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With the SA it would be nice to have a building or room that you could secure in order to sell loot to players traveling through without the worry of getting shot in the face. It wouldn't be indestructible but something to encourage player driven towns and more interaction instead of shoot on site and loot, repeat.

I really enjoy base building but the current mechanic are more in favor of just roaming, there is no point securing an area when you know someone can just log on and steal your stuff when you're away.

This could be something as complex as a customizable building where you have to find bullet proof glass to build a safety barrier or some building or underground room that the devs prebuilt.

I'd really like to see mechanics that allow use to create our own in game communities/towns/cities that we can defend from bandits, provide a safe place for survivors and new players.

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If you try set up a trading post or store, the nearest troll/bandit will just ruin it all.

EDIT: Unless you have 10 people hiding or on rooftops guarding the area.

Edited by GOD™

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I agree tehre needs to be more to offer players in the way of secure bases or areas because as you say the game is more suited to roaming the map and raiding rather than securing areas or building fortifications. Not sure I agree with things being totally indestructable though.

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If you try set up a trading post or store, the nearest troll/bandit will just ruin it all.

EDIT: Unless you have 10 people hiding or on rooftops guarding the area.

That's another issue that arises, yes this is suppose to be a simulator but in real life you don't log off, you just go to sleep and if someone breaks into your place you wake up but in the game there is no way to deter bandits.

So maybe defensive AI characters? Is that blasphemy on these forums? :)

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Oh man...i have a good laugh with arma 2s AI

:) I'd say nothing more than a defend script(shoot anything that isn't you). And a simple toggle on, toggle off.

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If you try set up a trading post or store, the nearest troll/bandit will just ruin it all.

EDIT: Unless you have 10 people hiding or on rooftops guarding the area.

oo more people shoot in the head

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:) I'd say nothing more than a defend script(shoot anything that isn't you). And a simple toggle on, toggle off.

the AI are basiclly....stupid...well AI with aimbot and are very easy to outsmart.

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i like this idea, its just the CoD kiddie KoS bandits that trouble me.

Edited by GOD™

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That's another issue that arises, yes this is suppose to be a simulator but in real life you don't log off, you just go to sleep and if someone breaks into your place you wake up but in the game there is no way to deter bandits.

So maybe defensive AI characters? Is that blasphemy on these forums? :)

One of the core features of the game is you and your belongings are only as safe as you can make them. This is anarchy. The only rules being the moral code your character lives by. All things at risk at all times. If you change that then you are no longer playing DayZ.

Blasphemy on the forums? nah. In game? O HELL YES.

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Hello there

I would love a mechanic to encourage trading but without having safe zones, I dont see how it can be done (not that I have spent any time thinking on it)

One thing to remember is that although player driven narrative is cool, it takes hundreds of generations to establish a proper community (from absolute scratch) and I just dont see any long lasting town/kibbutz springing up during the lifetime of Dayz

I hope I'm proved wrong.


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This would work if people want to RP and etc.. (like on my server where cherno is a greenzone that where we come and sell all our stuff)

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300th post!

now love me.

This would work if people want to RP and etc.. (like on my server where cherno is a greenzone that where we come and sell all our stuff)

Anyways.....Cherno being a greenzone?

not sure if possible.

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One of the core features of the game is you and your belongings are only as safe as you can make them. This is anarchy. The only rules being the moral code your character lives by. All things at risk at all times. If you change that then you are no longer playing DayZ.

Blasphemy on the forums? nah. In game? O HELL YES.

I agree with the Op, and instead of things like defensive AI... You could secure the door from the inside (brackets connected to door and wall and just a piece of wood/piece that you slip into it, not really sure what that's called but typically seen on barn doors), and maybe put a padlock on the outside. There are things to deter thiefs but I like the fact that you can do whatever you want in the game, ie break into someones shop. A padlock would be pretty easily broken into by an experienced thief, others might decide to shoot it and attract attention, etc.

In any case I think these ideas are way beyond what the game will be like anytime soon, or at all.

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This mechanic would thrive on private hives and whitelist and people already do it know, it would just be built in mechanic to strength it.

And I when I said safe zone, I meant a player driven safe zone that players actively defend, not some mechanic that doesn't allow you to kill.

the storefronts would still be destructible ie stachels or large explosives but defensable against small arms or the random shoot on sight guy.

Just enough for a bandit to say,"I might not want to shoot this guy right now". Maybe something as simple as a lockable door? If you shoot the guy that controls the lock you might be stuck in that house for awhile and his friend might come avenge his death.

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No AI, please.

It shouldn't be official.

Things like this shouldn't, at least.

People should like, improvise it.

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No AI, please.

It shouldn't be official.

Things like this shouldn't, at least.

People should like, improvise it.

The problem then is how do you defends your assets? In real life you'd wake up and start shooting but you never know when someone is going through your stuff in dayz when you are logged off.

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The problem then is how do you defends your assets? In real life you'd wake up and start shooting but you never know when someone is going through your stuff in dayz when you are logged off.

You don't.

You barricade it while you're gone, or take chances, or stay on.

There should be no fake players to defend your base, or store, or whatever.

This is far too much like a safe zone.

I also hope you're not saying add currency, or make this store generate stuff...

A-Are you?

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I also hope you're not saying add currency, or make this store generate stuff...

A-Are you?

Hell No, you find your stuff and trade it just like you would in real life.

AI is just one of many suggestions. A more suitable mechanic would be something like the guy earlier mentioned where you have a mechanism that locks the door or something so the guy can't escape for a brief time if he does decide to kill you.

I just want to see some kind of mechanic to promote more player driven town/community in the game and not a giant 225sqK TDM and roaming hordes of bandits.

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If you have a closed community ( private serve with whitelisted players ) the possibility of people trashing your store would be lower because they might really find it useful instead of thinking to trash and loot it once and then it's gone.

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My opinion is that the game shouldn't help you keep together something that should not be in the first place. THe existence of a "physical" shop cannot subsist in a lawless land with no towns, and no order structure that keeps the looters at bay.

Maintaining a store in DayZ, if it's even possible should require more than one player, and a 24hours cover plan. If we add anything to protect your things while you are offline we enter a gameification realm that i believe should be left aside.

And the whole idea of restricting a server to a close knit community is a spit in the face of what DayZ is. DayZ forces you to compose with whoever else is playing, you might like them, you might hate them, but you have to deal with them instead of just playing wth your butt buddies who will never ever betray you.

Edited by Lady Kyrah
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Maintaining a store in DayZ, if it's even possible should require more than one player, and a 24hours cover plan. If we add anything to protect your things while you are offline we enter a gameification realm that i believe should be left aside.

No doubt, you should get your store ransacked if you think it's smart to built it out in the middle of nowhere, alone. it should be a collection of players to keep a town or base maintained.

I just want to see something that is worth maintaining because right now it's pretty much urals. Tents are a joke and you can't clear a town of zombies cause of infinite spawning. Even being able to built or put up storage containers in a building is a step forward.

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We already have trading ingame.

In the shape of "I'll trade one of my bullets for all your items" :D

And thats all the trading Dayz should have :)

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The problem then is how do you defends your assets? In real life you'd wake up and start shooting but you never know when someone is going through your stuff in dayz when you are logged off.

Hire some WOW Gold Farmers to defend it while you sleep?

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