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Tents & Vehicles General

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My friend and I found a bus which was repairable. You could sit on the drivers seat or in the back of the bus and you could press honk. needed 4 tires at least...

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Heya Tygrys' date=' I posted your tutorial on my website http://www.dayzmod.info/ with full credit. I hope this is ok?


Sure is. Just remember the OP is updated as frequently as possible so you'll have to update it on your site aswell.

Also - updated the OP :D

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huey have 21 slots in trunk.

it is also very bugged, because ours leak fuel and its 100% green and repaired.

this happened after a server restart. its bs :(

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Okay, apparently tents and vehicles are still bugged. I just lost three tents full of equipment and a pickup on EU5 due to it fucking up. I suppose there's nothing I can do to retrieve it is there?


I'm overreacting. It's just a server bug which sometimes prevents tents and vehicles from spawning, no big deal.

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GedenWhitey, report back here when the tent without owner disappears. This info will be really helpfull for everyone.

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huey have 21 slots in trunk.

it is also very bugged' date=' because ours leak fuel and its 100% green and repaired.

this happened after a server restart. its bs :(


People report that repairing HitMissiles with Scrap helps to fix this problem. Give it a try.

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I will report it when I see it gone... and cry since I don't have enough room without it :P

- Whitey

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Lost an UAZ today. Was fully saved, still, it vanished after a server restart.

So vehicles aren't working at 100 % i'm afraid.

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Shouldn't it come back like the tents after a server restart like you said in another thread?

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It should. But for some reason it was not the case for that UAZ, vanished after a restart.

Feels bad.

But it's the only thing i lost so far.

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It should. But for some reason it was not the case for that UAZ' date=' vanished after a restart.

Feels bad.

But it's the only thing i lost so far.


The save function has not worked for us once today. First we almost completely repaired a whit GAZ. We saved it multiple times, but when the server reset, it was gone. Then we stole a UAZ, server was going down soon so we made sure it was saved and we were saved at the same location. Our location was saved but not the car. (we also lost a helicopter because our pilot got kicked by battleeye, fun.)

I'm not even gonna bother repairing vehicles now, it's just too buggy for such an effort to be paid off.

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GAZ has storage, but the process of accessing it is unintuitive. Switch to the Driver's seat and then switch to the Back seat to access Gear. Had somewhere around 67 slots (assuming primary weapons occupied 10 and jerry cans/etc were 3 and 6.)

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Welp, EU5 ate two out of three of my tents so tents are still broken. Too bad because I lost a lot of valuable stuff such as a metric shitton of 5,56mm SD ammo. This blows.

Also on a sidenote I highly doubt that the rest of my tents would reappear after another restart, right?

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Vehicles (gave up on tents a while ago) don't seem to be saving consistently between server restarts. We lost a red car (can't remember name) and kept a white pick up after server restart, only to have the red car re-appear after a further server restart (if that makes sense).

It was forced saved before first restart, but reappeared after second restart with no forced save.

Is this related to the current player load out problems?

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Really don't think I like the idea of tents being completely doomed after you die. They're rare enough as it is, and often groups share use of them, so it's kind of irritating that when the one guy in your group who sets up the tent dies, your whole group is screwed. Really I'd like to see them at least spawn more frequently; I mean they're just tents. Surely they can't be that hard to come by.

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Okay update on the tent of my dead mate, lasted between three and four days. Unfortunately a server restart killed it and my groups other three tents :) so unsure if it would have lasted longer... We tried this before and the tents reappeared next server restart, if they do I'll begin counting more days :)

On a side note the server restarts and reappearance of the tents may be why it is staying longer than two days... Or the fact we save it often (saved :'( xP)

- Whitey

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What's the amount of space needed to pitch a tent? Even in the middle of a forest clearing I couldn't really make it work. Or was the land not level enough? Similar for fires, the placement is too restrictive... I mean almost only place I could make a fire was in the middle of a runway... which is not good for concealment ;-)

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It's in the OP - 3x3m rougly.

Also after another restart my tents came back, along with two other tents which I moved because they weren't in a good spot so now instead of three tents I've got five tents.

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It's in the OP - 3x3m rougly.

Thanks. I read that' date=' but still can't get them to work in woody areas clearing. Perhaps the ground is not level enough.

Also after another restart my tents came back, along with two other tents which I moved because they weren't in a good spot so now instead of three tents I've got five tents.

That might connected with something Rocket (IIRC) wrote, when server admin restarts the connecting application to central server (when it's hung) but not the server itself, or something like that. Vis the Loot not spawning thread.

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So if I set up a tent last night and now when I log back in it is gone I am basically f****d? :) It's gone?

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It SHOULD come back after a server restart or two. I can't guarantee it though.

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Okay, thanks. Can't really complain since it's alpha so you know the risks playing it. ;)

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