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{GBYC} EvilBunny

GREAT SERVER, BALANCED, FRIENDLY, TRY US --> Devils Castle Will Fall | DayZ | [GBYC] - New Abandoned Cities | Alt Loot Tables | Sidechat on

Server Changes  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Day&Night Changes with Streetlights

    • Keep current setup 1.5Hrs night 6.5Hrs day every restart
    • Use setup of 3Hrs night and 5Hrs day every restart but add streetlights
    • Extend Night but dont add streetlighting.

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Booooom our much appreciated love to jake from the state. ..... no eu server left with more than 2 ppl on ergo we crashing now... 12hrs straight dayz n bf3 footage upasap

Nice. Still along way off my record, but it's just sad. Wish I could have been there

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Right since last night was such a laugh we are doing a repeat tonight if there is enough interest for it... do ppl want rog castle again or skalisty island again???

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Right well Many thanks to jake from state (youtube - DaftyGaming) for getting his part 1 up so quick.

Our footage from the weekend consists of over 200Gb which will take some time to filter make into stream and upload . in the meantime though we have to give serious props to Jake From State Farm for his videos

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i bring you fridays event video footage edited and complete.

Saturdays rematch footage will get done eventually and get uploaded too. but for now you will all just have to make do with 30mins of fridays edited together lol

Hope you like it.

To be involved with these event.. just become a regular on the server you will hear all about them from clans etc

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There are now several weapons crate drops all over the chernarus map in forests etc where they have "fallen out of a crashing heli". I have modified their loot contents to contain some unatainable weapons like the SCAR-L-H's, AK107's, M8 series inc M8 sniper, SCAR_H_CQC_CCO_SD red dot carbine scar basically and of course they can contain the usual loot tables from downed helis too. So get hunting.

Crates will look like the following;


So now you know what they look like and what they contain... GO FIND THEM...

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This weeks scenario details are now posted in the OP! check it for details. BRAND NEW SCENARIO/EVENT.


#For the new people mumble channels are provided for each team

#Don't forget this server requires rmod to join. but as you can see from the posts etc its well worth getting.


##ASSAULT ON MYSHKINO - [TEAM1] & [TEAM2] will be having a straight up death match while assaulting the quiet little village of MYSHKINO. Local police force will be defending [TEAM1] while the gorilla goons [TEAM2] try and storm the village and pillage it. Again in this scenario weapons crates will be provided to both teams for the purpose of the event.



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Right well Many thanks to jake from state (youtube - DaftyGaming) for getting his part 1 up so quick.

Our footage from the weekend consists of over 200Gb which will take some time to filter make into stream and upload . in the meantime though we have to give serious props to Jake From State Farm for his videos

here is the 2nd part from Jake from State Farm

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There are now several weapons crate drops all over the chernarus map in forests etc where they have "fallen out of a crashing heli". I have modified their loot contents to contain some unatainable weapons like the SCAR-L-H's, AK107's, M8 series inc M8 sniper, SCAR_H_CQC_CCO_SD red dot carbine scar basically and of course they can contain the usual loot tables from downed helis too. So get hunting.

Crates will look like the following;


So now you know what they look like and what they contain... GO FIND THEM...

It just keeps getting better and better

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Just to let ppls know i will b back online wednesday night.. you can still get hold of me during the day though in the usual ways.

Edited by {GBYC} EvilBunny

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Looked at the Changelog for DayZ 1.7.6. It looks good on the face of it... However i am going to wait for a few days before updating just to make sure its stable and doesn't need an emergency fix immediately after its released... If though like the last one it stops people joining i will update anyhow but i would prefer not too until feedback starts coming in from the community confirming that its stable... Also based upon the further weapon changes and more ingame changes i will need to change the loadouts again... *sigh*

Also this may overwrite all the minor map changes i have done in the previous release and the maps may not be compatible with the new release. so i may have to do them all again... I will keep you all informed. From this point though assume that the event on friday IS still going ahead.

Any problems let me know.


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Right well Many thanks to jake from state (youtube - DaftyGaming) for getting his part 1 up so quick.

Our footage from the weekend consists of over 200Gb which will take some time to filter make into stream and upload . in the meantime though we have to give serious props to Jake From State Farm for his videos

here is the 2nd part from Jake from State Farm

and here is the third part from jake from state farm.

thanks a million man for the footage uploads

Edited by {GBYC} EvilBunny

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Just to confirm I will be updating the server on wednesday this week.



None of the above are under my control this is what the new reality code does :(

I am going to back up the entire database before its done so i should be able to reset most of if not all of it.

However this cannot be guaranteed. If the table structure has changed then there will be incompatible data column structure and i will be unable to restore from the backup. ERGO stuff will completely reset.

Due to this i am thinking that I will utilize this opportunity to do a private hive DB reset and redo some areas of the map... I will keep you all informed of anything i decide. I will have to update the server again with rmod etc etc. so while i have to do all this i may complete my todo list on adding new city in map center, implementing more heli crashes, adding more randomly placed weapons crates and updating the loot tables.

As I said i will keep you all informed but be prepared for a server hive refresh in case the backups are not compatible with the new release.

All the best

Talk to most of you on wednesday.


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yeah I bet. You know how you said about possible reset of all vehicles :-| remember where I logged out with that mi17 gunna be a long walk back lol

Lol ano but there may not be a choice. Depends how the server handles the update. Also i will be adding a poll qu... cus it seems all this hotfix really is, is a removal of the extra food items in the game due to whiney kids stating its not fair other people get named food products. ZOMFG!!!! i swear if that really turns out to be the only reason for this server will be stopping at 1.7.6.... however i may have to hotfix if its more than the removal of food items that have only been in for 24hrs lol.

Hope it turns out to be a script issue and not whinging babies that have caused them to be removed.

Edited by {GBYC} EvilBunny

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Right well Many thanks to jake from state (youtube - DaftyGaming) for getting his part 1 up so quick.

Our footage from the weekend consists of over 200Gb which will take some time to filter make into stream and upload . in the meantime though we have to give serious props to Jake From State Farm for his videos

here is the 2nd part from Jake from State Farm

and here is the third part from jake from state farm.

thanks a million man for the footage uploads

then the forth part lol this really was an epic event.

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The server will be updated tonight with 1.7.6...... i have run it on my test server for several days now and it seems stable enough.. the server will have its normal 18:00GMT+0 restart and stay down for about an hour. it may appear online but it will be locked till 19:00GMT+0 while i check everything has upgraded ok and that things like skins and map changes still function correctly.

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The server will be updated tonight with 1.7.6...... i have run it on my test server for several days now and it seems stable enough.. the server will have its normal 18:00GMT+0 restart and stay down for about an hour. it may appear online but it will be locked till 19:00GMT+0 while i check everything has upgraded ok and that things like skins and map changes still function correctly.


problems or bugs post them here or email me


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Comon people we need more regular players on this before friday. LOL want at least 10 per side on friday for the event. It will be immense.. Might event rival last weeks with the idea i had for this one. Let me know. join in the fun. get your mates to join too. GET MORE PEOPLE ON THIS AMAZING SERVER LOL

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Comon people we need more regular players on this before friday. LOL want at least 10 per side on friday for the event. It will be immense.. Might event rival last weeks with the idea i had for this one. Let me know. join in the fun. get your mates to join too. GET MORE PEOPLE ON THIS AMAZING SERVER LOL

I finish exams tommorow and Slorgos/Jorgen should be back then so we will be able to play friday. Btw did the update reset tents/vehicles?

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