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infected or zombles (yes zombles)

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IDK. Looking at the name of the game, the skins of the zombies, and the way they act when you're not around... They act, look, and seem like zombies

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Actually the term Zombie technically didn't originally refer to the undead. Its origins are from Haiti where a powdered drug was used by Voodoo priests to give the illusion of death to villagers who were buried, then exhumed some time later and kept drugged to work in the poppy fields. Sometimes family members would recognise these drugged villagers in the fields but in their comatose state, coupled with the evidence of the recently emptied grave, they were believed to be undead.

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With all due respect, something that has no remembrance of their or its past life, feasts on humans,able to survive / live through situations that a normal human being can not, is a Zombie. Now infected and the normal know "zombie" are different, in SOME cases, basically zombies and infected are both the same.

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Hello there

I use both terms myself. Infected as the "proper" description and Zombies/Zeds as slang.



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I like the walking dead zombies, everybody is infected with a virus and when you die the virus will 'restart' a small part of the brain that will control the movement and other zombie stuff, and don't forgot that the zombies in the walking dead can smell living meat.

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there are some really big differences between the classical Zombies which are all based on Georg A. Romero's work and the so called "infected" used in "28 days later" ...our beloved zeds are no classical zombies but I am sure that in case of such a virus outbreak a lot of people would call it a zombie apocalypse...

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Infected? Zombies?

I just assume they have all just returned from a Phil Collins concert and so are mad with Rage.

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I'm aware that they're supposed to be "infected" but I still just call them zombies or Z's anyway.

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