Goggalor 191 Posted February 8, 2013 Not many games make people buy a whole new rig just to be able to play it, this one does.I didn't have to buy a new rig. I'm able to play it on my $650 laptop I use for school.On topic: this game elicits real emotions. You'll experience adrenaline rushes after firefights, you'll find yourself holding your breath when you see a heavily armed bandit sprint by.This game is unlike any other game I've ever played, but it's definitely not for everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colekern 1364 Posted February 8, 2013 (edited) The fear, the adrenaline, the guilt, the guilt, the difficulty, the players, the loot, the high-stakes. Those are my reasons. This is one of the first games ever that can get a real emotional response from me. I've seriously felt guilt after killing players before. It's incredible. Edited February 8, 2013 by colekern 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enrico (DayZ) 6 Posted February 8, 2013 (edited) All of the above.DayZ basically is the best game at taking away the psychological distance between you and your character. I don't know exactly why it's so good at it, but my theory is that it is because of the investment demanded to get anywhere,and the high price of dying. Over time you become more and more attached to your character until you start feeling like you're actually part of the game.This is what leads to shaky hands and pounding heart, those are real life reactions to situations where your life is in danger or huge consequences are on the line.Arma2 is an exceptionally good mil-sim, DayZ is a post apacocalyptic life-sim, and the best one out there at this time. Edited February 8, 2013 by Enrico Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr Nasty 1023 Posted February 8, 2013 The fear, the adrenaline, the guilt, the guilt, the difficulty, the players, the loot, the high-stakes. Those are my reasons. This is one of the first games ever that can get a real emotional response from me. I seriously felt guilt after killing players before. It's incredible.Well said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geneva 11 Posted February 8, 2013 All of the above.DayZ basically is the best game at taking away the psychological distance between you and your character. I don't know exactly why it's so good at it, but my theory is that it is because of the investment demanded to get anywhere,and the high price of dying. Over time you become more and more attached to your character until you start feeling like you're actually part of the game.This is what leads to shaky hands and pounding heart, those are real life reactions to situations where your life is in danger or huge consequences are on the line.Arma2 is an exceptionally good mil-sim, DayZ is a post apacocalyptic life-sim, and the best one out there at this time.Its definitely the investment of time aspect that makes the firefights so heart pounding. Knowing that you and the other player have spent days getting to where you are and it could all be gone in one head shot.Also if your Mountian Man-nig it you might have not seen another player or fired a shot for days. Then out of nowhere bullets stard whizzing and popping around you, your heart almost pops! I havent won a gunfight yet but have walked away with shaking hands and a smile because its the most intense gaming experience I've had. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skilfuleric 4 Posted February 8, 2013 If you don't find it interesting then don't play it. Simple. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zancie 26 Posted February 8, 2013 Sir, I was up at an old abandoned castle today, on one occasion, I was looking for loot around a helicopter that was broken, I could hear footsteps, I saw lights, but when I called out not a soul was there, only the moaning dead, it was scary.Another I was at that same castle, trying to run in and find loot, when I heard a few shots and bullets hit the ground near my feet, No other game will get you as on the edge of your seat.It's an amazing game, if you try it but don't see the appeal, then don't play. Simple as that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vaktoth (DayZ) 0 Posted February 8, 2013 You'll laugh, you'll QQ, you'll wonder why your pants are slightly damp on the backside.If you are not prepared to accept defeat, relish victory, and run like hell from time to time then you may have the wrong game.Did I feel bad for my first kill..who surprised me by rushing through a bush, in the middle of the night, when I was unawares he was right in front of me? Nope. I also don't feel bad for nabbing kit from a vehilce, tent, dead body either.It's anarchy, where you fill in the blanks and dodge bullets/zeds while doing it. I can't say enough about this game. It is epic in so many ways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted February 8, 2013 Click my sig, go to the dayz section and start at the first tab entitled DAYZ ..then work your way down the drop down list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
morgan32 403 Posted February 8, 2013 This game gives me such a bit spasm of adrenaline that I have to log out in the middle of a firefight so I don't die in real life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Outlaw Bish 12 Posted February 8, 2013 The intensity of this game is what makes it for me. As people have already stated it actually gets your adrenaline going and your heart racing. Knowing you have worked hard for all your equipment and one mistake can undo all your hard work keeps you glued to the screen. 30 minutes of un-eventful gaming leaves you complaisant so you run out across an open field. Then BANG! You find yourself jumping out your skin as a sniper round thwacks into the ground next to you. You can see the woods up ahead but you know he's gona take another shot before then. Your heart is racing and you get some actual fear in you for a while!A veteran player will know never to get complaisant or lazy. There could always be someone watching.Paranoia is your friend! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brownin 1 Posted February 9, 2013 To all responses http://tinyurl.com/cz9pmvh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beavis_5000 111 Posted February 10, 2013 Wel I havnt even played it yet but I will tell you why I want to play it. Its seems pretty realistic. Its also seem slike an awesoem survival game. In a real zombie apocolypse you would most likely have to worry about bandits more than zombies. You go into a game and its a huge world and you have to survive. It just seems awesome to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alpha331 7 Posted February 10, 2013 The reason you should buy it and play it is not as simple as it's a "Good game" it is a unique game that requires as much though as a good game of chess, you need to plan where you want to go, what you'll need to get there, ration your supplies and factor in annoying, yet also rather comical zombies (Don't worry too much about their erractic movements, they're doing the best they can with ArmA2 and it will be better in the stand alone), not to mention the possibility of bandits and other survivers. Once you do that, you're on the move, either sneaking slowly through a town to check for the most basic survival items, maybe checking a firestation for some military loot... then you see it, a sweet ass rifle, maybe an AK or an M4, the type you're familier with from all the typical FPS'. But no, it's different, you have scarce ammo, it takes time to get used to, knowing its range limits, it's noise, it's ability to draw agro from all corners of town.You start moving from town to town, deer stand to deerstand, finding precious ammo to feed your one companion you can truely rely on, then it happens, a bullet wizzes by, you sprint for the nearest bit of cover, your heart rate leaps up and you're searching for the bandit. You see him, he has some friends and a car. A firefight ensues, you breath deep long breaths trying to stop the adrenaline from shaking you as you desperatly fight for what may as well be your life. By some miracle you seem to over power them, your trust rifle has gotten you through so much and you have less than a mag left, btu they're all dead. You spritn over to their corpses and loot to your hearts content, packing all their food, ammo and guns into the sedan they were driving in. But alas, you were reckless, you hadn't made sure they were all dead, as you step into the car all you hear isthe crack of a rifle, the smash of glass and before you know it, your body lies limp in the drivers seat as you see the combat log announce your death and a final bandit totting a large rifle run back to the car.... "YOU ARE DEAD" is the next thing you see, you're numb,you can't seem to proccess what happened, one second you're on top of the world, the next, awash with sadness, grief and anger. You respawn on a familiar beach, near Chernogorsk, you silently make your way back to the town, empty, with nothing but a box of pain killers, a bandage and a flash light. You are sad, but don't be, you're starting a whole new adventure... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted February 10, 2013 (edited) You posted your Topic in the Server General Forum, which is for your information not the correct place for your question(s).Therefore I moved you and your Topic to the New Player Forum.Is that clear enough for you ?Sounds like a common reply, but the sarcastic bit at the end isn't needed, Comes across very childish, for all you know it could not be clear to him, what if his English was not very good, but hey, It's understandable at your age.But come on mate, Your job is to keep the peace and help people, not to be cheeky to new players who in fact don't read the stickys, yes its common, get over yourself. Edited February 10, 2013 by Herr Ronin 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted February 10, 2013 Sounds like a common reply, but the sarcastic bit at the end isn't needed, Comes across very childish, for all you know it could not be clear to him, what if his English was not very good, but hey, It's understandable at your age.But come on mate, Your job is to keep the peace and help people, not to be cheeky to new players who in fact don't read the stickys, yes its common, get over yourself.My job is to keep order on these Forums, the fact that he posted in the Server General Forum has nothing to do with his English, in fact if you took the time to understand his reply you would see that he had no idea where he posted and then continues to thank me.Which brings into question your understanding of the English language.Oh, you have no idea of my age, I find your remarks, pretentious and imature.Welcome to the Forums. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sutinen 635 Posted February 10, 2013 When I started playing it, I would get an adrenaline rush and go to the forums to write about the cool experience I got. After a few hours, I would go read the post and think "What the fuck did I just write" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RiggsUK 69 Posted February 10, 2013 Did you ever have that dream where your being chased uphill on a country road by a horde of zombies but all you have is a kids trike to ride. They just nearly reach you at the brow as you peddle like a maniac, but then its downhill and your away. You look back, laughing at some of them falling over on the steep gravel, when an engine noise fades in from the field on your left. It's a 3 car military convoy 400m out. You skid and throw the trike into the hedgerow on the right and take cover prone behind a tree. Well to cut a long story short i think Rocket had a similar vision. I left out the part about simon and lewis from the yogcast holed up in their secret bunker (which was closing due to lack of funding) as it wasnt really relevant although their friend Seananners (dressed in ninja garb) taught me the zombie face rip move before i left. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Stoned Wolf 491 Posted February 10, 2013 (edited) Who the hell ever said DayZ was 'fun?' It's a horrible nightmare that will make you rock in a fetal position and cry your heart out every other day T__TThe only reason anyone would ever truly play it was if they wanted to get their bodies pumped with adrenaline and/or get their hearts going a mile a minute. Edited February 10, 2013 by Mickusey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lama9800 0 Posted February 11, 2013 (edited) its diffent to any other zombie game.it is in a legue of its own. Edited February 11, 2013 by lama9800 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deathwolfx03 0 Posted February 11, 2013 (edited) As others have said, you should definitely try playing it yourself, watching a vid is not enough.You will have a lot of amazing experiences trust me, especially when you first start out. And most of them might trigger real emotions.There was this one time where me and my friend got chased by military zombies. We were exhausted because of hunger, dehydration and so much running so we started losing speed, they managed to catch up and suddenly I heard a weird sound, I turn around and see my friend unconscious, 5-6 zombies were eating him alive, I tried to save him but there were too many zombies, I had to run and leave him, oh god the screams I heard behind me..I barely made it out of the woods alive, broke my leg and almost died because of blood loss.But the best part is that after 5 hours he managed to get to my location again and give me a blood transfusion.We also managed to find his corpse on the same spot, with all the loot still intact.You will have moments like this all the time.I highly recommend playing with headphones + first person for the best immersion Edited February 11, 2013 by DeathwolfX03 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted February 11, 2013 I enjoy the open world multi player environment.No game comes close to the map sizes offered by DayZ while including a good multiplayer dynamic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hellfire1014 12 Posted February 11, 2013 Imagine mad max, imagine gta, imagine zombies, imagine a huge map! You now have DayZ! I need say no more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gernon 1 Posted February 11, 2013 is it worth getting arma 2 free and then the expansion - my pc is rubbish and i'd be running on low anyway? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites