tiresomehoopla 37 Posted February 7, 2013 I like 1000 vehicle servers because zombies wouldn't eat all the vehicles along with humans :) Although i'd like to spawn with nothing and loot should still be rare. However, and I know this was probably suggested before, there should be keys on zombies or in houses that go to random cars with condition that may be questionable. Think about it, all the cars would be so close within reach, yet so far because those keys could go to any car :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
codave 121 Posted February 7, 2013 I played "vanilla" DayZ for a long time, and I enjoyed the hell out of it.Recently I started playing Taviana, and the only server I get decent ping and don't lag like hell on starts you off with some food, a hunting knife, and a map/compass. I've noticed that if you die and respawn, sometimes (maybe all the time, dunno) you respawn with a Makarov, ammo, a tent, and the aforementioned items.This isn't a huge deal breaker for me, as the server is still fun and there are lots of loots still to find. I suppose if I spawned with a Coyote pack, DMR, and 5 mags that might take some of the fun out of it, but I don't disparaige those that enjoy those servers for their own reasons.As far as vehicle spawns, I could take it or leave it. I'm not a huge fan of vehicles, though I will ride a bike from time to time, for novelty sake. I feel that a vehicle makes me a target to other players, since I often use it to my advantage when targeting others.At the end of the day, it IS a personal taste thing. I love that about the mod, it allows for some variety. Where I would draw the line between what is "Real" DayZ and what isn't, I don't really know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted February 7, 2013 Yeah i remember when you spawned with a Revolver - but then Rocket eventually put it to the community about spawning with no gun. The backlash was quite severe but he stuck to his guns(!) and did what he wanted.I suppose the point i am making is that more and more servers are moving away from what DayZ was when Rocket left the development to the community. Not the community updates but the server side options which admins have control over.The next step will be some servers will remove zombies. Then what will you have? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tiresomehoopla 37 Posted February 7, 2013 I suppose I do kind of find 1k servers a bit easy...I find them right after the apocalypse servers, and normal dayz like, 20 years after or something. (28 years later?:)) I like inventing my own story. One of them was that I was a survivor on a cleared out utes, but our group wanted to check the condition of the mainland. The ship sunk/helicopter went down, and i woke up on the coast. My story then would begin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zionist Wabbit 154 Posted February 7, 2013 I was implying something, I may as well clearly say it - People don't conform. People don't abide by Rules set by another person. People change, evolve and move on. If they feel spawning with an AK-107 GL is fine, then so it shall be. They spend their cash to buy their Server, to meet their needs. While you disagree, others do not.Also; It was Dean's decision to have you spawn with a weapon, then his to remove it. Just as it is the Server Owners hosts' decision to spawn you with a weapon or not.I honestly don't see much in your point. You're basic logic is that DayZ, itself a Modification, should be left un-modified & all 1.5M player's should cope with it. It's, excuse the French, utter bollocks. Plain-and-simple. If you disagree with it, change the Server. Balota Buddies's, although myself not apart of the community, are quite good from word of mouth. Straight forward DayZ(ed) with no condition's, not to mention the regular Players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leto (DayZ) 72 Posted February 7, 2013 When I want to blow off some steam, I join a server that has a ridiculous amount of vehicles. Its fun to drive around in a ural knocking things over without giving a damn about destroying the truck or getting shot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Josh225 129 Posted February 7, 2013 (edited) I joined a server the other day that was only titled - Private server Australia. It seemed to have a bit of population so I decided to have a look into it. Spawned with a G17 and some other stuff and running into Elektro I instantly find the Russian transport heli full fuel and all green. After some inspection from the air there were many many vehicles and also these odd looking structures that look somewhat like the bases you find in wasteland and inside them was tons of vehicles and tents. An automated message came up every few minutes saying that anybody found inside of "admin bases" will be assumed hacking and will be banned. I later learnt that nobody was actually playing on the "Game map" and they were actually holding some kind of pvp competition in another instance of the world or some shit. After finding a fresh spawn to give the chopper to I logged off.Edit: I also forgot to mention there were several other automated admin messages stating that admins were allowed to tp to players and use godmode "because of hackers". Edited February 7, 2013 by Josh225 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leto (DayZ) 72 Posted February 7, 2013 Yeah i remember when you spawned with a Revolver - but then Rocket eventually put it to the community about spawning with no gun. The backlash was quite severe but he stuck to his guns(!) and did what he wanted.I suppose the point i am making is that more and more servers are moving away from what DayZ was when Rocket left the development to the community. Not the community updates but the server side options which admins have control over.The next step will be some servers will remove zombies. Then what will you have?Grand Theft Auto: Chernarus and there's nothing wrong with that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2416 Posted February 7, 2013 I honestly don't see much in your point. You're basic logic is that DayZ, itself a Modification, should be left un-modified & all 1.5M player's should cope with it. It's, excuse the French, utter bollocks. Plain-and-simple.The main problem I find is that MOST servers have a modified version of the ruleset, but very few of them give an accurate description of what to expect.It's fine for you and your pals for a fuck about, if you all know the server and the settings, but it's a pain in the arse when the servers are open to the public and nobody has a clue what's going on. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bfisher 561 Posted February 7, 2013 Grand Theft Auto: Chernarus and there's nothing wrong with that.My favorite servers have been the ZUST hive where they have bikes at the remote spawn points, 300 working vehicles (with weapons) scattered about and a couple helos at each of the air bases. It's just enough vehicles that you can typically find one when you need it but don't want to be too careless with them. It really makes the roads a dangerous place to be. I've had more than my fair share of Mad Max bandit encounters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creep- 569 Posted February 7, 2013 Come and check out balota buddies hardcore server. No 3rd person, no waypoints, no peripheral dots, 2000m view distance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad_mojo (DayZ) 1204 Posted February 7, 2013 (edited) This topic has always been a mystery to me.I can kind of see it from the "just screwing around" view. I used to play a lot of Project Reality a BF2 mod. Anyway, a few versions ago they had a training map mode. Which totally throws out the legnthy spawn times and other restrictions applied to the regular game mode. Then added a crap load of vehicles. It was fun, really fun. All of a sudden these vehicles I'd been respecting and treating like gold for so many months became disposable and dieing didn't really matter as much. But, it was a very shallow experience. I enjoy flying the helicopters & doing infantry anti-air in that game so I spent a great deal of time "training" in that map. What I found was a lot of people who didn't actually play the real game. I would ask them to go to a real server and they wouldn't want to. The pressure or fear or whatever made them uncomfortable and at the end of the day gaming is about having fun. They wanted the realism of the environment & vehicles and harshness of the combat, but they wanted it watered down so it wasn't punishing and nobody was counting on them to do well or be intelligent. It's a video game, they wanted to screw around and blow shit up.Luckily for purists like me, Project Reality strictly enforced their vanilla settings and didn't allow modification without a password on the server. I was not a happy camper back when Rocket started supporting private hives. Those fucking hackers ruined everything. Edited February 7, 2013 by bad_mojo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mad Z 51 Posted February 7, 2013 Personally, I prefer private hives because the good ones have better safe-guards against hacking, and they will often roll-back after a hack attack. Servers connected to the main hive rarely have these privileges. Also, there are plenty of good private hives out there that do not spawn you with ridiculous gear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayzDavey 1 Posted February 7, 2013 A pistol, and a map are fine. They are such ridiculously common items RL too! Anything else is just too COD for my tastes. A compass is sorta iffy, but honestly when was the last time you had a compass on you RL? Some people might carry them, but I doubt too many. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted February 7, 2013 I understand the viewpoint of there are many servers for many different varieties of game play. I don't actually have a problem as long as servers are properly described so i know which ones to play and which ones to avoid.I just wonder, if Rocket was still pumping out updates for the mod, as in had total control like he used to, would we be seeing all these differences in spawns, loot and vehicles? Does he look at some of these servers and think "They are completely missing the point!"Who knows?But, hey, it doesn't really matter and i ain't going to lose sleep over it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pokey (DayZ) 103 Posted February 7, 2013 Weapons on spawn? Millions of vehicles on the map? Both of these are bad, but there's one thing I really dislike in a server; constant bloody daytime. Why would anyone want to spend all their time in daylight? It boggles my mind (I love DayZ at night).Strictly Vanilla here. Love it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meeshe 170 Posted February 7, 2013 Spawn me in with a bandage, flashlight, and 1 box of painkillers. I dislike servers where you log in and have a full ALICE pack, food, meds, grenade launcher, mini-nuke, Klingon battlecruiser......I mean, isn't that really just multiplayer arma2 deathmatch, with Zombie cheerleaders? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted February 7, 2013 I was playing the new map Isla Duala the other night when i found a pair of NVG's at a heli crash. I was stoked until i realised the server i was on was 24 hour daytime!Doh! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tsandrey 379 Posted February 7, 2013 (edited) Couldn't agree more. What's the point of these servers? Why can't people just go play normal Arma 2 if they like having top gear?DayZ is about survival, not about shooting everyone with AS50's and L85's!I prefer the times when public hives used to rule... Edited February 7, 2013 by TSAndrey 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DanielTy88 133 Posted February 7, 2013 I suppose if you are with mates and want to goof around i can understand.I remember one server i joined i spawned with a DMR and all the tool items. I crouched to a nearby hill and went prone to see what was going on and got instantly sniped. What was all that about?EDIT: The beard is a must in SA!HOORA!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted February 7, 2013 More control of DayZ should have been implimented, But I question on the other hand, this could have been done on Arma 2, Perhaps there is a community who like both aspects and there are simply people who want the choice.I agree the choice of non Vanillla server is mixed, but it is nice to see other points of view. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 271 Posted February 7, 2013 The only thing I added on my server was more vehicles, about x2 and of different types, such as MTVR's. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 1631 Posted February 7, 2013 Why not just play Arma 2 wasteland, warfare, domination etc. if you need all the 1000+ vehicles; AS50, map, compass, lots of mags and so on. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bizzyb 9 Posted February 7, 2013 I play with several other people and lots of vehicles, map/compass, pistol with 1 clip, basic survival gear, is awesome for us. The server we play on (Origins) has all helis in need of complete repair and most vehicles are busted minorly. This makes it exciting, to repair a vehicle and regroup with the others in an hour or two.Not of all us can play for 4+ hours a sitting, consecutively. It just makes the gaming experience better for us.Getting good weapons, full repairs on good vehicles/helis, and getting backpacks/food/blood/ect, is still important and thrilling.Honestly I cannot even stomach playing a vanilla server, where your things can be destroyed in seconds by inevitable hackers. Also getting to a location and repairing a vehicle in vanilla takes hours and hours, sometimes DAYS. This is just unacceptable time commitment to this game, in its current state.Maybe in stand alone it would be tolerable, but right now the types of servers you describe are vital to my group continuing to play. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites