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End Game: Gardening, not "Events"

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Just out of interest I looked this up.

It takes round about 12/13 weeks for carrots to grow. The average life expectancy (according to the front page) is an hour and 9 minutes. (wtf? Lots of suiciders I guess)

So, the average player dies roughly 2016 times in the time it takes to grow carrots.


Of course, that' using the term "average" VERY loosely. :P

I was referring to the average good player, who tries to stay alive and tends to have an automatic.

And I think that farming, right now, would be useless. But, if/when the loot spawns are adjusted in SA, it might have some relevance. I'd prefer foraging over farming, nuts and berries, but ranching an farming may be plausible. Except SOME amount of acceleration would probably be necessary to even make it a viable concept, which skirts realism..eh.

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...I don't see any other way then npcs for farming in dayz. I mean who would spend the time to do that? Btw, I never claimed to have information on the issue, that was my idea of how it should work... nothing official :-)

I get where your coming from dude :) The point im trying to convey however may have beeen worded badly on my end. The point im trying to make is that rocket's dream is not just dayz. Its the concept of a completely

new genre. A totally player run world, where nothing is scripted. A world where we alone as the players have the power to change it. For example, if people are plagued by bandits, they must take it upon themselves to do something about it.

Not rely on an update to change something or have some kind of robocop walking around dealing out justice :) Not implying you suggested this, its just the original dream he had for the mod, which i hope stays with it

till the end.

On the topic of gardening and growing things, i just cant see anyone holding onto a patch of land long enough for things to grow, and in agreement with flashhawk4 i would not like to see crops growing in minutes.

That would take away some immersion.

However......when the underground base building is in full swing. Perhaps having some kind of hydro farm in there using chemicals found throughout chernarus, that make crops grow fully in say...2/3 weeks real time and produce a nice amount of food to last another 2/3 weeks, would be more fitting :)

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Just allow people to get small plant pots that can grow stuff. Place them down on the map wherever and have the food be ready for harvest after 7 RL days. Or save it for base construction and impliment hydroponic or aeroponic gardens.

If you have 21 plant pots and you plant 3 carrots each day, then that means that after the 7th day you will have 3 carrots be ready to eat every day. People could choose to stick all the plant pots together or spread them out all over the place on the map. Either way it means that if bandits find your stuff then they can wreck your farming or steal your food. Id prolly have the plants able to be planted in the ground instead of actually in plant pots (or have both).

Bigger communities would need larger farms. Lowering the amount of food respawns on the map would entice people to want to work together to defend their settlements since foods value would be high. People who play alone as bandits wouldnt have an easy time of it and would actually have to work at being a bandit and for many they would legitimately "want your beans" instead of killing you because "reasons". (Though they could still do that if they so chose to).

Seeds should be relatively low to spawn also. I think that having it so that your plants you harvest can give you seeds would be a better option. Would mean that those who have a farm would get benifits to their farming. I would suggest that any farm you make within your "base" area should need some form of lighting to make it grow and need watering. Nothing too extreme, but I figure that protected food should need a lot more work than food in the open for anyone to loot/ruin.

Everyone really would have to have a taste at the bandit life. Doing "whatever it takes to stay alive". None of this "Ill just check the town for food. Brb 5 mins". I want to feel the pressure. I want to know that even as a good guy I have a choice "die of starvation or steal some other guys beans"

You could even go as far as to give health benifits to eating healthy balanced meals instead of the tinned processed goods. Like increased resistance to bleeding and the like. Just stating a fact here.. healthy food has benifits.

Edited by Talibambi
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All we'd need to have is the option to harvest from the allotments dotted around the place and replant stuff if you feel the need.

Growing food doesn't necessarily have to be a full-time job. Plants tend to manage just fine by themselves.

How many times have you walked past some dead dude's pumpkin patch? Wouldn't you just hop the fence and grab one if you needed food IRL?

With base construction, or the formation of in-game communities we'll have to start our own plots, or do something like the suggestion above. But it doesn't have to be excessively complicated.

Seeds + dirt + time = food.

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I realized something that we've been neglecting in this argument so far...civilization.

Now, we all know that the larger and more developed servers have dedicated individuals who have formed coalitions for a specific purpose, instead of turning to what amounts to griefing new-spawns with high-caliber sniper rifles. Mostly what we see are medical units, who go out of their way to rescue people.

Now, think about this. A new type of clan, that focuses on farming. Not every person has to have his or her own farm. In fact, not every group has to have some overall-clad flunky who has to sit around and tend to the pumpkins while Bob-Roy and Jed are out shootin' them some zeds. You just need one group of guys who grow food and sell them to the rest of the server.

Let's say you've got about seven or eight loyal people, service-oriented with long attention spans. You get them all to the critical point in Day Z, the point where players don't worry about zombies any more, and never find themselves actively searching for antibiotics, beans, coke, etc.

You set them down in one of those loose clumps of buildings that no one even really knows about, like map grid square 013018. You build a farm up, and you assign a few people to guard it and tend to it while the rest do what we scavenger-shooters do. Hopefully you'll also be able to herd animals, and bring them back to your little settlement. Mammals' reproduction would take way too long to be simulated in game, but chickens could lay eggs that could be useful as food.

The crop yield term comes up, and the harvest is bountiful and wonderful and all that. You take a big-cargo vehicle and load up some stuff in there, and you have a travelling caravan that people can trade for food superior to the canned stuff. If you need bullets, ask for bullets. If you need medicine, ask for medicine.

Boom. You're now a sedentary, non-nomadic clan of individuals who have basically done what the Sumerians did on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates 6000 years ago. That's right, you invented civilization. You'll have to fend off the raiders, and whatnot. But you're well on the way to being a nation.

Now, this relies more or less on in-game radio contact, or at the very least side chat, in order to put your wares on the market. It also relies on base-building. But I think this could work.

Edited by FlashHawk4
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Rage post included:

Whats wrong with this stand alone I mean first hackers in the mod and kos bandits!!!!!!!!!!

Now every one is raiding my broccoli patch wtf!!!!!!!!!!!

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Rage post included:

Whats wrong with this stand alone I mean first hackers in the mod and kos bandits!!!!!!!!!!

Now every one is raiding my broccoli patch wtf!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is what the ancient Sumerians had to deal with when they invented farming. No one said it would be easy.

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U have to take perishability into account. I mean, a can of beans will probably outlive me, but a fresh tomato?

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but...they keep every door open, as far as i remember the latest talk. They do not dismiss anythiny per se, Dean just mentions he is no fan of it.

So..never say never. This time around it is all about sales and a Publisher behind them, also factors not to underestimate.

I REALLY hope he won't add quests and shit.

I'll stop playing.

Anyway, I wouldn't mind gardening, it should just be hard to find seeds, and you should also have to maintain it A LOT.

It should also take quite a bit of time to grow.

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imagine this



all handmade!

Edited by joe_mcentire

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I agree that farming would not be a realistic viable supplement to food in DayZ, but the reason I suggest farming is it is merely something for players to do while not pvp'ing. Or maybe throw-out farming and really ramp-up base-building.

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I realized something that we've been neglecting in this argument so far...civilization.

Now, we all know that the larger and more developed servers have dedicated individuals who have formed coalitions for a specific purpose, instead of turning to what amounts to griefing new-spawns with high-caliber sniper rifles. Mostly what we see are medical units, who go out of their way to rescue people.

Now, think about this. A new type of clan, that focuses on farming. Not every person has to have his or her own farm. In fact, not every group has to have some overall-clad flunky who has to sit around and tend to the pumpkins while Bob-Roy and Jed are out shootin' them some zeds. You just need one group of guys who grow food and sell them to the rest of the server.

Let's say you've got about seven or eight loyal people, service-oriented with long attention spans. You get them all to the critical point in Day Z, the point where players don't worry about zombies any more, and never find themselves actively searching for antibiotics, beans, coke, etc.

You set them down in one of those loose clumps of buildings that no one even really knows about, like map grid square 013018. You build a farm up, and you assign a few people to guard it and tend to it while the rest do what we scavenger-shooters do. Hopefully you'll also be able to herd animals, and bring them back to your little settlement. Mammals' reproduction would take way too long to be simulated in game, but chickens could lay eggs that could be useful as food.

The crop yield term comes up, and the harvest is bountiful and wonderful and all that. You take a big-cargo vehicle and load up some stuff in there, and you have a travelling caravan that people can trade for food superior to the canned stuff. If you need bullets, ask for bullets. If you need medicine, ask for medicine.

Boom. You're now a sedentary, non-nomadic clan of individuals who have basically done what the Sumerians did on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates 6000 years ago. That's right, you invented civilization. You'll have to fend off the raiders, and whatnot. But you're well on the way to being a nation.

Now, this relies more or less on in-game radio contact, or at the very least side chat, in order to put your wares on the market. It also relies on base-building. But I think this could work.

Yea this would heavily rely base-building, which brings up another question. Why the hell did Rocket throw out above-ground base building so quickly? If you make it difficult to build bases (cut wood --> prepare wood --> planks, scrap metal --> nails) then it shouldn't be a problem.

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Why the hell did Rocket throw out above-ground base building so quickly? If you make it difficult to build bases (cut wood --> prepare wood --> planks, scrap metal --> nails) then it shouldn't be a problem.
The problem isn't difficulty in construction, it's the load on the servers and database.

The apparent plan was then to have underground "instances" (loading screen to a different area).

Buuuuut, from the sounds of things, the devs are keen to have base building done properly, in-world, without instancing.

Fucked if I know how they plan to do it, but all power to them. It's sounding like it'll be a truly impressive accomplishment when it's done.

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The problem isn't difficulty in construction, it's the load on the servers and database.

The apparent plan was then to have underground "instances" (loading screen to a different area).

Buuuuut, from the sounds of things, the devs are keen to have base building done properly, in-world, without instancing.

Fucked if I know how they plan to do it, but all power to them. It's sounding like it'll be a truly impressive accomplishment when it's done.

Well thats good to hear :).

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If farming is put in I want the ability to farm pot too. Growing some nice buds to trade for an as50.

This could only lead to script kiddies hacking in meth and crack. ;)

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If farming is put in I want the ability to farm pot too. Growing some nice buds to trade for an as50.

This could only lead to script kiddies hacking in meth and crack. ;)

Rocket did say at one point that of the three major issues in an apocalypse would include drugs ^_^

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HERBS! nettles, peppermint, camomile, salvia etc


wild fruits and veggies in backyards!

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I really hope the endgame is not focused on scripted events that will allow players to get "special items" and shit. Rather I hope the endgame is all survival work and preparedness. For example, after securing a suitable location for a camp you would start tilling land and planting crops. You would have to take-care of these crops as well. Sorry this thread is kinda short, but I won't play DayZ if there are recycled C-130 crashed "Events"/NPC raids as brought up in the devblog Q&A.

It's going to be kind of hard to setup a camp and farm with 100 players on the map.

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