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Trail or security cameras

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So while away from my camp one day I returned to find out it was robbed and it occurred to me what if we could set down a motion sensing camera hidden against a tree and when checked the pic displayed the persons in game name to reveal who was there and maybe even be able to get an alert from a GPS. Second idea is a security camera which would record video or be able to check the feed from anywheres with a GPS. I think this would make camping a lot more fun so after you were robbed you could have the option to hunt them down and get revenge. So what do these forums think

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It sounds like a nice idea, but where would you get the power source from, and how can it be implemented so that it is able to be balanced?

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With server hopping enabled...good luck.

Camps are a bad idea thanks to the peripheral dots... Even small crates that are nearly invisible unless you are standing upon them would be seen thanks to decreasing detail when you increase the distance.

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Curious as to how it would work honestly. Not that I want it, also peripheral dots are being removed (I think).

Like how would the camera store pictures that you could access it? Would it lag out the server? Whats stopping me from shooting the thing strapped to a tree to destroy it, and get rid of any evidence of who was there? Ect.

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I kinda like the idea of trail cams that can be attached to trees, but the portable security camera sounds rather unrealistic.

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there needs to be batteries for things like torches and night vision etc ...and cameras perhaps

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The should be the ability to use CCTV and Trail Cameras but you have to Power a generator Using fuel and to store you'd need CD's or VCR Video Tapes that have to be continually Replaced but having a Few Hubs that would be good bases and being able to make your own Camera or Alarm system would be good fun and worth the effort when some guy steals your shit and the camera tells you all of what he had in the open when he did it

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