hamburgler666 3 Posted February 5, 2013 I agree a useless patch i thought you guys test this shit before you release it? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted February 5, 2013 Another feature DayZ needs to add to the settings is where you can press a button and your character will Auto RunThis can be done with a joystick. Simply bind the 'forward' command to the throttle up on the joystick. Then when you push throttle up, character will auto run. Can be bound for vehicles too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cris (DayZ) 1 Posted February 5, 2013 I've played extensively the last day with the new patch. I am a player who enjoys challenges and realism, and I agree that upping the challenge level and adding things like needing to boil water are great. Having zombies communicate and raising the consequences of them discovering you are fine....however.There definately is a bug or huge problem with the range and ease that Zeds can now spot a player, when they are not aggroed beforehand.I've been pursued from zombies well out of range of my primary weapons- maybe 200, 250 yards away from me, while I was attempting to crawl into town. In the rain. In tall grass.I can't even see the zombies spotting me, I hear 'em comin'.This makes a "sneaky" style of single player who creeps in and out like a ghost utterly impossible- basically ruining my experience.If a player takes the time to crawl, use cover and so on, if they keep well out of the zombies paths, it should be feasible to survive.This happened to me 8, 9 times. I tried logging out and back in. Still happens. Once one sees me, of course, an army of them are on me.The only reason I lived was having a huge backup supply of food and medical supplies. You can no longer use trees to hide from the things. They respot you are long range, and it starts again.I appreciate the efforts made by the devs....and understand where they are coming from, but I think the uber-eyesight or hearing zombie apocolypse is a huge mistake, because it basically forces a player to battle the whole town, when the point is to avoid the zombies in the first place.Thanks for Reading,PatrickTotally agree with you...I am still waiting a response to my previous post/problem... where are the vehicles on my server? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marine (DayZ) 13 Posted February 5, 2013 Peripheral dots removed?! I freakin' love you right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dickskull 0 Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) the gear in my primary inventory disappeared after I updated. my weapons and items in my toolbelt are still there. most notably absent are my as50 mags.additionally, does anyone have an explanation for the updated backpack slots (in particular the weapon counts)?you folks ought to work on yr community management/communication -- if not now, at least once the standalone is released. hopefully the mod will have provided a good learning experience.edit: are the weapon slots in backpacks simply additional slots that can only be occupied by weapons? (for example, meaning that an empty patrol pack can hold one weapon) Edited February 5, 2013 by dickskull Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sp86 508 Posted February 5, 2013 Of course you would keep empty cans. How else would you boil water or drink or eat without plates and cups? :PCanteens are frequently metal. Put canteen in fire. Boom, water boiled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trizzo 632 Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) * [uPDATED] - Zeds will talk to other zeds within 80 meter.This is the bane of my existence now. If one happens to see me a chain reaction happens where every zed in the city is chasing me due to each being within 80m of the previous one that heard another zed go aggro. On top of that I swear the visibility while crouch-walking has increased. I get aggro'd zed chasing me from 80+ meters away while crouch-walking. It makes it crazy hard to get some basic gear as a fresh-spawn.* [NEW] - New zed & loot spawn systems rewrote Phase 1.Secondly I seem to be noticing that the spawn rates of loot has decreased both in quantity and quality. I hit about a half dozen deer stands that had zilch. But I do like that zed don't spawn in the same exact spot. Deer stands could be pretty predictable with zed, 3 spawned heading in the direction away from the deer stand into the open field. Now that is not necessarily the case.* [uPDATED] - Limted amount of ammo found with weapons.This update also made it the usual to find no ammo with weapons and if you're lucky you find maybe one mag.I am frustrate...Rofl..thankfully this mentality is nowhere near the development of DayZ..Masses of zombies are dangerous, I is frustrate!Can't find ammunition in the appoyolypse!, I is frustrateCan't find good gear in the appoyolypse!, I is frustrate Edited February 5, 2013 by Trizzo 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggy 0 Posted February 6, 2013 Have you guys noticed a glitch with the helicopters?All the parts were green, with an empty tank. It took a bunch us forever to refuel it (it needed definitely more jerrycans to see the fuel gauge going up) and as soon as we turned the engine on,the helo started to beep and lost its fuel in a couple of seconds!The only time we were able to fly one was when we found one with half a tank filled.Someone had the same problem? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
night_chrono 11 Posted February 6, 2013 I did some digging and found the Czech pack is roughly 65L which is 3966 cubic inches and the large Alice pack is listed as 3800 cubic inches.http://bushcraftusa....e-Pack-Capacity exactly solid evidence from reliable sources, but it does support my(and many others) opinion(s) that the Czech pack is larger.Ok so the czech backpack could very well be larger.However that was not my initial point. My initial point was that it was a major change that was made with no regard for the player base. I am suggesting that the devs have to run things by the community before they do them, just simply take a second to think about the consequences for the average player. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgtpepper5987 0 Posted February 6, 2013 (edited) My server is up running current only 20 slots and its private hive.... and its empty so first come first serve....hackers will be globally banned! Edited February 6, 2013 by sgtpepper5987 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gernia 7 Posted February 6, 2013 (edited) Did the L85A2 AWS get completely removed? Cause my friend got one from a player he killed, and it was gone when he logged on today.(Or maybe the player we killed had hacked it in, more than likely :P )EDIT: But if he used f to scroll weapons the gun popped up there under his m9 sd Edited February 6, 2013 by Gernia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgtpepper5987 0 Posted February 6, 2013 Did the L85A2 AWS get completely removed? Cause my friend got one from a player he killed, and it was gone when he logged on today.(Or maybe the player we killed had hacked it in, more than likely :P )EDIT: But if he used f to scroll weapons the gun popped up there under his m9 sdYes it was removed : ( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sniperteam6 8 Posted February 6, 2013 Broken. PERIOD. This waiting for authentication crap and stuck at either 0 or 19 is complete and utter bullshit. Low pings, high pings, it does not matter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Velvet Remedy 11 Posted February 6, 2013 [NEW] Weapon - Sa58P_EP1. (Military) * [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_EP1. (Military) * [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_RCO_EP1. (MilitaryS) * [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_CCO_EP1. (MilitaryS) * [NEW] Weapon - G36C. (HeliCrash) * [NEW] Weapon - G36C_camo. (HeliCrash) * [NEW] Weapon - G36A_camo. (HeliCrash) * [NEW] Weapon - G36K_camo. (HeliCrash) * [NEW] Weapon - M40A3 (MilitaryS)New weapons that aren't the AS50? Nice. [FIXED] - AS50 was mistakenly banned now unbanned.Well then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
facet 66 Posted February 6, 2013 Some servers working good, just hard to find now;crash sites removed from game from update. No idea why, Was funny :). Realy, no crash sites folks. I checked many places, talked with many players, and nobody saw it. If is that rare, that's stupid imho, but I think, it's missing in update. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Draco122 412 Posted February 6, 2013 (edited) While I love how the Zombies are now depicted, I'm still finding myself at odds with their detection chance and spawn rates after you've been detected. Not being able to hide inside a bush wasn't so much of a problem for me, as they still had difficulty climbing steep embankments and hills. However even if I was to put several trees, rocks and a hill between me and a small horde, they'd still somehow manage to run after me even though I should be outside their supposed field of detection.In regards to their spawn size, its a little off for small towns, while its nice to see a few Zombies shambling about in the bigger cities when you first get there, the problem I had was the smaller towns.An example was in Komarovo, once I'd got detected by one Zombie, I walk out of a building to discover a MASSIVE horde had just spawned after all the Zombies "communicated" which each other further increasing the aggro, I'm talking about 10-20 zombies for a little coastal town of Komarovo, all running after me to the beach side hanger at Balota for which an even larger group had amassed by the time I reached the hanger. In all, I suppose the horde grew to almost 30-40 Zombies, give or take. That size would be understandable if you were fleeing Cherno or Elektro but for a little town, not so much Edited February 6, 2013 by Draco122 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted February 6, 2013 I personally love the fact that zombies can communicate with each other... Really scary to have a horde charge you.The problem is that there's no variety in encounters, there are no zombies locked away in houses... there are none stuck behind walled areas... they all have immediate and unrestricted access to your exact location.That and "cover" really doesn't apply, I've been aggroed from behind a massive building by a zombie... the sight issues are still present.Plus, I wouldn't mind crouching/proning being a bit more reliable at fooling zombies. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ramontvgames 32 Posted February 6, 2013 I'm not able to play ..I enter the lobby of the game and this error appears:Registration failed: SSL connect errorand therefore I am expelled ... what should I do?! please help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoshi 32 Posted February 6, 2013 what happens when if i alt f4? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skywalker1162 17 Posted February 6, 2013 what happens when if i alt f4?You get teleported to green mountain where you die a horrible death . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Masterfocker 103 Posted February 6, 2013 Got to say alot of our player base are very unhappy with the patch, Zombies glitching right left and centre, players getting stuck in debug and then losing all their gear.The zombies attacking the vehicles and hurting players yeah i like that and it makes things a hell of alot tougher but the amount of problems we have received makes it a tough decision to keep this patch or roll;dr, Far too many glitches and a wealth of unhappy players on our database....IMO, I think you have to roll back. Way too much negativity towards this patch. I haven't been able to try it yet, but by the sounds of it, I'm scared to. I think you should roll back, completely re-think, or try and fix all the really bad things people complain about the patch, and then use people from the forums to test it. No offense, but the way I hear it, it's like you never even tested the update before you released it...Just my 2 cents... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BelMarduk 169 Posted February 6, 2013 Why would the devs fuck over their playerbase like this? Yea losing a few odds and ends isn't going to cause me to die, but to suddenly switch the number two and 3 backpack size is just plain dumb.What if WoW, or some other MMO suddenly switched their highest level gear with the gear from a dungeon in a previous expansion? That's basically what they did here.Furthermore giving dedicated weapons slots was COMPLETELY unnecessary and now game breaking. Let me load a Czech pack with a M16, AS50, M249, and M136 with a few rounds each. Makes PERFECT sense.First dedicated weapons slots didnt make it in...and second...Well I am sure if WoW did this, there would be a large part of the player base demanding refunds. Here let me out of the graciousness of my heart and own pocket I might ad, offer you a FULL refund of your DayZ purchase price, and a refund of your entire monthly subscription since you started playing (just my contribution to the community to make people happy)... Don't spend it all in one place now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BelMarduk 169 Posted February 6, 2013 Have you guys noticed a glitch with the helicopters?All the parts were green, with an empty tank. It took a bunch us forever to refuel it (it needed definitely more jerrycans to see the fuel gauge going up) and as soon as we turned the engine on,the helo started to beep and lost its fuel in a couple of seconds!The only time we were able to fly one was when we found one with half a tank filled.Someone had the same problem?it had broken glass... when standing outside the heli, scroll the wheel like your trying to fix it... you'll see glass is broken and that does not show up in the heli hud anywhere (also glass is like the 'fuel tank parts') if glass is broken, heli leaks fuel. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted February 6, 2013 (edited) IMO, I think you have to roll back. Way too much negativity towards this patch. I haven't been able to try it yet, but by the sounds of it, I'm scared to. I think you should roll back, completely re-think, or try and fix all the really bad things people complain about the patch, and then use people from the forums to test it. No offense, but the way I hear it, it's like you never even tested the update before you released it...Just my 2 cents...People always complain about every patch, this one seems to have a lot less complaints then usual. Edited February 6, 2013 by smasht_AU 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BelMarduk 169 Posted February 6, 2013 Canteens are frequently metal. Put canteen in fire. Boom, water boiled.that would work a very limited number of times... a very limited number of times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites