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DayZ Solo or Team?

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Hey everyone. I was thinking, what would be better? Solo or Team. Iv gathered up all my thoughts on this and made a discussion.

Here are my thoughts.


More chance of staying hidden

Less communication

Less need of Food, Drinks and Ammo.

Less arguments on Guns, food, drinks, ammo, ect


More fire power

More helpfulness

More light in darkness

Being able to cover more ground.

So there are my thoughts. What side are you on and what are your opinions?


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It's safer to have a team, as if you come across other people you will stand a greater chance, but if you have the firepower by yourself you can probably deal with a small group yourself. I personally would travel alone normally, but have a few friends who you can be with if needed.

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I can play either way, but I personally enjoy playing with at least one other player. Playing with one or more other people will increase chances of survival if you guys know what you are doing. Playing alone can have it's benefits as well but I find that it can get boring after a while.

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People suck, so I play alone. I only come into contact with others when I'm dishing out Bloodbags (this always surprises people, because people suck).

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I agree with the pros and cones.

I think you're much safer playing alone, however there's great entertainment value in playing with others.

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I've always preferred to play on my own. I can constantly trust myself and I'll always know what I'm going to do. Never having to rely on others. Except for when I get knocked through a wall in the barracks and I require a blood bag.

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Both play styles are perfectly acceptable and one is not better than the other per say. It all depends on the environment.

Personally, I feel having at least a small squad 1-3 members puts you at an advantage over a solo player.

If you are on a high population server and running lone wolf you will be at a disadvantage when it comes to looting high value areas like air fields and military bases. Im not saying its impossible but without over watch you will almost certainly be killed while looting. Its always nice to have a squad mate to give you a BT rather than having to ask a stranger to meet you for one. In my experience its cake when running into a solo player because you can occupy them with one person while your squad flanks them.

When running solo you may not draw as much attention but other than that I dont see any distinct advantages when compared to having a squad.

Again some players can make due perfectly fine running solo they are true men and women of the wild but if I had a preference Id have a friend or two to run with.

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I go sneaky solo because that's more my style. Sucks if you run up against more than two well armed bandits, but on the other hand you can do whatever you like and don't have any obligations to other players. I just don't go to the two southern cities or the NWAF.

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I played lone wolf when I started. After I had a handle on things, I surivive for a good 3-4 months. I join a group of people, I die 5 times in one day. Do I regret it? Of course not, it was of the most enjoyable DayZ experiences yet.

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it's funnier playing with others..but you can always enjoy some time alone..and with private hives dilaguing it's even easier.

i usually play in two and i found that formula like the best for me

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I prefer to keep to myself, although I do share my camp with another person we are both solo and only act as a duo when it is necessary. We both contribute towards the camp supply count and we do coordinate but we never actually stay together outside raiding missions.

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I found teaming up was an amazing experience, you learn alot too, and the interactiveness is quality.

I became the team medic and still am and ventured to places I had never been too before.

My humanity went up and the longer you survive the more it means and the more careful you are.

I did solo for 2 weeks and kind of thought where am I going with this where teaming up gave us purpose of a group and team work.

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You are better equipped to survive as a team, can set up over watch for when you do raids towns etc. The social side is better obviously, lol as wandering the woods on your own can get lonely.

Playing on your own has more nerve racking moments though, your always more vulnerable. This can be fun, I regularly play on very high pop servers on my own just for the buzz.

Edited by DazTroyer

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  • More chance of staying hidden
  • Less communication
  • Less need of Food, Drinks and Ammo.
  • Less arguments on Guns, food, drinks, ammo, ect


  • More fire power
  • More helpfulness
  • More light in darkness
  • Being able to cover more ground.

I am going to add on to your points here, and break it down into slightly smaller catagoeries.

Solo (You, yourself, and I);


  • Concealment is easy.
  • Less Food, Drink, Ammo, Medical Supplies, and gear to carry.
  • No "Friendly Fire."
  • Your Pick of the best gear you find.


  • Can Be lonely
  • No Blood Transfusions with out massive risks from randoms.
  • Can be flanked, and snucked upon easier
  • Easy Target

Hunter Killer Teams (Typically 2-3 players) & Squads (4-6players);


  • Extra Eyes
  • Less susceptible to being flanked and snucked upon
  • Extra firepower
  • More room for gear
  • Conversations
  • Trusted person for blood transfusions
  • Covered while moving into a potential "Hot Zone"
  • More ground covered
  • Better for "Armed Vehicles" such as the "Huey" Helicopter
  • More likely to be left alone (whose going to risk a 1 v 6 battle?)


  • More Food, Drink, Ammo, and Gear required
  • Less concealable
  • Everybody has to figure out what gear goes to whom. (assigning roles to people helps with what gear they get, you have a brillant sniper, but is kinda sucks at close quarters, give them the sniper man, you find another one take it.)
  • More penitential for "Friendly Fire" (Communicate all the time, your going to pull the trigger? Say "Sniper Firing AS50" for example or "Support firing." Think you see a player call it out and say where you see them, compass heading, landmarks, etc. Your going to move up, "Rifleman moving up right side." I am working on a post that'll cover more on multiple person tactics.

Edited by A_Moss_Herder

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If you want to give teaming up a shot check out our communites post and consider signing up on our website. We use ts and regularly play in large groups. We often do policing and hunt down bandits in cherno who like to snipe from high vantages. Check us out to give small and large group play a chance. Then figure out whats right for you to enjoy the game. Most important part of it is having fun.


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These days I prefer rolling in a group or with a partner. But when I started I had more fun running solo until I got the hang of things.

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