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So let me get this straight...

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I spawn, I walk towards a town to start looking for stuff. I have no weapon now, omg the game is like 20 times more intense and my hair is all standing on end and stuff. I feel so hardcore now, so much in fact I think I could plug Old Faithful with my schlong and gargle molten rock right before impregnating the women of the world with my superior seed simply by breathing on them. :cool:

Zombies see by line of sight now? Great! I just have to actually be careful around them. Oh no, I hear them in the street there! I'll just slow crouch/prone my way around this house here and take a look around the yard and such, maybe finding a gun I can use to dispense righteous justice upon the fiends. Oh snap, the infected...heard me? The game indicated I wasn't making any sound! So it saw me...through that brick wall? :huh:

No problem, I say to myself! I run a marathon every morning before breakfast and every night after dinner, sprinting across the entire wilderness of Eastern Europe in one go is no problem for me! Even better, zombies drop aggro! This is going to be a piece of cake.

4 minutes later: These guys sure are persistent! But I'll shake them sooner or later!

9 minutes later: Boy, I must smell GOOD or something...

50 minutes later: I've yet to once put more than a couple yards between us once. Hmmm...:s

So you're saying I should just hide from them? Oh, that sounds swell...let me just dash into that building there. I'm sure the zombies a few feet behind me at all times wont notice my stealthy move. And all that noise I'm making running towards the building...surely wont alert more zombies? No? Great!


At what point in anyone's mind did it make ANY logical sense WHATSOEVER to create this situation. The zombies run faster than you. You CANNOT and WILL NOT ever outrun them. I have never dropped aggro by running into a building and shutting the door to break line of sight because...they were within spitting distance the entire time and saw me go in. Sometimes they still glitch through the door after me, sometimes they just sit outside screeching at me, but either way they still know I'm there.

I don't mind not spawning with a weapon, and that's not really my complaint anyway. My gripe is spawning without a weapon while the zombies are completely broken. If you aggro a zombie you are dead, you really might as well just alt+f4 because you have ZERO chance of survival unless you happen to have a friend who can kill it for you, which...since you just spawned, short of running for 30 minutes or being extremely lucky, you simply WILL NOT HAVE AVAILABLE. If you're lucky you MIGHT come across a kind soul who will rescue you, but that will more than likely involve a bullet in your face as payment.

Let us defend ourselves or slow the damn zombies down. The game is just retarded as it stands. If I wanted to run for an hour I'd go outside. At least in that case I'd actually accomplish something and not be right back where I started (read: a zombie gnashing at my asshole).

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Zombies just need to stop after 20 minutes of chasing. If you haven't DC'ed by 20 minutes, you are obviously very commited to playing fair and likely having trouble hiding in buildings. They aren't undead, they are infected, and they have rotting bodies that can barely function, so they should tire out as well.

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I agree with agathanglos this game used to be really fun but now its just run... run... and run some more...

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Its already been said that these aren't zombies ( reanimated corpses ) but 'zombies' ( 28 days later - Infected and unreasoning but still alive)

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Well, I'm not exactly sure on the specifics of how these zombies are made...it seems like a virus that infects living people, so they're not rotting corpses running around (or are they?). Rather they're living organisms driven mad/possessed by the virus they contracted, or something.

Either way it doesn't matter. They should run slower or give up as you said. 25 minutes is still incredibly ridiculous, but it would be better than nothing I suppose.

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Run through the forest. You break lines of sight so many times that the zombies will eventually slow down enough to the point that you can break lines of sight permanently.

Either that or go through a house with two entrances

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Run through the forest. You break lines of sight so many times that the zombies will eventually slow down enough to the point that you can break lines of sight permanently.

Either that or go through a house with two entrances

Yea, that'd be great if it actually did that. In fact I'm sure it would, but the zombies...ARE NEVER MORE THAN A FEW FEET BEHIND YOU AT ALL TIMES. You can NEVER break line of sight like that. The house thing would probably work, but the likelihood of finding one while running from the zombies? Yea, good luck, especially with getting out the other side without aggroing even more..

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Its already been said that these aren't zombies ( reanimated corpses ) but 'zombies' ( 28 days later - Infected and unreasoning but still alive)

it doesn't matter what brand they are. who cares? they're broken zombies

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Loosing zeds is easy. Just run through a pinetree and drop prone on the other side. If you keep sprinting, they'll hear you and keep following, but if you drop right efter you run through the tree, they won't see you or hear you and you can crawl away unhunted.

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I love the guy that said to "just run into a building' when Zeds spawn in buildings now. Which maybe im crazy, but it seems the spawn range is lower now, which makes them spawn more on top of you.

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Im not having a issue... Ive lost many today. Me thinks you need to be more creative and spend less time writing 5 paragraph of crying on how horrible you are at this mod?

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Good read, made me laugh. I really have nothing productive to add to your thread other than some generic "get good" remark. Sorry, pal.

P.S. This was my favorite part, sig'd. :D

I feel so hardcore now' date=' so much in fact I think I could plug Old Faithful with my schlong and gargle molten rock right before impregnating the women of the world with my superior seed simply by breathing on them. :cool:


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Run through the forest. You break lines of sight so many times that the zombies will eventually slow down enough to the point that you can break lines of sight permanently.

Either that or go through a house with two entrances

I've tried this but it does not work. They don't give up ever. There was a moment where I hopped a fence and they got confused, I covered a ton of ground, turned around and they were gone. A minute later the whole swarm came back after me and instantly knocked me out. They're a little to intense when they chase you right now.

People keep saying "go inside" but the act of doing that takes valuable seconds because walking in doors is glitchy as hell. On top of that zombies still follow me inside. They need to get slower the longer they chase you so that you CAN GET A CHANCE to break the LOS. After 5 minutes of running these turbo zombies should just stop or start to slow down.

Some people have no problem breaking LOS, while others like myself just can't seem to figure out how to do it. I love how hard this game is but seriously turbo zombies need a slight nerf, it's ridiculous.

"get good" is irrelevant. This is an alpha and it's a problem the game needs to overcome.

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I was afraid this might happen. Could we at least have some way of doing a melee attack to defend ourselves maybe? Ahh well, it was fun while it lasted.

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Im not having a issue... Ive lost many today. Me thinks you need to be more creative and spend less time writing 5 paragraph of crying on how horrible you are at this mod?

Ohhhhkaaaaaaaay sounds cool bro! You got a remedy for 'zombies stuck so far up your ass they may as well be hanging onto you with their teeth'? No? You don't? Oh, so I guess you just magically run faster than the zombies that run faster than player characters can run. Ok bro. Or maybe, just maybe, you're so freaking ugly and smell so freaking bad, the zombies cant stand to be anywhere near you for long.

I'm just too sexy for the zombie apocalypse, I guess. Damn. Wish I had your problems. Oh wait, no I don't.

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Yeah....new update is pretty aggravating. I've spent more time running with a zombie train behind me than anything else so far. Losing interest pretty fast.

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I've been having good luck losing them by crouch running. Usually just turning a corner around a house and b-lining it to any other object works. Either that or sprinting to a corner and crouch running the second I get around it. The infected tend to pause a second navigating a corner because they generally hit the wall with their zig zag running.

Anyway that's just my experience so far. They may very well trail others too closely to get that few moments to break line of sight and get quiet.

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Im not having a issue... Ive lost many today. Me thinks you need to be more creative and spend less time writing 5 paragraph of crying on how horrible you are at this mod?

Me thinks you should offer constructive advice instead of acting like an elitist douchebag to people on the forums. Here's what happens. You don't help him, and he keeps making threads on the forums that you read as crying. You help him and he goes away.

Seriously, people like you should be banned from the forums. You offer nothing constructive to the people that are helping test this mod by writing what you just did.


There are several buildings with 2 entrances, and they are always the same color/size/shape. If you need to load up the editor so you can see what they are without any zombies around. At least this way you'll know what you're looking for when you have to run.

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So far, since playing about 2 hours of the new patch, I have agrod between 60-80 zombies, and I have killed 8. I have not died yet, and I am not still running.

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to be fair to the guys telling you to run through a building, the zombies have to slow down to walk speed within them, so you CAN outrun them from there on, however your sound and detection will be so loud you'll probably have a new hoard of them waiting for you on the flip side.

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You might also try going prone out the other side of the building; don't know why you keep running when you actually want to lose zombies. If you think you've broken line of sight, you have to stop and go prone.

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