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Why always Russia

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i think it would be cool if they made a map for each continent so everyone would be pleased. But im sure the reason you say new york is cuz your sick of reading fucking russian signs. This game would be awesome if i didnt have 2 go onto dayzwiki every time i wanna know where the fuck i am. yeah i can memorize them like i have in chernarus, but it really gets old after awhile. People want to play dayz in new york so they can travel to there own house and camp it out or something. Wouldnt you love a game where you get to go to the places you actually see in real life? I would fucking love to see that. I wanna go kill a bunch of zombies in my backyard then go down to the mall where i used to go as a kid. Im sure there are some people who would say that this would ruin it because your not getting anything "new" out of this because its not a different environment.

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i think it would be cool if they made a map for each continent so everyone would be pleased. But im sure the reason you say new york is cuz your sick of reading fucking russian signs. This game would be awesome if i didnt have 2 go onto dayzwiki every time i wanna know where the fuck i am. yeah i can memorize them like i have in chernarus, but it really gets old after awhile. People want to play dayz in new york so they can travel to there own house and camp it out or something. Wouldnt you love a game where you get to go to the places you actually see in real life? I would fucking love to see that. I wanna go kill a bunch of zombies in my backyard then go down to the mall where i used to go as a kid. Im sure there are some people who would say that this would ruin it because your not getting anything "new" out of this because its not a different environment.

Yeah, cause the Russians don't play this game and defiantly don't have their own section below at the main page.
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People want to play dayz in new york so they can travel to there own house and camp it out or something. Wouldnt you love a game where you get to go to the places you actually see in real life?

Newsflash honey, most people aren't americans.

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No. And especially if those twats are there.

Stalker and COD? did it to death.

Cummon be original..

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A map of New York would take literal decades to finish and make well done.

First off, if you want realism, then you'll have to go to New York and visit every single building and photograph it's interior.

Secondly, there would be over a million zombies, which would be laggy as fuck, or of course you could just have a hundred zombies wandering around.

Thirdly, in any game mapping, buildings and interiors (especially interiors) take FOREVER to make, and to make every single building in New York... Generations would be born and inherit the project.

"Papa Mapper, do I have to keep coding? I'm so hungry..."

"I'm sorry son, but some guy wants to run around New York because he doesn't like trees."

Edited by CommunistScootaloo
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I love the tour guide in this, how he defends the Russians.

"It was those Russian bastards."

*Frantically says* "No, it was Soviet! Not Russian or Ukrainian, Soviet!"

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No. And especially if those twats are there.

Stalker and COD? did it to death.

Cummon be original..

Never played "stalker", I did play the campaign in modern warfare 1...

* The very linear campaign mission.

I'd love to survive in a large deserted area like in "Chernobyl", the city that resembles to it the closest is the main city in Namalsk.

* Vorkuta


If only I could make ARMA 2 maps...

Edited by Sobieski12

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Never played "stalker"...

...I'd love to survive in a large deserted area like in "Chernobyl"

You, my friend, need to go play Stalker. Like, right now.

EDIT: If you are busy, just start with the 3rd one. It's the most open one and also the best.

Edited by Max Planck
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You, my friend, need to go play Stalker. Like, right now.

EDIT: If you are busy, just start with the 3rd one. It's the most open one and also the best.

Just checked out your avatar.

* Sweet Pea.

Are you the guy I shoot north of berezino, last night?

* The body that left for you to loot?

Edited by Sobieski12

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Just checked out your avatar.

* Sweet Pea.

Are you the guy I shoot north of berezino, last night?

* The body that left for you to loot?

Nope, not me. My ingame name is 'Max Planck' and I play on BMRF only.

I'm still miffed that you would even think about shooting me though.

Now go play Stalker.

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i think it would be cool if they made a map for each continent so everyone would be pleased. But im sure the reason you say new york is cuz your sick of reading fucking russian signs. This game would be awesome if i didnt have 2 go onto dayzwiki every time i wanna know where the fuck i am. yeah i can memorize them like i have in chernarus, but it really gets old after awhile. People want to play dayz in new york so they can travel to there own house and camp it out or something. Wouldnt you love a game where you get to go to the places you actually see in real life? I would fucking love to see that. I wanna go kill a bunch of zombies in my backyard then go down to the mall where i used to go as a kid. Im sure there are some people who would say that this would ruin it because your not getting anything "new" out of this because its not a different environment.

You know, I actually live in Celle. Guess what? The only thing that is like reality in the DayZ map is the castle and the River. It's a game, and thus implementing everything in detail would be too much work. On an NY Map you might have Ground Zero, the Empire State Building and the general Shape of Manhattan, i.e. an Island between a splitting river.

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games are never set in Australia :( It would be awesome if we could have an extra map that resembles australia

Im happy with fighting zombies and bandits, no need for monster mutant bigass spiders Q.Q

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You know...if the signs were in English and with a few architectural changes, Chernarus would look a lot like Eastern Pennsylvania or upstate New York.

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We need a DayZ SA map editor and you can have your own map for your server.

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Because if the game were based in America, the zombies wouldn't be a threat at all. They'd be so fat and lazy they wouldn't be able to move, at least Russians can run!

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Because if the game were based in America, the zombies wouldn't be a threat at all. They'd be so fat and lazy they wouldn't be able to move, at least Russians can run!


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Russian maps are fine as they are,the Soviet architecture is perfect for zombie apocalypse,specially if you think of Chernobyl,also there is so much weapons in former Soviet republics that it can be much easier to find something to shoot with.I loved Namalsk,cold and wet,makes you shiver.

And as many alredy said we already got enough games that happens in either US or in middle east.

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I think Russian areas suits games like this, and the dilapidated post-USSR buildings, the grimeyness of buildings and cars, hell, even the weather. It fits the genre well. No offense to anybody russian of course.

Not to mention, imagine the lag of a kabillion zombies spawning on a city based map...

Sweet mother of god...

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Never ceases to surprise me. Why so much hate for Americans? I consider most European countrys to be brethren, not enemies... but yeah, we are all getting way to fat

As for why in Russia, cause every damn movie, game and story sent out to the masses for the last 50 years, has been about America being the hero, saviour or leader. I for one am very tired of this bullshit.

btw: No spelling police, I cant get the damn spell check to work for some reason.

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I consider most European countrys to be brethren, not enemies...

Please do not assume the voice of one speaks for all, especially when that voice says something largely disagreeable.

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...I consider most European countrys to be brethren, not enemies.

Eh... So which european countries do you consider enemies?

Can I expect a drone attack soon, should I duck and cover?

Why so much hate for Americans?


Edited by Max Planck
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Because in Soviet Russia......

sorry that's all I got.

I like the setting but it would be cool if the signs were in a few different languages. Ive seen some signs in places that had the native language then a couple other languages under it. Not a biggie but would be nice. Probably more time than its worth as it would take away time from other parts of the project.

Still oh man what Id give for a map of Portland, Oregon. Perfect city and surrounding region for a Zombie apocalypse.

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I would like to see Delta/Swamp/Mangrove map, with military bases scattered deep in the swamp, and much of the area covered in knee deep water from which the player can get an infection. Try running away from zombies in muck, mud and mire. Overall, I do not mind the Russian settings of Chernarus, etc but the cyrillic is like Greek, man. Pun intended.

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