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...and then it hit me: I'm not really a "noob" anymore. How about you?

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So basically since I started playing this game I've had the mindset that I'm new to the game, so I'm not in any position to argue or give advice about the game.

Then the other night, I was driving on the eastern shore in my military offroad, and I heard someone in direct chat as I drove by asking for a ride. I stopped, picked him up and told him I was going to the NEAF to repair a helicopter. He said that's cool, and then he told me he was "completely new to this game". I was just about to say "yeah, me too", but then I realized I had a truck full of all sorts of guns, fully stocked gear/ammo, and plenty of medical supplies and car parts, AND I was driving (in my opinion) one of the best trucks in the game, on my way to repair a helicopter. What really made me realize I can't really say "I'm still new at this" anymore, is that this scenario is not really unusual anymore, I didn't just "get lucky".

So, while I'm still not an expert or anything, and I haven't been playing that long, I really feel like I'm getting the hang of this game on a whole new level. When did you first feel like you were getting the hang of it? i.e. taking out 3 people all by yourself, successfully stealing a chopper, etc.

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Hijacking a URAL full of trained squad members [around 8 in the back] and driving it off Pik Kozlovka

But other than that I as of late consider myself highly skilled, especially when it comes to fending off zombies. I'm also really good at driving vehicles.

Edited by Inception.
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BTW I'm not trying to brag or say I'm that good or anything, I still need more practice in combat. I don't shoot on sight unless someone looks at me while armed, but I've killed a few people after they shot at me...I've been killed more times than that though.

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I died near Zelen after a zombie broke my leg by hitting me through a wall of the house I was looting. I was fully geared and after I respawned in Electro I took off for my corpse. Found a Ural stashed in the woods and made it about half way there when I realized I hadn't yet looked at a map.

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Ehhhhhh.... I'm pretty much still a noob.

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Utter noob here.

In Arma2 regular missions PVP or COOP I hold my own very well thank you.

In DAYZ I'm a shambling panicking mess of a human being.



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Im not a noob anymore but i try to pick up something new every time I play. Playing with a group helps you learn how others think and play. Its always good to continually evolve your tactics in this game.

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When one day I started as a fresh spawn and geared up that quickly that it didn't make me as sad to have lost all my stuff. It isn't as "fatal" to die anymore, I'll quickly be on my way.

Also, joining a bambie server one day realising that I had way more experience :P

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I've never been a noob. Sure, I've been a newb, but never a noob. At least, not at DayZ.

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having my dude live over 5 days and hitting 250 kills

up to that point i was getting BATTERED

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Still newbie in many ways but I can make the Kamishovo, Rog, Tulga, Dolina, Polana, Berenzinho, Khlem, Krasnostac, NEAF run in my sleep. Usually get sniped within seconds of hitting the airfield so still have lots to learn.

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There are moments where I think I have a handle on the game and I can survive..

.. and then I get trapped in a house with multiple zombies on my face.. as I bleed out.. I remember.. that no.. I am still a noob.

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I thought I'm no longer a noob, but when I listen to my friend suggestion of letting him fire his Fal to kill off the aggro behind me in a confined tent, I realised that I am a super duper noob......

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I've been at the game for 6 months and since I joined a group in September I've never been a noob . I always keep looking around , I help players in trouble but keep a weapon pointed at them in case , I don't need a map anymore to get anywhere and so on and so forth .

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I think you can consider yourself "not a noob" when you don't pick up a guy in a car full of guns and ammo and then tell him you are going to repair a chopper. Just saying.

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After I realized my camp will most likely never be found or raided by another player, and killing 5 veteran players within 30 minutes.

I know exactly what you mean. You will come to a moment while playing this game.. that you are no longer the bambi that you just shot in the face in Kamenka.

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I must be a noob also, as I sometimes cock up and get killed by zombies when i pull a fatal mistake, Usually wrong button pressing. or not counting rounds in my weapons just before contact.

Even after 400+ hours in game I can do most things I still now and again press stand while surrounded by zeds.

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First few weeks I was terrible. Learning what buildings spawn what items helped a lot. Now a days if I die its either because I got sniped, or some sort of glitch. First time I knew I wasnt a noob anymore was the first time I hit 1k kills in one life. mk 48 mod 0 <3

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