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{GBYC} EvilBunny

GREAT SERVER, BALANCED, FRIENDLY, TRY US --> Devils Castle Will Fall | DayZ | [GBYC] - New Abandoned Cities | Alt Loot Tables | Sidechat on

Server Changes  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Day&Night Changes with Streetlights

    • Keep current setup 1.5Hrs night 6.5Hrs day every restart
    • Use setup of 3Hrs night and 5Hrs day every restart but add streetlights
    • Extend Night but dont add streetlighting.

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here is jake from states from the other night i will try and get mine up soon. same thing from my point of view lol

Edited by {GBYC} EvilBunny

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Also Event this Friday People...

Details in the original post. But it starts @ 21:00 GMT+0 timezone

Don't have to let me know just turn up you can join in with just a profile name alteration that's it. If you do intend to give the events a shot then drop a post so you know what team your gunna be in before you turn up.. either way is fine.. just so i can get an idea of numbers

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Minor change to get the best of the server for all our players from all timeszones....

Server restart time will now be 2am.. What this will do is mean all restarts cause the serve to be a full moon night upon restart however within 2-3 hours, because the date is fixed at 6/6/2012, it will be sun rise and for the remaining 5 hours before next restart it will be daylight.

This has been to allow ALL our players from AUS, USA, EU and GB to all get short amount of night time playing with majority daylight.

Nights will still be full moon and so visibility will still be good for the first few hours after restart.

The next MAIN change to the server will be the removal of the weather systems. no rain or FOG to speak of... means the full moon at night cant be obscured by damn clouds lol. I will be hosting a poll about weather though before any changes are made.

Edited by {GBYC} EvilBunny

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here is jake from states from the other night i will try and get mine up soon. same thing from my point of view lol

Same goes for me i will upload from my point of vew.

Was a good day that day.

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In response to the poll, is there a way to remove weather between certain times to make night manageable but day realistic.... to a point?

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In response to the poll, is there a way to remove weather between certain times to make night manageable but day realistic.... to a point?

realistically i highly doubt it... i am having to rip chunks of the dayz_code.pbo out and force them into the mission file as it is just to control the weather for everyone which is already going to raise the mission file size to nearly 1Mb i expect... dont wanna go higher...

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OMG not laughed this much in ages

cant wait to work with my footage tonight lol its going to be epic lol

Edited by {GBYC} EvilBunny

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Hey, its jimmy from the BSB network. i will be playing the event but want to know if we need rmod installed to play on the server? also will we have to make our own way to the island?

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doesnt matter about the rmod thing, didnt read the post. just installed it now.

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Hey guys!

Just started playing on this server a few days ago, but wow... Server is great!

I so enjoy it, everybody i have met till now, has been very friendly... Helped me out etc..

Players is very mature, and super friendly! That`s a big ++++!!

Also the server is very well set up, debug monitor works fine, has blood counter and all the fancy stuff... What I really wanna say, take a friend or two if you are about to try this server out! ... Needs more players!

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the restart warning messages are not showing up bunny. i know this because ive lost 2 helicopter loads of weapons to this.

Sort it out.

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just started looking at this now... will let you know when they are fixed. in the mean time restarts should still be 02:00, 10:00 and 18:00 GMT+0 time.

and big welcome to Pvt sean and all the new people playing... good to see you all here

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Figured out what the problem.. its all because of UK daylight savings time. the messages are out sync with the server now due to the time being moved forward by a day... so the restart times are now out by an hour .... i will sort them asap.... gimmi till monday .. in the mean time assume the corrected restart times are as follows ...

03:00, 11:00, 19:00 GMT+0 timescale

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I logged at at 02:30GMT+0 thinking I'll get on just after restart but my gameplay was interupted by a 03:00GMT+0 restart. I'm assuming the server doesn't follow the real time in the UK haha

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lol how close :P hahh nice catch nimrod :P

will be about at somepoint this week to catch up with you. we will sort the time diff again when you working this week as turbo is off all week too?

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I logged at at 02:30GMT+0 thinking I'll get on just after restart but my gameplay was interupted by a 03:00GMT+0 restart. I'm assuming the server doesn't follow the real time in the UK haha

Problem fixed... messages now back in sync with the restarts

Figured out what the problem.. its all because of UK daylight savings time. the messages are out sync with the server now due to the time being moved forward by a day... so the restart times are now out by an hour .... i will sort them asap.... gimmi till monday .. in the mean time assume the corrected restart times are as follows ...

03:00, 11:00, 19:00 GMT+0 timescale


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Hey guys!

Just started playing on this server a few days ago, but wow... Server is great!

I so enjoy it, everybody i have met till now, has been very friendly... Helped me out etc..

Players is very mature, and super friendly! That`s a big ++++!!

Also the server is very well set up, debug monitor works fine, has blood counter and all the fancy stuff... What I really wanna say, take a friend or two if you are about to try this server out! ... Needs more players!

cheers for the props mate... glad you like it

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For the Completion of a Devils Castle event and some further server optimization fixes for the events the server will be getting restarted fairly regularly after about 23:00GMT+0 tonight ... feel free to still keep logging in and using the server i just recommend that you don't fly. lol

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lol how close hahh nice catch nimrod

will be about at somepoint this week to catch up with you. we will sort the time diff again when you working this week as turbo is off all week too?

Yeah it was a good catch. Ahh mate I'm back at work now I won't be home till Tuesday next week

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Yeah it was a good catch. Ahh mate I'm back at work now I won't be home till Tuesday next week

thats cool mate... will catch you when you return . back to 7 on i see

you got 7 off next week though???

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