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carbine781 (DayZ)

*List* TOO Much Realism Is Bad (Please help me add on)

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Here are some things that shouldn't be implemented in the game, as they would make the game TOO realistic. If you have any other things to add on to my list, feel free to add them, and if they are good, I will quote it and give you credit. I will constantly add on the list too.

The Big List Of Realism That Shouldn't Be Implemented

1. Having to go to the bathroom

The Next Thing You Need To Do In A Zombie Apocalypse Is Have To Go Poop In A Lake (because if you don't, your poop scent will attract zombies :P)

2. Being able to completely undress

People Running Through Cherno Naked With Chemlights Will Probably Become The Next Big Thing

3. Girls Getting There Periods

... :facepalm:

4. Having To Sleep And Wait A Few Hours For Your Character To Wake Up

Also, your character will be vulnerable during your nap.

5. Daily Hygiene Issues (By Overlander35)

Having to brush your teeth, put on deodorant, take daily baths in the lakes so your bad odor doesn't attract zombies, pop pimples, shaving, and more :P

6. Getting Sick

Ok, so there are infections in the game, but imagine if you got a COLD. You would have to blow your nose* all the time, as though coughing every 2 seconds wasn't annoying enough. You would also probably have to find tissues to blow you nose in. If you got a flu, you wouldn't be able to move as fast, and you would probably have to sleep all day!!! While I am aware of them adding a lot more infections, they should make antibiotics a LOT less rare, so at least 1-2 per medical box.

*Overlander35 came up with the blowing nose part

7. Sneezing (By Overlander35)

You wouldn't be able to move while you are sneezing... you just hear it... and its louder than an M107

8. Realistic Vehicle Repairing Time

Listen, I like the ability to be able to repair vehicles, but if it takes like 10 minutes to repair a wheel in real life, then you don't want to do that. Plus, you need to lift the car up so u can take the wheel off in the first place...

9. More Vehicle Repairs (Once again, by Overlander35)

You have to put oil in your car, put water in your car, and fly your helicopter to a military base to properly repair it...

10. Bird and other animal Poop

A friendly old bird flying over head was nice enough to take a big sh*t on your car... :facepalm:

11. Bugs

Nobody likes bugs, so don't add misquotes in the game that will bite you unless you add in some good ol bug spray that is somewhat common

12. Make Ammo More Scarce (I actually support this, just don't make finding ammo impossible)

Even though ammo is already rare, i'm not quite sure how I'm able to find 50 cal. rounds in a fire station. I'm pretty sure my local fire station doesn't have that. Ammo however is still really rare, so don't nerf the percentage of good loot TOO much!!!

13. Food Rotting And Expiration Dates

We seriously do not need to deal with this... Atleast add ways to make the food last longer, and don't have the food rot when u are offline for over a week. However, if the food will rot after 1 day, then i seriously don't want to deal with this.

14. Stamina

Don't pull a WarZ on us and make running time limited.

Here is a comment that I love by Jonsse. Be sure to read the rest of his comment (It's on the 1st page)

The way stamina was done in WarZ was just idiotic, just the overall movement speeds of players were just horrible. That's not a good comparison, it works as a warning to other developers of how not to do it.

My opinion about stamina is that it should not be a bar you empty but rather a bar you fill. You should be able to push yourself further and further if you need to. Like if there's a crazed gunman out to kill you, no matter how tired you are, you will run as fast as you can as long as you need to, that's how our body works and that's how a character in a survival game should also handle. It then would have adverse effects on you like increasing thirst and hunger, making you pant loudly and hindering your aiming to a great degree.

15. Don't add Forest Fires

Even though i did suggest these in a past post, I don't think they would be good, as one a-hole bandit could easily set a forest on fire with a match, and before you know it, you're lagging out because 50,000 trees are now burning.

16. Random Preexisting Medical Conditions (By BigMike)

It'll really suck to have to carefully walk into Cherno to go grab Asthma medication or insulin.

17. Incurable Life Ending Diseases (An Add-On To #16)

Cancer, HIV, ALS, etc. We don't need to deal with those

18. Crazy Hairdos and Character Customization

Don't let your character give himself a mohawk and dye his hair pink. Keep characters looking normal.

19. Sex

IDC if your character is a virgin, this really isn't necessary!


Edited by carbine781
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They already did the motion captures for pooping and vomiting along with the particle effects. This is a major aspect of the disease spread function and can't really be taken out.

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They already did the motion captures for pooping and vomiting along with the particle effects. This is a major aspect of the disease spread function and can't really be taken out.

Thats interesting, but do you have to go poop like every day? Do you have to go poop every 20 minutes after you eat, and you have to go pee every 10 minutes after you drink? I hope not. I also hope they don't implement various types of pooping, such as constipation and diarrhea... because constipation takes too long and diarrhea is gross! :P

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Nice. All the choices we didn't go with. Nice to see someone is showing us what might have happened.

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I think you want to have the soul of this game removed, i don't care what we have to do the more the merrier that is what makes this game what it is bring it on

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Thats interesting, but do you have to go poop like every day? Do you have to go poop every 20 minutes after you eat, and you have to go pee every 10 minutes after you drink? I hope not. I also hope they don't implement various types of pooping, such as constipation and diarrhea... because constipation takes too long and diarrhea is gross! :P

If you have certain diseases you will be shitting through the eye of a needle every 10 minutes.

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Random Preexisting Medical Conditions...because It'll really suck to have to carefully walk into Chero to to grab Atsmah medication or insulin.

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I think you want to have the soul of this game removed, i don't care what we have to do the more the merrier that is what makes this game what it is bring it on

It's not that i want to remove the game's soul, it's just that i don't want the game to become so realistic, that it becomes boring or controversial (i'm specifically talking about the sleeping part and the being able to completely undress part)

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I agree with too much realism being a bad thing. If a realism mechanic takes away from the enjoyment of the game, it should not be implemented.

Thinks like, Daily Hygiene Issues. Girls Getting Their Periods. Having To Sleep And Wait A Few Hours For Your Character To Wake Up. do not bring anything to the game.

Then other things that improve gameplay should be implemented like:

-Make Ammo More Scarce

-Getting Sick and vomiting

-Sneezing and Coughing


The way stamina was done in WarZ was just idiotic, just the overall movement speeds of players were just horrible. That's not a good comparison, it works as a warning to other developers of how not to do it.

My opinion about stamina is that it should not be a bar you empty but rather a bar you fill. You should be able to push yourself further and further if you need to. Like if there's a crazed gunman out to kill you, no matter how tired you are, you will run as fast as you can as long as you need to, that's how our body works and that's how a character in a survival game should also handle. It then would have adverse effects on you like increasing thirst and hunger, making you pant loudly and hindering your aiming to a great degree.

Edited by Jonsse
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Points 1,6,7,9,12 and 13 i think are going to be included.

1. Im ok with it as long as it doesn't' take too long

6. Hmmm, it will add more realism, but i don't want it to become too annoying or too common

7. If sneezing is like it is put on the list where u can't move and stuff, I really hope you guys reconsider adding that if you sneeze a lot.

9. That seems fine

12. I agree with implementing 12 as long as you don't make ammo boxes like 1 per map

13. As long as you have like 2 days before it expires, I'm ok with that. Also, i think that if somebody logs out and they still have food on them, it shouldn't be all expired if they log back on 1 week later.

Thanks for the comment. You got my beans

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I agree with too much realism being a bad thing. If a realism mechanic takes away from the enjoyment of the game, it should not be implemented.

Thinks like, Daily Hygiene Issues. Girls Getting Their Periods. Having To Sleep And Wait A Few Hours For Your Character To Wake Up. do not bring anything to the game.

Then other things that improve gameplay should be implemented like:

-Make Ammo More Scarce

-Getting Sick and vomiting

-Sneezing and Coughing


The way stamina was done in WarZ was just idiotic, just the overall movement speeds of players were just horrible. That's not a good comparison, it works as a warning to other developers of how not to do it.

My opinion about stamina is that it should not be a bar you empty but rather a bar you fill. You should be able to push yourself further and further if you need to. Like if there's a crazed gunman out to kill you, no matter how tired you are, you will run as fast as you can as long as you need to, that's how our body works and that's how a character in a survival game should also handle. It then would have adverse effects on you like increasing thirst and hunger, making you pant loudly and hindering your aiming to a great degree.

I agree with you 100%. Thanks for the post! I must admit, that some of the things on the list should be added, as long as they aren't overdone.

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Random Preexisting Medical Conditions...because It'll really suck to have to carefully walk into Chero to to grab Atsmah medication or insulin.

I added that. Thanks for adding to the list!

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Most of those ideas above make me want to repeatedly smash my head into a wall.


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I added that. Thanks for adding to the list!

Might want to spell atshama correctly since i cant either :P

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Everything should be in the game, make it as real as possible, after all the infected are infected and not their living dead counterparts.everything is valid and has relevance.

there should be potential issues not just players and Infected.

Bring it on.

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Please don't include pooping (Even if rocket already Motion caped this). Find other ways to spread diseases .. Like blood. You kill someone and he bleeds everywhere, his gear should be infectious. Same Thing for "Zombies" .. They are ill, so maybe they barfed all over themselfes ---> The stuff they Carry has to be cleaned Properly Prior to use.

But if you still say that shitting is The best idea for this Game .. Let me Tell you what i fear will Happen. People will crap everywhere just to Troll.

"Oh Look loot i can't pick up, better Take a Shit so no One can use it"

If this is to be added we will find every Major City (and lake) covered in unwanted Human legacy.

I think this is a Sims-Feature and should stay Out of The game, just like skilltrees and perks.

Edited by UmBe

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Yea... i agree with some of the suggestions being ok, if they're not overdone...

But there does have to be a point where enough is enough,

Make it too realistic, and nobody will bother, they might as well go and live their life....

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My opinion about stamina is that it should not be a bar you empty but rather a bar you fill. You should be able to push yourself further and further if you need to. Like if there's a crazed gunman out to kill you, no matter how tired you are, you will run as fast as you can as long as you need to, that's how our body works and that's how a character in a survival game should also handle. It then would have adverse effects on you like increasing thirst and hunger, making you pant loudly and hindering your aiming to a great degree.

Really like this take on a stamina system.

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Am I the only one who thinks pretty much all (if not all) of the "suggestions" sounds like they would be awesome in DayZ? :S

possibly, however unlikely

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OP, stop trying to be a smartass.

Half of those ideas are sane, especially about repairs taking more than 3 seconds and sprint being actually finite.

No one's saying you must blow your nose yourself, but it's a survival simulator, and you have to stay warm and actually think what you drink\eat.

There's also nothing wrong about taking a swim in a lake once in a couple of days.

Anything that distracts you from running around the coast shooting freshspawns is good if implemented correctly.

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