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Antheus (DayZ)

I must confess, I have become something I swore I would never be..

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I have something to confess, I have become overly attached to my gear.. It has come to the limit that I only play when my server has a low pop and during nighttime :)

I dont know what to do now. I currently have all my favorit gear/equipment and because of that I dont really know whats next.. I'm a completly paranoid about that someone is allways stalking me or is looting my tent.

I dont know anyone that plays dayz so I have noone to help, and i dont trust anyone anymore so "helping" strangers is off the table.

Perhaps i should just change server and start fresh. Has anyone felt this way? :)

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seriously... just die and start over..

in a manner which doesnt allow you to reclaim ur gear.

you wont be able to enjoy DayZ for all it can be if ur constantly fear logging in due to "i dont wanna loss my gear"

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Play for gear too long and you can't escape that feeling.

Start over, do it how you want. Give gear away or delete it all so nobody else can get it, it's all up to you, but start again.

Play for experience. With playing for experience comes gear, don't neglect gear. Have fun by playing for experience. It's a much better game :)

Good luck!

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That doesn't sound fun at all. :(

I'd advise moving to a super active server.

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Do something super awesome with that gear, go out with a bang before you start out again on a new server.

Perhaps playing a bit of DayZ+ or DayZ 2017 and coming back to your gear will give you a new appreciation for it!

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I also suffer from "Attachment Syndrome".

I tend to just move to a new server, happy in the knowledge my other characters kit is "safe" in the code of a data centre somewhere.

Wrong attitude, I know, I just cannot help it.



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Honestly, just play the game. Who cares about the gear, if you got it once you can do it again, that's the beauty of this game having the joy of finding good gear. Go find a heli, save a survivor, hunt some badits, look for heli crashes, hunt for food. Parachute from a chopper. Just play the way you would without all the good gear, eventually, you will die, but you won't miss the gear. You'll enjoy the the fact that you have the oppurtunity to do it again.

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paranoia fear anxiety distrust.... this is what makes dayz a truly wonderful gaming experience!

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Force yourself to play at day and force yourself into populated areas, I'm not telling your to go in and get killed, but just to increase the risks you take. While you're going to hate the whoever might kill you, starting all over will be a momentarily relief also. Starting all over on another server, you might just end up with two greatly geared characters, playing at night. :)

Edited by Dallas

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Got at that point ones. Then desided to go loose cannon for a change because I was ruining my own game. It last for dayz because most ppl got out of my way. They must have thought I was some superskilled player or a hacker running around like a maniac with a ghillie and a AS50. Had a lot fun until some bambi freshspawn just shoot with a makarov for being a fool. This experience made me play Dayz alot more.

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I had that. Once I noticed, I gave everything to the first guy I saw and logged. Lost my first Huey, 3 cars, an ATV, loads of guns... But I haven't been on that server since. I regret nothing. Getting REAL fear - the 'bullets are flying, I'm going to lose what little I have' desperation is so much more fun. :D

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