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What map is this?

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Based on the long list of details you have provided my guess is either Chernarus or Panthera.

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I don't believe it....

What does it say when you join the game ?

Takistan, I don't think so.

Oh well, lets just assume that it is Chernarus, or Panthera (I doubt it).

Edited by Boneboys

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Your moms boobs

I'm kidding

Prepare for warning point

Holy shit i'm out of here

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It's Browns Bench in Idaho, that's all I could find with limited search parameters I'm afraid.


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What's the map with all the grassy mountains area?

Truly brilliant.

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What's the map with all the grassy mountains area?

Im some what tempted to make this my sig but... even Im to nice to be 'that guy'.

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