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Tell me your stupidest death stories...

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I just started playing back in late December. The first time I had actually gotten fairly well in land was when I made it to Castle Rog from the three valleys area. I would hit the spawn points and then hide up on the shorter tower, with the outside, wooden staircase, and organize my loot. While up there, I start hearing agro'ing Zombies and heavy breathing. I go to the the top of the staircase platfrom and see a survivor crawling towards the tallest tower's entrance, with a crawler and a walker after him. I conclude the survivor most likely had a broken leg.

With the crawler closest to him I open fire, expending the entire clip of my just found Lee Enfield at the crawler. Must have given the survivor a friggin' heart attack. I reload and aim down on the Walker and the star railing is in the way, so I side step and fall, breaking my leg and passing out. Came too just enough to see the Walker eating me and I died.

Haha I can just imagine the other guys reaction "yay my hero" -you fall to your death-

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I haven't been playing long, which is no excuse but hey it doesn't hurt to mention... But I was trying out DayZ+ because I figured I'd challenge myself even further... I was doing quite well, found a deer stand and was mega stealthy and avoided all zombugs and found an AK up there. Felt pretty good, when I did the infamous misclick thinking my menu had selected climb ladder down but instead I shot my AK. Made me jump out of my damn skin for one. Attracted the zombies too. I ended up cornered in a bush and died. Didn't feel too great after that >.>

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I haven't been playing long, which is no excuse but hey it doesn't hurt to mention... But I was trying out DayZ+ because I figured I'd challenge myself even further... I was doing quite well, found a deer stand and was mega stealthy and avoided all zombugs and found an AK up there. Felt pretty good, when I did the infamous misclick thinking my menu had selected climb ladder down but instead I shot my AK. Made me jump out of my damn skin for one. Attracted the zombies too. I ended up cornered in a bush and died. Didn't feel too great after that >.>

I tried hiding in one of the deer stands at Balota medic tents to ambush a bandit I saw coming my way, I shot him in the face then the zeds came and climbed the ladder, I managed to fend them off but lost a lot of blood in the process, those things can be death traps!

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Hahaha that photo is the GREATEST thing

Thanks. I was bored so thought id mess around with dayz pics

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Once i was running through the second floor of one of those cafe buildings. Next thing i know i glitched outside of it and hit the ground dead.

Another time i just met up with another player and looted a graveyard where a battle just took place in the airfield. I picked up a grenade and was marveling at it, thats when i accidently dropped it... well me and my buddy died

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1st spawn ever:

>Spawn near coastal road

>Start Walking down it

> Hear a car

>Turn arround


Thats how I knew this game was for me

Edited by joeasyrida
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1st spawn ever:

>Spawn near coastal road

>Start Walking down it

> Hear a car

>Turn arround


Thats how I knew this game was for me

The sweet taste of apocalyptic survival in the form of an automobile

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40 day character - pitches tent deep into in tree, lies down and circles the tree to try to access the tent. Tree kills character.

18 day character - falls off the dam accidentally, and is amazed to survive. Swims out as mate arrives. 'Check this out'. Splash. Dead.

24 day character - Past dusk at Olsha, with ghillie + Mk48 + DMR + NVG + rangefinder + coyote. I was just about to log-off and camp the spawned chopper in the morning, when a player crouches three feet to my right, unaware of my presence. She starts looking around and must surely see my silhouette in the next second or two, giving me no option than to shoot her in the head. Unfortunately her six newly-spawned squad mates were right behind us, all totally unaware that I was there until I fired. I, fully geared, got hatcheted to death by an angry mob ten seconds before I was due to log-off anyway.

I got ambushed by 5 hatchet wielding jason's.

My friend had just given me my first m4a3. I head down to zeleno, only to find 5 little bombis nearby, trying to fix a bus. One takes out the vladamir makarov, and i shoot him in the faec. Next 4 bum rush me, so i mow them down. Last one is on the ground, unconcious. I epi-pen him, and shoot him in the face. Then then proceed to call me a hacker.


Edited by Arcralf
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I got ambushed by 5 hatchet wielding jason's.

My friend had just given me my first m4a3. I head down to zeleno, only to find 5 little bombis nearby, trying to fix a bus. One takes out the vladamir makarov, and i shoot him in the faec. Next 4 bum rush me, so i mow them down. Last one is on the ground, unconcious. I epi-pen him, and shoot him in the face. Then then proceed to call me a hacker.


Haha epic

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Just got screwed again.

So I found a perfectly repaired jeep so was happy. Then, I decided to go loot NWAF. After looting NWAF and places along the way there, I ended up with an AKM, no ammo, Remington 870 with 16 shots, M4A1 with 3 mags, AK 47 with 6 mags, Lee enfield with 2 mags, M1911 with 1 mag, 18 peices of cooked meat, 2 water bottles, and some other random stuff. So I was pretty excited.

Their was a server restart, so when I logged back in, I decided to loot NWAF again. I parked my Jeep in one of the green buildings, so it wasnt completely seen (There was only 1 other player in the server, so I wasnt scared of it being found), I get seen sneaking into the fire station, and I decide to fight since I have my M1911 with 1 mag and AK 47 with 6 mags. So one by one zombies poor in. Before I fought all of them, I looked at the box and saw I had killed 13 zombies. After a couple minutes, they stop coming in and I see I now killed 36 zombies, I was out of M1911 ammo now too. So I loot a pile of stuff on I think the second floor, and a zombie comes up, alone, and I panic, run, and if anyones noticed, in the fire stations, if you are on the 2nd floor you can glitch through the wall onto a ladder, and thats what I did. I ran over to the ladder to get down to ground level to get to my jeep. I was in 1st person and the option to climb down the ladder wouldnt show up so I moved to far over and fell of the building and bled out. I was so mad.

So then I decide to run back to NWAF for my jeep. When I saw some of the towers surrounding NWAF, the only other player in the server asked where I was (We talked a little bit before, and told him that I lost my Jeep full of guns, but I was smart enough not to tell him where it was), so I told him right outside NWAF. He then replied that he found my Jeep. I asked if I could have it back, and he said yes, but He would take some of the loot in it. I was upset, but thought, well its better than nothing.

To be smart, I told him to stay back while I got the Jeep. When I saw the Jeep, I approached it, looked around, and didnt see it. I obviously didnt check its inventory right then, fearing an ambush. So I drove a little ways, about 1 minute or so, got out and checked the inventory. I was shocked. All he took was a box of painkillers and 6 peices of meat, So I got back in, drove for another minute or so, got out to re fuel the Jeep, and when I went to get in, I saw the guy running at me. He was only about 50 yards away. So I got in, and drove for 30 minutes. I was scared since I thought he would follow my dust trail. So I typed to him, "Are you still there" he replied "yes". So I asked him if we were ok and if he was following me, anf he didnt respond. So I drove faster for another 15 minutes, and logged out in the woods because of a server restart.

This just happened minutes ago.

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Following my previous post above ^^^, this happened about 2 minutes ago.

Well I was driving away from NWAF for like 30 minutes then hit a tree, destroyed a tire, and was almost out of fuel. I didnt want to lose my stuff. So I thought, I find a car and move stuff from the Jeep to a new car, or I find fuel and a wheel. After searching for maybe an hour, I saw a crashed Plane. Having nothing I needed, I decided to check it out. Beleive it or not, I found fuel and a wheel. But I used a lot of ammo getting it. Had to kill a good 20 zombies or so.

So I headed back to my car, all happy, and I was crawling up to my car to avoid detection, and a zombie came from behind, hit me, made me unconcious, and I bled out. I only had a little blood left because I ran into some trouble with zombies on the way.

I went all that way to be killed by one single zombie. So much work and scavenging and a bit of luck.

But I had fun the 6 hours or so it lasted.

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Following my previous post above ^^^, this happened about 2 minutes ago.

Well I was driving away from NWAF for like 30 minutes then hit a tree, destroyed a tire, and was almost out of fuel. I didnt want to lose my stuff. So I thought, I find a car and move stuff from the Jeep to a new car, or I find fuel and a wheel. After searching for maybe an hour, I saw a crashed Plane. Having nothing I needed, I decided to check it out. Beleive it or not, I found fuel and a wheel. But I used a lot of ammo getting it. Had to kill a good 20 zombies or so.

So I headed back to my car, all happy, and I was crawling up to my car to avoid detection, and a zombie came from behind, hit me, made me unconcious, and I bled out. I only had a little blood left because I ran into some trouble with zombies on the way.

I went all that way to be killed by one single zombie. So much work and scavenging and a bit of luck.

But I had fun the 6 hours or so it lasted.

I once had all the best gear, NVG'S,GPS,ghillie, silenced M4, pretty much name it, I had it at the time.

Anyway I was alone on an old server I used to play at NWAF and stupidly ran onto the airstrip attracting a lot of attention to myself so I ran into a hangar hoping they'd slow down, they didn't, I managed to kill a lot of them but in the end died at the hands of the last 3 I couldn't get to in time.

Was a sad day.

Edited by Matteh

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I shot a Lee Enfield in a barn, went to eat some beans after and turned around. Like 20 zombies behind me. I could've aborted, but I accepted it

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It was my first life and i was so excited to have a enfield so i started down a beach rode.I went into a gas station and shoot a zed.Little did i know the lee enfield is the worst gun ever and attracts all the zombies.I manage to escape them all and as soon as i step out from the bush looking at them walk away,I hear vrooommmm and right as i turn around i get hit by a motorcycle

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It was my first life and i was so excited to have a enfield so i started down a beach rode.I went into a gas station and shoot a zed.Little did i know the lee enfield is the worst gun ever and attracts all the zombies.I manage to escape them all and as soon as i step out from the bush looking at them walk away,I hear vrooommmm and right as i turn around i get hit by a motorcycle

Ah sounds like a classic horror story moment

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right, i spawned on celle and i walked like 100m and found a big base like 40 tents 3 helis and like 5 cars, i filled up two of the cars to bursting thinking i could take both, i remembered they had a attack heli so i thought better dump this in the ocean, took off, not realising i was pressing s instead of d and went straight back into the cars i had just spent ages loading, that was my first life on celle lol

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1st spawn ever:

>Spawn near coastal road

>Start Walking down it

> Hear a car

>Turn arround


Thats how I knew this game was for me

What vehicle was it? A cammo jeep? In a uk server? ;D near a railroad?

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Found a Ghillie on the coast, put it on, kicked by battleeye for script restriction #45, log back in, half of my body is sunk into the floor, walk around for a few seconds, break my legs and die.

I love this game.

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Fresh from last night, My team of 4 heads via PBX to Debug Island on Lingor since we can't find any choppers. On arrival we find a walled compound with all the choppers in it. After discovering that I can enter the compound by looking up at the blades and hopping in I'm stuck inside. The admin is on and informs us he'll be over to destroy the compound in a bit so we should steal what we want and GTFO. After looting some NVGs and other gear I ask how to escape my prison. The admin informs me that if I log and come back I'll spawn in a default location outside the compound. So I agree and my team protests arguing that they can shoot me and then drag me through the walls. I reply in sidechat that I think this is a bad idea as a bullet hits my crotch and kills me. I don't think I ever yelled "fuck" quite that loud before. They did loot my guns and pick me up in the chopper though so I got them back.

Edited by Bloodtrozorx
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Found a Ghillie on the coast, put it on, kicked by battleeye for script restriction #45, log back in, half of my body is sunk into the floor, walk around for a few seconds, break my legs and die.

I love this game.

Yeah I hope they fix the script restrictions soon.

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Not knowing that Urals can flatten the mightiest tree without slowing down, but explode if they so much as nudge a gate at 2MPH...

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Story involving DayZ physics approaching.

Physics story first, I had just found my first gun EVER (Winchester 1866,) and I was retreating into the wilderness temporarily. I was running along a little dirt road, when I found a small farmhouse(not enterable) and an outhouse toilet type thing (enterable.) Being new to the game and not knowing that most buildings can't be entered, or that stairs break legs when you prone on them. I proned onto the stairs, and promptly heard the shattering of bones. "Okay, I can make it out alive" I thought as I began to crawl away from the house. After covering 15-20 meters, I heard a roar of a vehicle slowly getting closer. I figured that meant bandits, so I had to think fast. "The outhouse!" I thought, so I made my way back to it. I drew closer to the outhouse, as did the vehicle. I (somehow) managed to position myself legs first in the outhouse. I triumphantly began to scroll my middle mouse to shut the door, just as the vehicles roar became very distinct. I was quite surprised when instead of solitude, all I heard as a truly awful scream, followed almost immediately by the 'YOU ARE DEAD" screen. Proning up stairs? Bad idea. Shutting self in outhouse? Worse idea.

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Once I was driving my humvee that I had found and fixed up, I met up with another guy who also had a humvee, so we convoy to the nearest super market and all is good, I stop out side I start scrolling down to the get out option, but I for some reason was still holding down the E key a little bit, so i get out and the humvee goes taking off down the street. I start running after it, but somehow it turns left and runs me over breaking every bone in my body.

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