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DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

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I never had problems when i helped test and i drank plenty of rabbitman beers let me tell you.

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Guest Dwarden

to all these complaining about drinks ...

the most important Chernarus native drink, the KOFOLA ... is still missing


developed by inquiry of communism gov to manufacture counter to west *cola* infestation

it was actually success and quite healhty and refreshing one (doubt there any from central europe who don't know it)

after article are historical logos http://www.kofola.cz...kofola-historie


another great drink http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slivovitz

universal heating, healing, inners cleaning and wound cleaning drink :)

be warned

the strongest versions might instant kill weaker characters and newbies

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I have some issues with Script restriction #21. All the palyers are kicked during the loading.

Server OS : linux/ubuntu

The server was running perfectly with the

I installed the new patch then the food hotfix and updated the BE side filters.

(if you need logs, what file do i need to check)

I think its this one :

5.02.2013 14:45:24: [Q] Near ( 7365798184c7c5ca5e58b98734d8b4d5 - #21 " = getNumber (_config >> "onFire");
_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;
_object setPos _position;
_object setDir _d"

any idea ?

Edited by NOa

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Is it safe to say I should halt progress of the Fraggle monument I was hoping to have placed in the centre of Cherno? Too much?

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I'm having a 30 foot statue of me built in game (made from gold) so it shouldn't be an issue, Fraggle.

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And the renaming of the oh so boring NWAF to the "Demon Groover International Airport and Disco" will have to be put on hold.

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maan i totaly love every new item and respect all your hard work with modeling and texturing it. To all the D1cks out there do it better and start youre own Zombie Mod with only 1 Different kinds of soda.

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Wait, so my intergalactic ARGATRON cookieship won't be able to land at 'Demon Groover International Airport and disco'?

How can I deliver cookies to Rocket then? Do you want Rocket to work without them? Do you even DayZ?

'Rocket will hear about this!'

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Eh, this was a good update with more realism added in the form of crossbow quivers and combat roll limitations. I fully appreciate the work the team has put into the mod.

However, adding ridiculous food and drink to the game completely goes against the feel of Dayz. The realistic, immersive environment has been affected by these additions and I'm not happy with it. I fully appreciate giving credit to the team, but through way of ridiculousness such as what we're seeing here? I don't like it.

I'd ask you to reconsider the food and drink features of this update and change them to be more believable in the next. I don't believe the community as a whole is supportive of these changes and I believe it has negatively impacted my personal Dayz experience.

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  On 2/25/2013 at 10:22 PM, Elvaron said:

Wouldn't the opposite make more sense? Keep the texture to add some unique looks to the game, but name them all the same in the gear screen?

I think that's a great idea ! The textures look brilliant & go a long way in thanking those involved - it's the potential clutter in the inventory which people seem most aggrieved at.

If they could all be made as rare loot such as Mountain Dew, then they could become real trophies for can collectors :D and who knows maybe even a kind of currency.

Edited by Bobby Darin

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....... I believe it has negatively impacted my personal Dayz experience.

You are talking about a can of soda right? Not about the zombie pathfinding or the new features? A can of soda?

You know i really think some people need to get out more often.

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  On 2/25/2013 at 11:05 PM, WhatTheFlup said:

While I'm here, is there a reason on why the hub is no longer open to the public to edit and is now made private? Is there an announcement why anywhere or something? I thought the whole idea was that this was made publicly?

It is hit fork and edit away then create a pull request.

Issues can be found here


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Guest Dwarden
  On 2/25/2013 at 10:49 PM, NOa said:


I have some issues with Script restriction #21. All the palyers are kicked during the loading.

Server OS : linux/ubuntu

The server was running perfectly with the

I installed the new patch then the food hotfix and updated the BE side filters.

(if you need logs, what file do i need to check)

I think its this one :

5.02.2013 14:45:24: [Q] Near ( 7365798184c7c5ca5e58b98734d8b4d5 - #21 " = getNumber (_config >> "onFire");
_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;
_object setPos _position;
_object setDir _d"

any idea ?

how You copied the scripts.txt from the git repository, i hope it was raw file and not via browser select all and copy :)

continue with answers in this thread please


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  On 2/25/2013 at 11:06 PM, DemonGroover said:

You are talking about a can of soda right? Not about the zombie pathfinding or the new features? A can of soda?

You know i really think some people need to get out more often.

Who are you to tell people how to react and live their lives?

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  On 2/25/2013 at 4:38 PM, ninjan777 said:

Yes every crossbow should come with Daryl Dixon to ^^

i think the whole walking dead cast should be skins you can play as :D ...a man can dream.
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  On 2/25/2013 at 11:06 PM, DemonGroover said:

You are talking about a can of soda right? Not about the zombie pathfinding or the new features? A can of soda?

You know i really think some people need to get out more often.

Realism is an important part of the game for me, some of the food and drink additions are not realistic and negatively impact my play experience.

As I said in the rest of my post, I enjoy the new features and I think the team have done a good job with them. However I do not like the food and drink changes for the above mentioned reasons.

There's no need to be an ass about my opinion and feeling just because it differs with yours, however seeing your response gives me greater insight into how these items were added in the first place.

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This patch will eventually result in me dying of starvation because of refusing to eat brony food. Then again, if I ate it I'd die of cancer.

Edited by Nuubio
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  On 2/25/2013 at 11:08 PM, WhatTheFlup said:

Who are you to tell people how to react and live their lives?

I'm not telling anyone anything - the clue is in the line "I really think...."

Its called an opinion - something we allow around here.

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  On 2/25/2013 at 11:10 PM, Lewbot said:

Realism is an important part of the game for me, some of the food and drink additions are not realistic and negatively impact my play experience.

As I said in the rest of my post, I enjoy the new features and I think the team have done a good job with them. However I do not like the food and drink changes for the above mentioned reasons.

There's no need to be an ass about my opinion and feeling just because it differs with yours, however seeing your response gives me greater insight into how these items were added in the first place.

I take it its just the names within the menu system you don't like ?

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