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Vilayer.com - FULL Source File, FTP and Database Access | Fully Customizable | BEC | 16 Maps | Epoch

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Hi Matt, Lee,


We are having a problem with the database on uk31, we started using the TSW tool as an easy way of creating vehicle spawn points, but once the server is restarted all the vehicles we created are gone yet they still show in TSW and still show in the database.


If you try to remove a vehicle with the TSW tool you get an error about the database.


Also teleporting and a few other features just don't work, I contacted the TSW guy and he said there is something wrong with the server and to contact you.


Please look at this when you get chance, I believe Simon is sending in a ticket.





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I purchased a Vilayer server today for the DayZ Server Package and it is labeled as "Active" but I cannot find my server in DayZ Commander, I was not given an IP, and I cannot login to the Control Panel because it only gave me a password not a username.




Thanks in advanced,


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has the server been provisions yet have you had the email.


what time did you order the server 

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has the server been provisions yet have you had the email.


what time did you order the server 

Thanks for the quick reply.

Ordered it ~1 hr 20 minutes ago. And I received a provisioning email.

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It would be a better idea to send ViLayer a message rather than posting here, as it is unlikely that a representative will find this thread faster than they will respond to you via a support ticket.

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Well just a heads up from my exp with vilayer so far.


A few of my friends and myself decided to chip in and get an Epoch server. Everything seemed to be going great until 5 days ago. Ever since then, come 17:00GMT the server is offline and the ACP is down too. My friend who pays the bill has informed us that this is due to Vilayer getting DDOS'd every night with out fail. What makes this funny, is the announcement of vilayers anti-ddos equipment/program.


That seems to be working for you vilayer!

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hmmmm... there was a really informative post here last night with good info on the DDoS situation and server locations...


Mods going around deleting useful info now if it shines a light on some shady activity by their buddies?






It was removed because another Server provider used agressive concurrent marketing to belittle this Topic.

It may be that the info was correct, that is not the question.

It has nothing to do with buddies and further more it has nothing to do with you, unless you have a Vilayer server, in which case you should submit a support ticket.


If ersan191 has a problem with his post being removed he is free to contact me or one of the other Moderators but the post will not be restored.

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K, so apparently you can't point out false advertising in an advertising thread unless you are already a customer, but in that case you should submit a support ticket instead of posting it anyways... :huh:


Someone who rented a server in Singapore (HongKong) or New York (Montreal) or London (Roubaix) who feels a bit ticked about it should copy/paste the info and post it, so those people who are less 'net sophisticated can benefit from the data.


I guess the moral of the story is, you should always run a traceroute on your server IP to verify it is where whoever you rent it from says it is.

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