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About cckane

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Illinois, USA
  • Interests
    Shooting, Hanging out with friends, Playing video games (especially Garry's Mod and DayZ.)

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  • Bio
    Most mature 15 year old in the world.
  1. cckane

    The Best Looking Gun?

    CZ and M14 take the cake in my opinion. Close behind them are the FN FAL AN/PVS 4, Winchester 1866, and MK 48.
  2. Wait, there's a Novy Sobor spawn? Are you sure?
  3. cckane

    You're fav location?

    1: Guba Bay 2: Pobeda Dam 3: The woods to the northwest of Kamenka I thought I was the only one that did that.
  4. cckane

    Nastiest Thing You've Done

    Has just gotten AS50 killed while proning in a field by Novy Sobor; not normally a big deal, but I have no clue how he saw me as I had an SVD camo and ghillie, so I was extra pissed off. Spawned in Cherno, got a revolver/map and got out. Was heading to kamenka to pick up a friend, he was waiting at the edge of the debug plains. I got to the infamous kamenka suicide bridge, when someone typed over side chat "you, zeezebruk!(my in game name at the time) "look in the ocean to your left!" I looked, and saw a poor little bandit swimming about 100 meters out in the ocean, all by himself. He switches to direct communication, and asks if he can team with me for a bit. I say sure, why not, and go into the sitting pose on the shoreline. When he got about halfway to me, I figured I could use him as a stress reliever because of my previous death. He gets to about 10 meters, and I stand. 5 meters away, I reload my revolver. He reaches the coast, stands and salutes. After he lowers his saluting hand, the text below is exactly what happened, but his words were said over voice. "Oh my god, I've been out there for hours! You have no idea how thankful I am because you waited fo-" *bang* That's the nastiest thing I've ever done. Wrong place, wrong time buddy.
  5. cckane

    Can a frag grenade destroy a UH-1H?

    Probably won't blow it up. I say kill them, then slam the helicopter into the side of any popular building that snipers hide on top of in Cherno.
  6. cckane

    Catching on fire...Lol?

    Watch out; spontaneous combustion will fuck you up. Great video, I hope I too randomly catch on fire some day. If I can pull this off while conscious, I'll sprint through cherno with a crowbar and pretend to be some kind of zombie god. Perhaps I'll go so far as to beat an unarmed player to death while yelling over voice something like "Thine hath done wrong in the past, so thine shall be smitten!!!"
  7. cckane

    Can't count magazine, glitch.

    I have this issue too, surely someone has a fix.
  8. Ah, the 1911; the weapon of champions. I'll pop on tomorrow, give things a try.
  9. cckane

    What's Your Favorite Gear-Out?

    Dream loadout: M14 AIM/6 mags 3 food cans/cooked meat 3 drink cans M9SD/4 mags 4 bandages Coyote backpack NVGs Military Offroad as a vehicle In the backpack I'll usually keep an M4A1 CCO SD and 6 mags, 4 cans of food/meat and 4 drinks, if I don't have an M4 SD readily available, I'll take any rifle that accepts stanag mags.
  10. cckane

    DayZ Newb Guide

    It CAN be a one hit kill if the survivor has a low enough blood level (about half blood) but against a survivor with full blood it's guaranteed to take 2 hits, unless you hit the head.
  11. cckane

    DayZ Newb Guide

    Guide is bullshit: 1. Kamenka isn't listed in "places you want to spawn at" 2. You're teaching new players glitches/exploits 3. "meat from animals will heal you for 800." Invalid, there are different types of meat; some of which heal more than others. 4. "Fork = how hungry you are" It has a butterknife looking thing right next to the god damn fork too, are you not going to give the butterknife credit? 5. "Jug = how thirsty you are" it's called a canteen. 6. The Enfield in your guide has a bayonet, while the one in game does not. Are you TRYING to confuse new players? 7. You say the 1911 is similar to the makarov, yet it performs the same as the revolver. 8. About the Enfield: "it is almost always a one hit kill if you hit the player in the chest" Bullshit. Just bullshit, nothing more. 9. You didn't include what the high value barracks look like under "military buildings" 10. "Rule #1 Shoot First, ask questions later" people like you ruin this game 11. "Also sneaking around zombies is for retards, real men run everywhere" yes, and these "real men" end up getting shot in the chest by my double barreled shotgun. I guarantee, the sneaky one will always outlast the bold one. Re-write your guide. -1.35855e+006(your humanity)/10, would not recommend to new players.
  12. cckane

    trading m240 or m4cco sd for mk 48 mod0

    I've got a spare mk-48, but here's the thing about this trade. An mk-48 is basically an upgraded m240, they fire the same ammo type/caliber, so I don't understand why anyone would trade an m240 for one. I can understand the CCO SD, but I have 3 or 4 of those at my camp not even in use. Fortunately for you, I do not have an m240, and am therefore interested in buying one. I'll see about giving you my mk-48 if you can add something else to your offer.
  13. cckane

    Weapons that can "knockout"?

    Pretty much all shotguns, the Enfield, the FN FAL, the M14, DMR, M24, AKM, SVD Camo, CZ 500, and the new S85V8 variants. Also, the M240 and MK48 usually one hit knockout too. I say usually because nothing is a guaranteed knockout. Also I found 3 in a single supermarket today.
  14. cckane

    What is considered a "Forest"

    I've had an experience where I was able to harvest wood while inside the massive industrial complex building somewhat by gorka. Try harvesting wood from in there.