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Friendly PVP Server with AI Bandits and Trading Zone.

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Just spoke to Tim and he told me he is never gonna do transfers again. He says i have to purchase my own server. So i was wondering if you still have the scripts hayward used on you computer. because Tim does not have anything anymore, he deleted everything.

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so if ya could add me on skype (Aeregon) then we can transfer some files.

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Guys. im gonna start up a new server for the people of this server. Please add me on this forum and send me a mail if ya wanna get in contact with me.

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Guys its Danny here,

I am now the owner of unit487 along John Smith.

Aeregons server will now be irrelevant.

The new ip is:

Databases and scripts all stay the same !

Add me on steam: Deamhan

New admins will be sorted

Server is still being sorted !

Edited by Aithri

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-deleted- <-- bad connection

Edited by Aeregon

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Why isnt there anyone on the server? I already found an offroad :D

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Guys its Danny here,

I am now the owner of unit487 along John Smith.

Aeregons server will now be irrelevant.

The new ip is:

Databases and scripts all stay the same !

Add me on steam: Deamhan

New admins will be sorted

Server is still being sorted !

I was playing in today and it seems that the server is now only pure vanilla dayz with all advantages on ( like vehicle/zombie tags) and no UNIT487 scripts, right? Are we going to get the good old UNIT-server with all the scripts back or is that it? If so, Im sad and will cry like a baby, because it was the best gaming experience that any videogame has ever given to me! Thanks for Hayward and all the other gyus who made that possible, you know your shit!

Anyways, have a good summer!!

Best regards,


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Thanks for Hayward and all the other gyus who made that possible, you know your shit!

Anyways, have a good summer!!

Best regards,


It was all my hard work, 3 months of solid script hacking, researching, hair pulling and a few tears. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much and I'm terribly sorry that it's gone, Other stuff has taken over in my real world and the Summer is now as well , so I have no time for staying indoors :P

Have a great Summer :)

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Thinking of starting Unit487 back up again.. Will need donations to help with the upkeep and renting.. As I've not heard anything since Danny took it over, and the last thing i did hear on the grapevine was that nothing works anymore, along with the number of requests I get from the old regulars.. I'm game if you guys are? Probably will take a couple of months to rewrite the scripts etc for the latest release, but we'll get there ;)



Edited by urbanskaters

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- AI Bandits / Survivors (Hunt the AI , not each other)

- Side Missions (Random missions with good loot as prizes)

- Base Building (Epoch)

- Self Bloodbag (with chance of infection , timeout and not in combat)

- Vehicle Tow / Lift .

- AI Trading Centers

- More to come, as always...


IP: or search for "D.O.G Clan" the DOG is my old regiment motto "Death Or Glory" ... 


Oh yeah, did I mention it's DayZ Epoch v1.0.2.4

Edited by urbanskaters
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Hey, good news ...

At the moment I am not so much in gaming, so please sorry my absence.

But I will visit the new server tonight!

I am glad that you start again!


See you later

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HAYWARD! EPIC! i was thinking to check if unit487 was coming back again. and now it is?! awsome. 




About unit487, As far as I played. server never came completely off the ground. I offered to take over but others seemed to want to do it, seems it didnt work. Couldnt contact others who wanted to play again. So i gave up more or less.

Edited by Aeregon

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