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Light Armored Tank

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Hi Ingot here,

Okay you are probably saying to yourself... is this guy a idiot or what? No im not an idiot just wanted to suggest something.

Obviously people will go omg omg its a tank thats OP and doesnt deserve a spot in a game! well, If you look at light armored tanks they can be taken out with 50.cals and other heavy powered rifles quite easily.

ALSO, The current Rocket Launcher in Dayz is useless so maybe it could be now actually worth something.

So I was thinking a Light Tank like the T-46. Yes it is a WW2 tank but it is russian/USSR which has a place on the current map.

T-46 specs:

Armor: 30/15/15 mm Front/Side/Back

Gun: 45 mm 20K, Rate of fire: 26.10 r/m view range of 260 meters

Engine: V-4, 300 Horse Power, Diesel and a chance of catching fire 14% (40 Mph on roads and on grass 35 mph)

Tracks: T-46 Model 1


Good turret turning speed

Decent Mobility and Agility

Decent speed off road

Able to carry lots of slots (32)

Medium damage

Decent speed on roads


Thin armor

Semi-Poor Range

High Fuel Cost

Lots of Materials to Repair 1.5x the amount of a Helicopter

Hyper-Rare Spawns (3 on the map max)

Low ammo

Quite Loud

I Think this might spice things up a little.

This is not Over Powered because its old and has thin armor!!!

Edited by Ingot

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This game should have more emphasis on civilian stuff, no tanks, apc's or fighter jets should be in the game. I don't think the m136 and .50 cals should be in the game in the first place, and I find it extremely unlikely that a civilian could drive a tank.

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Yes, I did see most of the stats from that because they get them damn near accurate :)

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Three per map is not very rare for a vehicle and it its extremely op if the only thing that can kill it is a Rocket launcher or a .50 cal. I'm doubting that even a .50 call would kill a task though

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Three per map is not very rare for a vehicle and it its extremely op if the only thing that can kill it is a Rocket launcher or a .50 cal. I'm doubting that even a .50 call would kill a task though

A .50 cal is an anti materiel rifle. Anti Armour.

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Its anti material as in killing jeeps, humvees, and helicoptors. Tank armor its way to strong

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Wtf, why some highly obscure Russian tank?

The T-46 was a prototype which was never put into full production. I doubt there are any surviving examples anywhere. Damn, I'd rather have a T-72 since it would at least fit the setting.

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I'd rather see home-made vehicles customised by players. Why not grab an offroad, weld some corragated roofing to the side for protection and then mount a PKM or Mk48 Mod 0 to the back using scaffolding bars. Much more fun to do and more fitting for the game. Rocket has said that vehicle customisation will be looked at in the future so it's not as silly as it sounds.

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Nope, you can take out a tank with a 50. Spec the old ones..
It doesn't even need to damage/destroy the tank. Just penetrate the plating on one side before it deforms.

A .50 cal bouncing around inside will make mincemeat of any occupants.

To be honest, I'd rather not have tanks kicking about. But that's just my personal preference.

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Hello there

At the most I would like maybee one armoured lightly armed ATC. Perhaps a couple of humvees. Everything else should be civvie or "technicals" IMHO.

I think a tank, even an old one just over balances things but mainly just doesn't feel correct to me.



Edited by orlok
odd paragraph
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I have something for you...


Alternatively: http://www.arma2.com/

I don't know if it has the T-46 but I heard it does have a lot of cool armor you can drive around.

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Tbh, I would like to see both military vehicles and civilian vehicles in the game.

If you see military barricades, their humvees everywhere, why wouldn't 1-2 tanks survive? Why are helicopter so bad, I don't think zombies would try to fly them...

In a real life scenario, you would find hundreds of tanks, and other vehicles all over.

Driving them should be the issue.

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Tbh, I would like to see both military vehicles and civilian vehicles in the game.

If you see military barricades, their humvees everywhere, why wouldn't 1-2 tanks survive? Why are helicopter so bad, I don't think zombies would try to fly them...

In a real life scenario, you would find hundreds of tanks, and other vehicles all over.

Driving them should be the issue.

Tanks as scenery would be nice, they would fit the setting, but then everyone would complain about not being able to drive them. Maybe they're too badly damaged to drive, maybe the military pulled the bulk of their vehicles out of Chernarus when the infection hit.

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I think (heard from a someone who heard it from someone and haven't read the 'source' article myself, and that was a while ago) that Rocket was kicking around the idea of adding in a tank or armored vehicle, but if it was a tank, the main gun would either be damaged and irreparable, or would spawn without ammo for the main gun and would be EXTREAMLY rare.

If say it was a T-72, just repairing the wheels alone (I counted 16, 8 on each side) would be cost prohibitive to a couple of bandits that just want to rape bambies. Now I've never been in a tank before (doubt I'd fit to be honest), but I don't believe the crew can just switch positions around with the possible exception of the gunner and tank commander, so even if there was a working main gun (not just coax and TC's topside gun) the driver would just have the tank itself as a weapon without jumping out of the hatch and scrambling to get back into the turret Keep in mind the original anti tank weapon (and still effective) is the molotov cocktail. I could forsee tanks being mostly avoided except by organized groups or even clans, and it'd be something kept hidden except to take out a sniper or group of bandits molesting a town, other than the lone guy with a LOT of time on his hands that wants something to roll safely through Cherno with.


Tanks as scenery would be nice, they would fit the setting, but then everyone would complain about not being able to drive them. Maybe they're too badly damaged to drive, maybe the military pulled the bulk of their vehicles out of Chernarus when the infection hit.

Theres a couple of tanks in VERY bad condition (BMPs i think), one I know of is at the little cluster of houses on the coast near three valleys.

Edited by BigMike

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Tanks should only be sources of scrap metal for base building and other crafting.

Tanks should not be usable/drive able, This is a survival game not military combat game.

As for your quote- YES, they are over powering. If tanks are there they could destroy building, towns. Tanks would make DayZ SA encourage combat which we see in BFs and CoDs. Again DayZ is about survival.

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Tanks should only be sources of scrap metal for base building and other crafting.

Tanks should not be usable/drive able, This is a survival game not military combat game.

As for your quote- YES, they are over powering. If tanks are there they could destroy building, towns. Tanks would make DayZ SA encourage combat which we see in BFs and CoDs. Again DayZ is about survival.

I for one agree, main battle tanks and light tanks as scenery should be used as wrecks to loot. Scrap metal, possibly even ammunition or weapons. I'm sure if you found a tank you could dismantle the M2 Machine Gun and mount it onto a Pickup truck or take a few shells for the main gun and construct some crude IED's.

I for one would go for the wheeled vehicles like the US Humvee and Russian Vodnik. I could see the Humvee being equipped with and without a machine gun, some closed and some open. Vodniks being amphibious could have no guns or a single PK machine gun.

The other possibility for an armored military vehicle is the BRDM-2 without its HMG, relying purely on its PK machine Gun for defence. The BRDM-2 is an armoured patrol car previously used during the Soviet Union. Like the Vodnik it too is amphibous however it posses a unique flaw, in order to get out of the vehicle you must exit out of a front hatch, which means exiting out if the vehicle is about to be destroyed would instantly put you into the line of fire.

The only tracked vehicle I could suggest would be the american M113 APC which is sometimes also used as an Ambulance as well and frequently used by less developed countries as an APC or Police SWAT Vehicles. It's main armament is a M2 .50 cal and your exposed when your operating it. Plus because of its age, most modern weapons can still defeat it. Alternatively it could also be an unarmed variant, possible used for training or something.

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I think (heard from a someone who heard it from someone and haven't read the 'source' article myself, and that was a while ago) that Rocket was kicking around the idea of adding in a tank or armored vehicle, but if it was a tank, the main gun would either be damaged and irreparable, or would spawn without ammo for the main gun and would be EXTREAMLY rare.

If say it was a T-72, just repairing the wheels alone (I counted 16, 8 on each side) would be cost prohibitive to a couple of bandits that just want to rape bambies. Now I've never been in a tank before (doubt I'd fit to be honest), but I don't believe the crew can just switch positions around with the possible exception of the gunner and tank commander, so even if there was a working main gun (not just coax and TC's topside gun) the driver would just have the tank itself as a weapon without jumping out of the hatch and scrambling to get back into the turret Keep in mind the original anti tank weapon (and still effective) is the molotov cocktail. I could forsee tanks being mostly avoided except by organized groups or even clans, and it'd be something kept hidden except to take out a sniper or group of bandits molesting a town, other than the lone guy with a LOT of time on his hands that wants something to roll safely through Cherno with.


Theres a couple of tanks in VERY bad condition (BMPs i think), one I know of is at the little cluster of houses on the coast near three valleys.

Apart from the fact that a tank has tracks instead of wheels.. where d'you wanna get tank-tracks from?

the only for a civilian repairable "tanks" are APCs like the LAV-25.

But i think putting a DShKM or PK-Machine Gun on a Ural would be close to OP already. Ural takes a lot of hits before it's going down (in fact, it takes around 12-13 bullets out of a KSVK, which uses 12.7x108 cartridges, therefore even more powerful than the .50 BMG or the 12.7x99 NATO, to destroy a Ural only hitting it's engine block)

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Everyone should start with in a T-72 and the ability to call in airstrikes whenever we want to, This would improve the game a lot. I also want power-ups like invisibility, teleport to anywhere on the map and other special perks. This will be so cool man.

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Everyone should start with in a T-72 and the ability to call in airstrikes whenever we want to, This would improve the game a lot. I also want power-ups like invisibility, teleport to anywhere on the map and other special perks. This will be so cool man.

no, not teleporting. thsts stupid.

power ups for invisibilty also stupid. instead we should add predator clothes

but t-72 and airstrikes sounds cool

Sent from my mobile Device and now i have big ePeEn!

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Its anti material as in killing jeeps, humvees, and helicoptors. Tank armor its way to strong

Not correct at all, a .50 cal can punch through a decent amount of armour plate, if it can punch through a jeeps engine block you can be sure it will make it through a couple inches of metal...

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Poor zombies, tanks, jets, airstrikes, .50 cal. Poor bastards, im thinking that the zombies are victims now, not the living ones.

Those thinks doenst fit in an zombie post apocalyptic genre. Maybe an .50 cal gun but no jets or armor vehicle's.

Edited by Toonen1988

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