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AZ79932 patch is retarded

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They've add bunch of new feature then made your tent gone vanished, I was moving all weapons into another server trying to set up a camp, then hours later the tents are all gone, with my 3 DMRs 1 AS50 and 4 FNFALs, oh yea, the server is au #500, if you can find these tents then they're yours, I'm done with this fucking thing

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They've add bunch of new feature then made your tent gone vanished

The only thing worse then your tent disappearing is not being able to properly express your feelings in the English language...

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They've add bunch of new feature then made your tent gone vanished, I was moving all weapons into another server trying to set up a camp, then hours later the tents are all gone, with my 3 DMRs 1 AS50 and 4 FNFALs, oh yea, the server is au #500, if you can find these tents then they're yours, I'm done with this fucking thing

Ask for your money back.

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My heart bleeds. Oh dear you cant transport all your stuff across to another parallel universe.

Here's your refund :emptycan:

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I feel bad for you, but do you really need that many snipers and ARs? The game isn't any fun when you can gear back up by hitting up your camp instead of getting your gear at the moment. Half the fun is finding that DMR, hidden in a barracks, not jumping into your car, driving to a secluded tent and grabbing the first gun out of it.

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Oh you're still in the "raging about lost equipment" stage?


This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you continue to stash up weapons in tents and rage about losing them and aim at whatever you want to aim at. You take the red pill - You go into Wonderland, and I show you what DayZ is really all about.

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Half the fun of Dayz is losing your stuff so you can start over

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stop being so dependant on tents is the answer.

Ive lost plenty of tent's, everytime I log off I know there is about a 10% chance someone else will find my tent and either loot it or destroy it.

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