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Will Dayz standalone come to Mac

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I have a mac that can run DayZ Standalone. I Use bootcamp to run windows so I can run DayZ. It's unfortunate that it isn't out for mac. However, on my old mac computer, i got low fps on very low settings. ON my new mac computer, i can run arma 2 oa on high-very high settings. I may adjust though. However, my graphics card is a Nvidia Geforce GT 650M. I think thats the highest one available on a mac laptop. Basically, the other mac laptops may not have the best software to run it. I mean, give it a try, you never know.

Just a little FYI.

Apple released their new Haswell Macbook Pro with Retina Display and the new highest end model comes with a 750M - not too shabby at all.

Getting mines in around 2 weeks.

A lot of games tend to run a lot better in Windows anyway, developers would need to spend a bit more time optimising their games for OSX.

If you also haven't already, Apple released OSX Mavericks for free last week too - it should get you a little bit more performance if you haven't already updated.

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I'm trying to wangle one of the new Pros as I run a lot of post-processing scripts at work.


If I do get one, you better believe I'll try DayZ on it.

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I'm trying to wangle one of the new Pros as I run a lot of post-processing scripts at work.


If I do get one, you better believe I'll try DayZ on it.

Aye, the higher-end ones are pretty solid.

The entry level one is pretty crap for the price considering the long-end cards that come with it - hopefully the BTO models will be a bit better.

I just picked up the high-end Macbook Pro with Retina Display - looking VERY forward to it, been stuck with a 1.6GHz i7 - 4GB RAM - HD Radeon 4670 for about 6 months, cannot wait to actually be able to run things :P

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Who the hell buys a Mac?, sell it OP and get a computer.


People who actually need to work on their computers buy macs.


But I agree. For a Gaming-Console, PCs work a lot better than Macs. If you want to get work done, it kinda helps to use an Os(x) that allows you to do that...


Wouldn't buy anything with an apple on it, unless it has a Pro in the name tough. The low-budget versions from apple suck these days. But have a macbook pro if you want work done and you won't be disappointed.


No fanboy thing involved. Just used both for several years now and there is just no comparing when it comes to the workflow you can have... You can work with OSX, but you always work against Windows.  

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Mac OS is annoying. If you either rip it out or bootcamp it though, the Mac can be nice. Then again your paying at least half again what you would for the same hardware not in a Mac format. 

I get asked the question "Why doesn't your software work on a Mac? Why wouldn't you make a version for it." The answer is simple, we would have to redo the development and QA for the majority of our products doubling our costs for less than 50% of the market. Not worth it. We could develop, and have, software that works in both OS which means it isn't twice the development time but is significantly more, and is still twice the QA time. More cost to make back minor profit. Again, Not Worth It. 

So yes, hold onto the precious Mac you paid to much for and tell yourself it is better. Then install bootcamp which really means installing WINDOWS and get what you should have had in the first place for playing games but decided to pay too much for just because. Don't forget to order your PBR and talk about how good band X was before mainstream discovered them.

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Thank you Carbine781 for necroing this thread so I could find this gem of a post. You can just feel the intelligence bursting out at you. "SOME OF US JUST HAVE AN ABUNDANCE OF DISPOSABLE INCOME AND WE CAN BUY MACS TO DO STUFF YOU KNOW THAT THING YOU GOTTA DO SOMETIMES?! STUFF!"


Fuck everyone who thinks a mac can't run dayz just because its a mac, I bootcamped it and can play dayz maxed graphics no problem. Its annoying hearing everyone say how shit mac is well no your wrong maybe you bitch about mac sucking at gaming because you can't afford it. It doesn't matter if yours cost half as mine and runs twice as well because honestly people don't buy macs to game they buy them for school, or work or some of the sort with some gaming in between.


Thank you for that Reverence. Im just sorry I missed this when you actually posted it.

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Mac OS is annoying. If you either rip it out or bootcamp it though, the Mac can be nice. Then again your paying at least half again what you would for the same hardware not in a Mac format. 

I get asked the question "Why doesn't your software work on a Mac? Why wouldn't you make a version for it." The answer is simple, we would have to redo the development and QA for the majority of our products doubling our costs for less than 50% of the market. Not worth it. We could develop, and have, software that works in both OS which means it isn't twice the development time but is significantly more, and is still twice the QA time. More cost to make back minor profit. Again, Not Worth It. 

So yes, hold onto the precious Mac you paid to much for and tell yourself it is better. Then install bootcamp which really means installing WINDOWS and get what you should have had in the first place for playing games but decided to pay too much for just because. Don't forget to order your PBR and talk about how good band X was before mainstream discovered them.


I understand your point. but you see it a bit wrong... Microsoft is the one using formats no one else supports. That's why they don't work on a mac. 

But never the less, MacOS is the better System. Apple has lost quality over the last years, but the OS still is the most comfortable to work with. Not to forget that Microsoft Office was developed for MacOS and still is cheaper and runs faster there than it ever will on Windows...


Also, almost every open source software comes out for mac and it is the only OS in existance, that allows me to run macOS, Linux and Windows Apps in the same OS (using parallels)


No Windows-Gamer-Fanboyism or Anti-Mac-Hating will change the hard facts, that Windows is a flawed, unfinished piece of Crap that is ment to rip off customers, is released with bugs on purpose and forces you to upgrade by not offering DirectX for older versions. Apple gives their new OS away for free. 

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Mac OS is annoying. If you either rip it out or bootcamp it though, the Mac can be nice. Then again your paying at least half again what you would for the same hardware not in a Mac format. 

I get asked the question "Why doesn't your software work on a Mac? Why wouldn't you make a version for it." The answer is simple, we would have to redo the development and QA for the majority of our products doubling our costs for less than 50% of the market. Not worth it. We could develop, and have, software that works in both OS which means it isn't twice the development time but is significantly more, and is still twice the QA time. More cost to make back minor profit. Again, Not Worth It. 

So yes, hold onto the precious Mac you paid to much for and tell yourself it is better. Then install bootcamp which really means installing WINDOWS and get what you should have had in the first place for playing games but decided to pay too much for just because. Don't forget to order your PBR and talk about how good band X was before mainstream discovered them.

You just sound amazingly butthurt and clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

OSX is a brilliant OS, rips the arse out of Windows for daily use - people do actually use their machines for more than just playing games, y'know.

Yes, people install Windows through bootcamp for games.. and?

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I understand your point. but you see it a bit wrong... Microsoft is the one using formats no one else supports. That's why they don't work on a mac. 


How is that Adobe Flash running on your iPhone/iPad? :) Did you know Apple used to own part of Adobe?

You just sound amazingly butthurt and clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

OSX is a brilliant OS, rips the arse out of Windows for daily use - people do actually use their machines for more than just playing games, y'know.

Yes, people install Windows through bootcamp for games.. and?

I utilize computers day in and day out at work. The majority of the business world uses Windows. Hell most "Point of Sale" systems are running Windows so the vast majority of your service industry uses Windows as a standard. 

My point was very simple:

Why would you spend at least half as much again for the hardware on a GAMING machine if you are going to have to install  Windows to play  your game anyway? Why not just by the industry standard machine and OS and stop right there. Instead you have to pay more to then turn around and buy another OS just to play a game? I mean if you had a Mac already it is easy enough to turn it into a Windows machine to run games as well, but why would anyone buy a Mac to play games?

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I just registered to this forum to thank you all Mac haters for the contribution to this topic! Instead of ignoring the topic that is not related with your interests, you decided to take high ground and tell the world what computer everyone should use. Why It has to be like that on every forum... You are pathetic, really. Why I dont see on forums people who use Macs trying hard to convince everyone else how Mac with Mac OS X is better than PC with Windows? Because we 1) don't have time for this bullshit 2) don't give a f..k what you are using... There was simple question in OP and 70% posts were about how Mac is shit. Well thank you all for being useless.


What I understand is that, DayZ Standalone might be released for Mac OS X in very, very distant future. End of it. So, I wouldn't hold my breath, it's probably not gonna happen, at least soon. So if I would be desperate to play DayZ Standalone I would install Windows via Bootcamp, but I am not. So instead of that, I will support with my wallet games that are released for Max OS X.

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Why It has to be like that on every forum... 



On ~gaming~ forums? Could it be because 90% of the game software written is made for the PC and never even ported over to Mac? Look, you can be the equivalent of a computer hipster and refuse to use a PC because you believe Mac OS is better, but think about the logic of what you are trying to do. You are buying a piece of hardware that is more expensive and harder to upgrade as well as proprietary and an OS the gaming community doesn't build for and expecting them to spend money adapting their software to your special little situation instead of going out and buying what is supported. 

This is equivalent to buying a special can opener that only works with a certain type of tin can and getting upset when the canned food manufacturers don't use those type of cans. Say that can opener then had an adapter that would allow it to open unsupported cans but you had to pay extra for it. Wouldn't it just be wiser to buy the industry standard can opener that opens ALL the cans out there? 

I can't think of a single game that isn't packaged with the OS that runs in Mac and doesn't in Windows but I can find thousands the run in Windows but don't in Mac. End of Story. 

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Hey man, I am using my computer mostly for work. I will never find time to play those 90% games that are exclusive to Windows. To be honest I don't have time to play all games that I own right now.


I found about DayZ Standalone on the internet and very liked the idea. So I tried to find info if it's going to be released on mac os x. I found this topic. It would be much easer for me if there were only related answers to the OP question, like simple one answer - NO. Thats it.

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Hey man, I am using my computer mostly for work. I will never find time to play those 90% games that are exclusive to Windows. To be honest I don't have time to play all games that I own right now.
I found about DayZ Standalone on the internet and very liked the idea. So I tried to find info if it's going to be released on mac os x. I found this topic. It would be much easer for me if there were only related answers to the OP question, like simple one answer - NO. Thats it.



Hey man... if you had read the thread you would notice that some of us stated that if you have a Mac already you can play these games using bootcamp to install a Windows partition and boot into that. However, there is no reason EVER to buy a Mac for a gaming computer because you will spend most of your time in Windows. Totally related to the discussion at hand.

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Hey man... if you had read the thread you would notice that some of us stated that if you have a Mac already you can play these games using bootcamp to install a Windows partition and boot into that. However, there is no reason EVER to buy a Mac for a gaming computer because you will spend most of your time in Windows. Totally related to the discussion at hand.


I actually read the thread, 70% are jokes and other stuff unrelated to the opening question which was: "I just wanted to know if the standalone was coming to mac?".  Bootcamp answers were like, well thanks captain obvious. Soo... yeah, I am good, peace out.

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I'm tempted to propose a fight to the death, as I see no other way to end this bitter farce.  Seriously, lads, keep it self-controlled and civilised.  Remember, your mamas could be DayZ forum fans and reading this thread right now, shaking their heads and saying, "No, no, it can't be my little soldier causing all that grief".  You never know.


Oh, and if you think that unlikely, well, you're all my little soldiers and I love you all.


Aunty Sula x

Edited by Sula

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Heh, I see Linux is represented by a Gold Dollar 66. I have one of those - it doesn't shave so much as burn. Don't buy! :(




I guess it would look cool in a dark alley at 2AM though.






Edit: looked closer and it's a Dovo Classic. Disregard everything I just said! :P

Edited by Gews

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Who the hell buys a Mac?, sell it OP and get a computer.

How does that make sense? "Who the hell buys a Mac? sell it OP and get a computer" if no one buys Macs what's the point of selling it?

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If the sole purpose of buying a computer is for playing games, then get a windows PC for the reason we're talking about now, but a mac makes an excellent laptop/desktop for doing general work on, and in my experience is a lot smoother. As a student I prefer my mac 10x more than my old windows laptop which cost around the same price.

Also, although a mac makes up around 5-10% of PC sales, because businesses buy a lot more windows computers it actually makes the consumer market for games larger than 5-10%. Sure, traditionally macs were a lot more underpowered and a tiny market so developers ignored it, but it makes sense to start developing more games for them now.

I'm in no way saying a mac is better than a PC for gaming, because they aren't. I'm just saying things have changed now and developing games for macs just makes sense...


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I play DayZ on my Macbook with boot camp. I am a trendy motherfucker!

Well I used to until i glued a broken headphone plug inside the slot anyway.

When you switch to windows/pc using boot camp do all of your pictures, Music, and videos all erase off your mac when you switch?

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My iMac runs Dayz on Bootcamp really well.  The way I see it, I have best of both worlds.  I can run most PC games and I also have OS X.  Win, win!

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