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DayZ SA: One Key One Character

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I can see the point of this idea, but the fact that you are supposed to die in this game and be someone "different" each time you spawn is somthing that irks me because it just does't translate (luckly :) ) because, well this is a game.

Here is my suggestion: What if you choose a surname that is permanently linked to your GUID/cd key. Then you can change your first name name as often as you like! And this would also cosmetically address my issue with re-spawning because it implies a "linage" between lives, rather than a reincarnation.

I know, its kind of symantics, but every little thing counts when it comes to immersion.

I must say that your suggestion is worth a second of thought, but might i ask what Semantics* has to do with your suggestion? it wouldnt really be semantic seems how youre not really looking into the actual meaning.

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The only issue i have with the 1 character / 1 key is simply, gameplay variety and the fact that it could restrict your options.

I play with my DG character as i would normally - ie survivor, who doesn't shoot unless nescessary.

However i also like to play as a nutjob axe killer every once in a while.

I also like to float around Chernarus with a movie star name, letting rip one liners at the most (in)appropriate times. At present i am wandering Cherno as Keanu Reeves saying "Woah!" all the time. The life previous to that i was Robert DeNiro - i said "You talkin' to me?" once too often and got shot in the head.

Perhaps there could be an option for 1-3 characters upon first starting the SA - again, once the name is chosen it is permanent. This could at least give us options of (in my case) playing normally, as a bandit or just plain stupid.

I do have mixed feelings about this, on the one hand it would give more consequence to your actions, but on the other it would definitely restrict gameplay variety.

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I must say that your suggestion is worth a second of thought, but might i ask what Semantics* has to do with your suggestion? it wouldnt really be semantic seems how youre not really looking into the actual meaning.

Lol - I wasn't 100% if semantics was the appropriate word :blush: . I just meant that the added benifits of my idea compared with the OPs is minimal with a bonus, cosmetic benifit.

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Also for the clan dudes, there can be a field where you change your clan tag anytime, but your main name stays.

For the people saying "but what if I want to be a hero after being a bandit"

Do the time, sonny. Get a pile of bloodbags and bandages and get to work :thumbsup: B)

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I love this idea.

Also, this is par for the course with most MMO's anyway isnt it?

One name please :)

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I wouldn't like to see this implemented.

What if I want to play as a filthy bandit on the server I regularly play at? Well, with a permanent username I wouldn't be able to convince players into letting me join them because my name will be blacklisted. That may be a scumbag thing to do but it's what makes this game great. It's the unknown that is created by player freedom. If I want to be Matt one day and Richard the next I think I should be able to.

Or what if I want to play as a novelty character for a while? You know, like Dr. Wasteland or Cherno Journo?

Edited by What's new in Cherno?

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No thanks.

What if I want to play as a filthy bandit on the server I regularly play at? Well, with a permanent username I wouldn't be able to convince players into letting me join them because my name will be blacklisted. That may be a scumbag thing to do but it's what makes this game great. It's the unknown that is created by player freedom. If I want to be Matt one day and Richard the next I think I should be able to.

Or what if I want to play as a novelty character for a while? You know, like Dr. Wasteland or Cherno Journo?

I agree - this is the main reason to be against the idea. I like the ability to try different play styles.

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I wouldnt mind too much, would be a PITA though as i use a medic tag when im not on my own server and an admin tag when i am.

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Change it this way.

You can change name each month one time.

I changed one time my name. The name now is more peacefull.

Maybe I want change the name in a few months again.

Don´t like the idea to be forced to play always with one name.

The advantages are accepted. You can change name each month (or 2,3 months) one time is ok for me.

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I agree - this is the main reason to be against the idea. I like the ability to try different play styles.

This. And the fact that it completely screws over streamers who generate quite a bit of interest and potential sales of DayZ.

I know people hate the idea that a Streamer may get a check for pizza money from the ads he or she plays but the flip side is increased interest in DayZ and thus sales which means more and longer development which means a better game for everyone. The viewers and streamers for DayZ have seriously fallen off as they give up from constant hacking and stream sniping.

And to be frank. Some here want to force what you think should be the "right" standard of play on the playerbase and I fell that they will not like the result of their changes as people use older versions or simply find other games to play.

Edited by Zachstar

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I've been Bottlerocket since I started playing PC games with Battlefield 1942- Desert Combat mod.

I was playing as the generically-named 'Player1', and thinking I should get myself a proper monicker. Scanning the room, my eyes happened on an empty wine bottle, sitting on the shelf

Glancing back at the screen, I saw myself immediately blown to smithereens by a rocket.

There are some that say 'twas an omen!

But back on topic - I'd support three names per account to let you play Good Guy, Bad Guy and Random Idiot.

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As long as there are no messages like "player x killed player y" I see no issues with fixed char names.

Edited by Drabik

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I'd prefer being allowed to have 2 names, as my partner plays as well. He kills everyone, and I like to help people out.

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Making a limit of 3 names per key would be a good solution in my opinion.

Also I am strongly against the "pay to change names" as was once suggested here. And I think rocket is too.

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Being a Steam exclusive the SA will be linked to your Steam account, this will allow for some traceability concerning player names.

I am pretty sure this is how it will work, for example, if you go to the DayZ Official Group, you may only post a Guide if you own DayZ, indicating that that your name & game are linked to your Steam account.

Logical, my dear Captain...

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I believe you should be allowed to change your name as often as you want within your first 24 hours, just in case you realize you typo'd or someone points out something you didnt notice at first, like a horrible pun that can be made with your name.

After that initial grace period, names should be tied to your life. You stick with your name until you die, then you can change it. After all, you're playing a different person now.

As for nameplates, I'd love to have a system where you don't see strangers' names but you can chose to show certain players your name all the time in a similar manner to how you can currently mute certain players. Even if there's a limited amount of models / clothes, there'd be certain differences in physical appearance that the game is simply unable to reproduce on necessary scale, by which your character would recognize his friends.

Edited by Elvaron

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1 key 1 name and that's it. This will make alot of people consider their actions and their playstyle.

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I do support this suggestion/Idea. Then such a scummy bandit who betrayed his group can't just simply change his name and get away with it.

Have my Can of Beans, OP.

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I think it would be bad for popular streamers and youtubers because people would easily be able to follow them and ruin thier videos and experience

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I think along with male / female selection, you will also have to give your character a name. You cannot change that characters name so as long as that character is alive you will be forced to use that name... Don't like that name? Want to change it? Die. In the character selection screen you can just restart as the same character/name/appearance/etc for those who aren't concerned with changing anything... Or you can create a new look/gender/name to change it up.

Only way to get out of your name is by death and not by editing your profile name and rejoining a server.

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I think it would be bad for popular streamers and youtubers because people would easily be able to follow them and ruin thier videos and experience

Well, lets hope the Standalone has better measures to prevent people from doing various hacks/exploits. Otherwise, if Frankie makes his name public and people join his server there is no telling where he is ?

Secondly, there is very few things in the game that displays your name... and they can be edited/blurred I'm sure...

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TBH if you only did have one name it would still be hard for others to find out who you are due to there hopefully being no nameplates.

Asshole bandits could still remain anonymous by not telling anyone their name.

However, what is the point of being a Big Bad Bandit unless you are infamous and you want players to fear your name?

Can you imagine logging onto a server and finding out BigBadBandit13 is online and on your server - oh the fear!!

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I see both sides as having legitimate points. I prefer the limited number of names idea. Have maybe 2-3 profiles to accommodate play style changes as well as keep griefers from just changing names willy nilly.

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