46 and livestreaming.

I will attempt to arrange discussion time for you if possible.

Back on topic.

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So is Cody also Commander Smith or something?

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Isn't that wasteland?

EDIT: Derp. Noticed the icons on the right.

DOUBLE EDIT: Those are the old icons on the right. Timeline doesn't add up. Nice try! :P Can I suggest some kind of timestamp requirement?

BB is still on (most servers) and I highly doubt Steak is going to play on any other servers.

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So is Cody also Commander Smith or something?

No idea, just likes throwing money down the drain I think.

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Should've said that the body needed to be burned, so you could be all like, "I like my Steak medium rare". Lawl, im funni.

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OP seems quiet. Hopefully he's just getting his card details.

Edit - Maybe he keeps his wallet REALLY far away from his PC so the delay is understandable I guess. Time will tell.

Edited by Fraggle
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I apologize I was out taking care of some personal business. But there is no proof in stumbling across a body. Video or it isn't a legit kill. MSI Afterburner allows you to take video and it is free. I may have neglected to post this in the body of my original message but there is no 'proof' in a screenshot of a dead body. There is no proof that you fired the shots, there is no proof you killed him, it could have been zombies that killed him and left him next to that fence.

Next time make sure to get him upright and a screenshot of the "has been killed" message.

Edited by Cody TheLibrarian

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I apologize I was out taking care of some personal business. But there is no proof in stumbling across a body. Video or it isn't a legit kill. MSI Afterburner allows you to take video and it is free. I may have neglected to post this in the body of my original message but there is no 'proof' in a screenshot of a dead body. There is no proof that you fired the shots, there is no proof you killed him, it could have been zombies that killed him and left him next to that fence.

Fair enough.

How does an actual statement from Steak saying that I killed him sound? Or everyone that was with him at the time?

But anyway, you should be able to judge from side chat. In the chat I had claimed the kill, and no one objected.

In fact, everyone that was on the server at the time was in the same Teamspeak. I'll get word from them if you want it as well.

Edited by Inception.
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Send me the teamspeak Inception. I mean, it's suspect but I'll pay just to show I'm serious.

The TS IP?


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First dr, wasteland now steak, what the hell did they do wrong?

I saw the other thread but no real proof was given.

Anyone care to fill me in?

Edited by burritoman259

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i beleive the op should pay up. i thought wow awesome a bounty on someone with an actual reward. but looks like hes just another internet shit talker. if he pays i take it back. otherwise, i dont know.

you never asked for video proof. and if he can get the people from the game to confirm it that should be more then enough.

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His death was swift and painless.

This contract is over.

EDIT: NO Fraps not your kill

Does thou even lift?

Brethern raise thy fisticuffs!

Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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Has he paid out yet? I'm looking forward to the next bounty. Surely I'm worth more than 20 bucks.

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Shot me down out of a helicopter with 50 cal

And it flew into the barn killing Star :D

Thy fisticuffs haveth been raised!

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Wait I agree with OP you never killed me Brethren no Fraps no kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raise thy fisticuffs I live again!!!!!

Fraps only shites worth 20$ better get fraps for it. Also Inception no name changing to get close ;)


Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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I think I'm gonna come and kill you this time just to wrap this up nice and quickly. We can split the winnings and feast on a steak dinner. Nommety nom.

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If you attempt to place a bounty on me, your head immediately explodes because no mind can think of a number high enough worthy to be my bounty.

Edited by Rage VG
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EDIT- I'm still alive inception screenies no count fraps only

Wait what?

I killed you...you know I killed you. Star knows I killed you. Everyone that was on the server at the time knows I killed you.

I used fraps to screenshot it. I can't record because of my shitty computer--I play on 250 ping on that server, remember?

And OP didn't say anything about changing names. He just wanted the kill with evidence.

Edited by Inception.
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> I will pay you TWENTY AMERICAN DOLLARS over paypal for proof of the sympathizer Steak and Potatoes' death.

> If you can live stream I will pay you DOUBLE for the kill if proven while livestreaming!

> If any cheating is suspected you will get no reward. This bounty must be fulfilled by March 5th.

this request doesn't state any requirements concerning name-changes, videoproof or the kill having to be done after a certain date.

The Bounty is given out, for the first one to bring "proof of the sympathizer Steak and Potatoes' death."

It doesn't even say that you have to kill him for yourself. The only requirement here was to prove his death.

Inception fulfilled these requirements. Not paying him would be a breach of contract.

According to international law, usually any contract made, is to be seen in favor of the party that didn't draft it. Any requirement not included into the original agreement therefor are risk of the party who drafted the contract.

Not to mention, that a huge amount of movies should have shown us all, that not paying the guy you hired to kill someone, is usually a very very bad idea. :-)

(edit: yeah, yeah.. i know, no contract may contain any illegal action anyway, but anyone seen a courthouse in chernarus? didn't think so!)

Edited by liquidmind
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