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Thermite Charges...

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...For the quiet(er) destruction of vehicles/materiel and burning the crap out of other players who are too close? The downside could be a highly visible light at night.

My first suggestion...my apologies if it's a crap one.

Edit - I see it has been mentioned before. Should have done a search first, sorry. :facepalm:

Edited by Slugfoot

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rust off cars

aluminium filings off aluminium pots and pans

Magnesium ribbon - not so easy to find. Substitute in a flare - should burn hot enough to get it started.

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Railyards might have supplies of thermite for track welding purposes. It can also be manufactured like Hoard says...although this is a lengthy process and ffilings would probably not be fine enough.

Magnesium ribbon or flares would be unnecessary since it can be ignited with a mixture of Potassium Permanganate which is available at chemists, vetinary supplies(...and therefore farm sheds?). - It's an oxidant that's extensively used for disinfection and water treatment like removing the bad-egg smell from wells (so it's not at all inconceivable that it would be available in Chernarus) and Glycerine which is usually available in the cake making section of supermarkets. :D

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Hello there

Just to be clear when talking about improvised munitions, please don't go into full detail. Yes the info is available and "out there" but we don't need any "how to" guides here.

Use your common sense.



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Home made explosives, like a pipe bomb? Go into further detail.

Thermite is more incendiary than explosive and not really suitable for any type of 'bomb' as such. It's reaction is just very hot and the net result is a bright light, a cloud of aluminium oxide, sparks and a stream of molten iron that wrecks anything it touches.

As previously mentioned, it can also be used for welding and casting and might therefore be useful for repairing/making stuff...tools, weapons and such in-game.

Edited by Slugfoot
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Thermite is more incendiary than explosive and not really suitable for any type of 'bomb' as such. It's reaction is just very hot and the net result is a bright light, a cloud of aluminium oxide, sparks and a stream of molten iron that wrecks anything it touches.

As previously mentioned, it can also be used for welding and casting and might therefore be useful for repairing/making stuff...tools, weapons and such in-game.

Thanks. I was think more along the lines of a bomb. Not a tool.

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