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DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

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Some people on here are being legitimately stupid. Like, seriously.

So some names make the game less immersive? Are you serious?

So having to reload an axe doesn't break your immersion?

So finding nothing to drink but Coke, Pepsi, and the same canteen of water every single time doesn't break your immersion?

So being able to find a .50 and shoot it like a pro as a civilian doesn't break your immersion?

So having a zombie not even hit you, but break your leg doesn't break your immersion?

So having a tree break your leg and kill you by standing near it doesn't break your immersion?

FFS, people need to get a clue, or get out more, or get friends, or something. Jesus.

Edit: 50th post. Shame it had to be wasted on such a stupid shitstorm :(

Edited by Masterfocker
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I'm not telling anyone anything - the clue is in the line "I really think...."

Its called an opinion - something we allow around here.

Then why are the team brushing aside legitimate user concerns about some aspects of this update?

I take it its just the names within the menu system you don't like ?

Moreso than the objects on the ground themselves, yes. Though I would prefer at least a semblance of realism in those as well, the actual can designs etc are very good, the way the whole thing has been excecuted? Poor.

Edited by Lewbot
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Hello there

I *know* this is the update thread but there are other things to discuss other than the food issue.

Can you take the food discussion here (to it's own thread) and concentrate on other issues to do with the Update here?




Edited by orlok

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I'm not telling anyone anything - the clue is in the line "I really think...."

Its called an opinion - something we allow around here.

Then don't be an ass about other people's opinions yourself and tell them that you think "they should get out more", makes you look like a bit of a hypocrit.

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Realism is an important part of the game for me, some of the food and drink additions are not realistic and negatively impact my play experience.

As I said in the rest of my post, I enjoy the new features and I think the team have done a good job with them. However I do not like the food and drink changes for the above mentioned reasons.

There's no need to be an ass about my opinion and feeling just because it differs with yours, however seeing your response gives me greater insight into how these items were added in the first place.

Dont trust your insight. The mods had nothing to do with these additions. But dont let the truth get in the way of your conspiracy theory.

As for being an ass - well the fact that the whole update has been hijacked by some people complaining about food items and totally disrespecting the work the mod devs have put in starts to grate after a while.

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I can confirm that replacing the 5 createVehicle line with:

5 createVehicle !"\"createVehicle\"," !"createVehicleLocal" !"createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder\", _iPos, [], _radius, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_fire = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_object = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"if (_height < 100) then {\n_bolt = createVehicle [\"BoltSteelF\", _endPos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bolt setPosATL _endPos;" !"_tent = createVehicle [\"TentStorage\", _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_tent setdir _dir;" !"if ((random _int)>2.2) then\n{\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (getpos _v);\n};" !"exitwith {};\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (_v modelToWorld _effect2pos);\n} foreach (_list);" !"_bag = createVehicle [format[\"WeaponHolder_%1\",_item],getPosATL player,[], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bag setdir (getDir player);" !"_bag = createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder_ItemTent\",_pos,[], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bag setdir _dir;\nplayer reveal _bag;" !"_object = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_object setDir _dir;\nplayer reveal _object;" !"_item = createVehicle [_iItem, _iPos, [], _radius, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !"_item = createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder\", position player, [], 0.0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !"_holder = \"WeaponHolder\" createVehicle _pos;" !"_bolt = createVehicle [\"WoodenArrowF\", _endPos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !"_weapon = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !"_fire = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !"_weapon = _classname createVehicle _location;\n_weapon setDir _dir;\n_weapon setpos _location;\nplayer reveal _weapon;" !"dayz_hasFire = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];"

Has fixed my #20 kick for now. I run a private hive and have a custom scripts.txt file, so it would be helpful if the developers would provide just those lines that are effected. I find the initial support on this mod a little "as it comes" lately.. When people ask questions it would also be nice if the forum moderators in particular didn't gives stupid replies like "well, it works for me". Try helping and stop being a bunch of ignorant smart asses! :P

Edited by urbanskaters

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Some people on here are being legitimately stupid. Like, seriously.

So some names make the game less immersive? Are you serious?

So having to reload an axe doesn't break your immersion?

So finding nothing to drink but Coke, Pepsi, and the same canteen of water every single time doesn't break your immersion?

So being able to find a .50 and shoot it like a pro as a civilian doesn't break your immersion?

So having a zombie not even hit you, but break your leg doesn't break your immersion?

So having a tree break your leg and kill you by standing near it doesn't break your immersion?

FFS, people need to get a clue, or get out more, or get friends, or something. Jesus.

Edit: 50th post. Shame it had to be wasted on such a stupid shitstorm :(

No need to call anyone stupid over their opinion.

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I was curious about a feature that could be added (if even possible?). I have times when my ping will spike, be it from someone else on my internet or just my ISP being an ass. Anyways, just now (and numberous times before) I was flying around in a heli and sadly got kicked for high ping, and of course when I got back on my heli was crashed.

Is there -ANYWAY- that if you get kicked from a server or just somehow disconnect that all vehicles (heli and otherwise) can safely just assume a safe position instead of crashing and blowing up? Is that possible?

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I am going to sidestep the main issue and ask how the quiver has been implemented. Too many posts are talking about the relatively inconsequential food names that really do not have an effect on gameplay and very little discussion on the actual content. Either way I am going to patch tonight and test the new content, maybe even ransom some Fraggle O's if they are eventually removed.

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So finding nothing to drink but Coke, Pepsi, and the same canteen of water every single time doesn't break your immersion?

I swear, if this game were real life.. I'd have diabetes and no teeth by now.. No offence to anyone with diabetes or no teeth :D

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* [FIXED] - Hatchet and crowbar don't require reload anymore.


Seriously, thx . Looks like a nice update, cant wait for standalone.

2 Questions tho:

* [uPDATED] - Reduced Zed Running Speed. ?Reduced by how much?

* [REMOVED] - Chase combat logging systems removed. (Removed due to ealry warning of agro) ? so now we can disconect at any time ? If so, than thx i needed that B)

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I was curious about a feature that could be added (if even possible?). I have times when my ping will spike, be it from someone else on my internet or just my ISP being an ass. Anyways, just now (and numberous times before) I was flying around in a heli and sadly got kicked for high ping, and of course when I got back on my heli was crashed.

Is there -ANYWAY- that if you get kicked from a server or just somehow disconnect that all vehicles (heli and otherwise) can safely just assume a safe position instead of crashing and blowing up? Is that possible?

I was actually talking about this exact same feature with a friend today. We both believe that it wouldn't be difficult for the aircraft to assume an autoland procedure either on flat clear land to where you were kicked/logged or to the nearest airfield (say its an airplane for example). When the user logs back in, they should also be logged back into the vehicle ;)

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And I can confirm the food thing is a non-issue. The name is only in the description, and the picture you really can't see well, and most won't even pay attention to it, people are just complaining about an item description. The bigger variety of food items is nice and a welcomed addition, it doesn't mess with the inventory (In the inventory, they are actually just labeled by their food item) though I have to wonder...Who would make muffins in a can? lol

As for the actual update, I have to ask if the zombies really had reduced speed. I didn't see zombies being actually slower than me at all when I was playing, they would still stay on my tail, even seemingly catching up alittle bit at some points. Zombie hearing does seem to be off, as it seemed like when I was running by zombies, it was kinda hard to get their attention, then at other times, they'd definitely hear me and be right on me like usual. I couldn't tell if things were really better or worse.

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As for being an ass - well the fact that the whole update has been hijacked by some people complaining about food items and totally disrespecting the work the mod devs have put in starts to grate after a while.

...which means that even "Mountain Man" should realize that this was a failure.

Guys... this mod is not free, you need Arma 2 to run it. DayZ is an official trademark of Bohemia Interactive now.

I spent 20€ for Arma 2 to play this labeled trademark, this is the Alpha of the Standalone. Heck, Bohemia Interactive

is even advertising the Arma 2: Collection on Steam to be recommended for "DayZ". Arma 2 only sales because of DayZ.

Some experimentation is fine... but this food thing is just totally awkward. Basically I (and many others) already paid 20€ for DayZ.

So...Why should I have the forum moderators names on my food in the game?

This games has bugs, lots of bugs. It was said that the release date has changed to offer a more quality product but what

I do actually see it the lack of seriousness in the alpha development (DayZ 1.xx).


Some Moderators here do not seem to know that this word comes from "moderate".

Responses like "You should go out more" do show how the community is treated right here.

Edited by YassirX

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Some people on here are being legitimately stupid. Like, seriously.

So some names make the game less immersive? Are you serious?

So having to reload an axe doesn't break your immersion?

So finding nothing to drink but Coke, Pepsi, and the same canteen of water every single time doesn't break your immersion?

So being able to find a .50 and shoot it like a pro as a civilian doesn't break your immersion?

So having a zombie not even hit you, but break your leg doesn't break your immersion?

So having a tree break your leg and kill you by standing near it doesn't break your immersion?

FFS, people need to get a clue, or get out more, or get friends, or something. Jesus.

Edit: 50th post. Shame it had to be wasted on such a stupid shitstorm :(

Implying that the people who don't approve the food/drink changes also dislike the other new features?

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[...] this is the Alpha of the Standalone [...]

No. Standalone and this mod have nothing in common asset-wise and code-wise.

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Some people on here are being legitimately stupid. Like, seriously.

So some names make the game less immersive? Are you serious?

So having to reload an axe doesn't break your immersion?

So finding nothing to drink but Coke, Pepsi, and the same canteen of water every single time doesn't break your immersion?

So being able to find a .50 and shoot it like a pro as a civilian doesn't break your immersion?

So having a zombie not even hit you, but break your leg doesn't break your immersion?

So having a tree break your leg and kill you by standing near it doesn't break your immersion?

FFS, people need to get a clue, or get out more, or get friends, or something. Jesus.

Edit: 50th post. Shame it had to be wasted on such a stupid shitstorm :(

Again, you are nobody to tell people how to live their lives.

In argument to your points, you're implying the community don't find that immersive breaking also, we have a right to complain, because they're hindering the immersion in this case rather than improving it, which they normally do.

Edited by WhatTheFlup

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I do actually see it the lack of seriousness in the alpha development (DayZ 1.xx).

Please read the devblog. The SA is a separate project now, what you're playing here is a free mod. Lets try and keep this thread on topic please so that the devs stand a chance of unpicking this.

There is now a separate thread for beverage based complaints.

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No. Standalone and this mod have nothing in common asset-wise and code-wise.

...but Gameplay wise. The Alpha is intended to test the gameplay!

The gameplay is a very crucial part of the game. In fact there should only be Updates which are regarding Gameplay...

because the whole environment (graphics, animations and such) will change in the final game.

This food addition should have been uploaded with the final update, shortly before the Standalone goes life and

not during a important part of the development.

Edited by YassirX

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...which means that even "Mountain Man" should realize that this was a failure.

Guys... this mod is not free, you need Arma 2 to run it. DayZ is an official trademark of Bohemia Interactive now.

I spent 20€ for Arma 2 to play this labeled trademark, this is the Alpha of the Standalone. Heck, Bohemia Interactive

is even advertising the Arma 2: Collection on Steam to be recommended for "DayZ". Arma 2 only sales because of DayZ.

Some experimentation is fine... but this food thing is just totally awkward. Basically I (and many others) already paid 20€ for DayZ.

So...Why should I have the forum moderators names on my food in the game?

This games has bugs, lots of bugs. It was said that the release date has changed to offer a more quality product but what

I do actually see it the lack of seriousness in the alpha development (DayZ 1.xx).


Some Moderators here do not seem to know that this word comes from "moderate".

Responses like "You should go out more" do show how the community is treated right here.

Good to know your completely wrong. DayZ is free. It is a free mod. Yes, you have to buy ARMA2 to play it, but that is because it is a mod, the mod doesn't become something more because of that, it was originally designed to be for those that had ARMA2 already. The mod is also not the alpha, they are two separate things now as the standalone has basically rebuilt everything. It might've originally started out as that in the early days of the standalone, but now they are two completley different entities, the mod being community driven, the standalone having full developer support.

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...but Gameplay wise. The Alpha is intended to test the gameplay!

The gameplay is a very crucial part of the game. In fact there should only be Updates which are regarding Gameplay..

Stay on topic. Make a new thread if you want us to explain in depth what it is you're playing and at what stage of development this is at.

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Again, this is the mod.

The alpha of the SA is a different beast.

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