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End Game: Gardening, not "Events"

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I really hope the endgame is not focused on scripted events that will allow players to get "special items" and shit. Rather I hope the endgame is all survival work and preparedness. For example, after securing a suitable location for a camp you would start tilling land and planting crops. You would have to take-care of these crops as well. Sorry this thread is kinda short, but I won't play DayZ if there are recycled C-130 crashed "Events"/NPC raids as brought up in the devblog Q&A.

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I agree, i'd hate to see AC-130 Crashes with as50's and every high grade weapon, it would not only be a shame, but a dissapointment.

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Gardening has been suggested before, and there's a lot of mixed opinions on it. Personally, I don't think it fits in with what the game is trying to make the player feel. There needs to be a sort of balance in which how much this becomes focused on in-game.

Also, there does not seem to be any problem that gardening fixes, or even a change of pace that would be welcomed and would make the game more interesting. There is not a shortage of food in the mod, and there probably won't be in the standalone. Starvation is a rare cause of death and gardening - unless the things you grow could be used to craft useful things - would have no purpose.

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Farming would be a good way to get food. Look at the walking dead for a example. They found a place to set up their base, and they plant crops for food. Simple/

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Farming would be a good way to get food. Look at the walking dead for a example. They found a place to set up their base, and they plant crops for food. Simple/

but thats long term survival were there is a finite source of food. the supermarket is not restocked in twd every 6 hours

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but thats long term survival were there is a finite source of food. the supermarket is not restocked in twd every 6 hours

True yeah, but i would love to build my own camp that me and a few mates build a small civil place.

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Personally, I don't think it fits in with what the game is trying to make the player feel.

What is the confirmed 'defacation' feature supposed to make us 'feel'? xD

Also, there does not seem to be any problem that gardening fixes... There is not a shortage of food in the mod, and there probably won't be in the standalone. Starvation is a rare cause of death and gardening - unless the things you grow could be used to craft useful things - would have no purpose.

The point of the changed loot spawns/rates in the standalone is to actually increase the likelihood of starving to death/being hungry all the time.

But I do in fact agree that this isn't necessary to add. It may be a fun addon in the far future, but sticking to realism would make this an unfavored mechanic. People who survive a month are generally extremly careful/skilled. How long would we need to survive/maintain crops to make them come to fruition?

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What is the confirmed 'defacation' feature supposed to make us 'feel'? xD

Well...y'know, like it's the apocalypse. Not FarmVille. But yes, I agree with you. It's certainly something Rocket should think about.

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Not very sure about this, but I think dayz should have a stronger background story to link with this farming. For example the infection is limited to the area and contained by Russian/UN army and navy. Players are infected and alive fighters that would rescue and protect civilian (farmer/tech) npcs from undead, in cooperation with the official forces. This could provide the reason for building working communities within the infected area, (one goal) or try to band together and brake the blockade, thus probably spreading the desease (another goal).

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Rocket has long said that he will never have NPC's in dayz. Wherever you got this info from i can 99% guarrentee that it was suggested to rocket and not from rocket himself.

It has always been his goal to create a world where only players can affect their surroundings.

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Not very sure about this, but I think dayz should have a stronger background story to link with this farming. For example the infection is limited to the area and contained by Russian/UN army and navy. Players are infected and alive fighters that would rescue and protect civilian (farmer/tech) npcs from undead, in cooperation with the official forces. This could provide the reason for building working communities within the infected area, (one goal) or try to band together and brake the blockade, thus probably spreading the desease (another goal).

There will be no "goals" or "missions" that are not player created. For example squads of bandit/army npc's will not happen. The underground bases however will be player created "goals".

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but...they keep every door open, as far as i remember the latest talk. They do not dismiss anythiny per se, Dean just mentions he is no fan of it.

So..never say never. This time around it is all about sales and a Publisher behind them, also factors not to underestimate.

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i mean i can think of some sort of passive npc's but very very few of them. like.."shhh look there a wild NPC, we must be very silent now, not to disturb it"

Imagine.. you'll find a dumb NPC in the wilderness with a note: "Elektro" and you think, hey maybe i should escort him there.

Now imagine one of those few buildings still not enterable. If NPC is in vicinity --> door suddenly opens --> NPC runs in --> you get a legendary 2001 crimean sparkling wine vintage --> door closes again for good.

But as i said, that is all i can imagine for that matter, other than animals and Zeds NPCs should be very very rare and exclusively passive beeings.

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Pffft Gardening, who needs that? All you need to do is stick a bullet into a cow!

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I honestly agree with the guys who are complaining about time frame. In the time it takes for a wee little carrot to grow to nom-mable maturity, the average player dies and restarts about fifteen times.

And I do NOT want this to be Minecraft, with the 15-minute wheat plants.

Perhaps, PERHAPS putting ropes around animals' necks and leading them to your base, in order to kill and eat them at your leisure.

But NOT farming.

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And I do NOT want this to be Minecraft, with the 15-minute wheat plants.

Perhaps, PERHAPS putting ropes around animals' necks and leading them to your base, in order to kill and eat them at your leisure.

But NOT farming.

Don't quote me on this but I thought I read a Q&A where it was stated they're removing farm animals.

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Rocket has long said that he will never have NPC's in dayz. Wherever you got this info from i can 99% guarrentee that it was suggested to rocket and not from rocket himself.

It has always been his goal to create a world where only players can affect their surroundings.

...I don't see any other way then npcs for farming in dayz. I mean who would spend the time to do that? Btw, I never claimed to have information on the issue, that was my idea of how it should work... nothing official :-)

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You could always hire WOW gold farmers to tend to your actual farm while you are away?

Seriously though I hope we don't get NPC's, it's good if things are hard and time consuming.

Edited by smasht_AU
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In the time it takes for a wee little carrot to grow to nom-mable maturity, the average player dies and restarts about fifteen times.
Just out of interest I looked this up.

It takes round about 12/13 weeks for carrots to grow. The average life expectancy (according to the front page) is an hour and 9 minutes. (wtf? Lots of suiciders I guess)

So, the average player dies roughly 2016 times in the time it takes to grow carrots.


Of course, that' using the term "average" VERY loosely. :P


On-topic. I'd like to see some form of farming in DayZ.

Currently we have ZERO long-term gameplay. People seem to be forgetting that the mod is just the very bare bones of what to expect.

@ FlamingDefibs - Don't you think that presuming to know what the game is trying to make you feel, is taking the piss a wee bit?

Considering what we've experienced so far is little more than a proof-of concept. What Rocket did with the mod could be likened to an architect drawing on a napkin.

Edited by Chabowski
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Hello there

I'd like to see farming (or the like) in game.

I won't personally participate in it as agriculture on the whole doesn't fascinate me, but I know there's lots who like it and it *could* add another dimension to the game.

It's an interesting concept, but how would it be implemented? How would you defend your homestead when you are not in game?

It's not as simple as saying yes/no to have it in. How would the actual mechanics/balance work?



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Protect it by acting like every old man I've ever met.


And as I sleep the yellow bellies get their revenge...

Seems to add a stranger set of gameplay, but still a type of gameplay.

Of course, OT, I'd probably die before I finished growing my food. If it does come though, I'm gonna use all of green mountain. HAUNTED POTATO FARM!

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