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Death in DayZ and possible solution

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I was reading a few posts where players were trying to find a way of stopping players from going back to their bodies and take all their gear, as if nothing happened.

It then struck me, Why don't the players who killed the dead player just hide their body? Spread the word and let everyone know this is the thing to do. Next time I get into a fight and win, I am gonna hide your bodies. Put this in a FAQ so more people read it and make it a norm!

It would stop me from even thinking about trying to locate my body, only to get there and find it is gone!

It would not work if killed by zeds or environmental methods but it would force the player to start fresh.

Spread the word.

Other than that, give a dead body a 5 minute timer?!?!?

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I always bury the guys I kill in self defense, because it's the decent thing to do and I want to grief the guy, who just tried to kill me.

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I do already.

You could have posted this in General Discussion as far as I'm concerned.


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Imagine in the SA you get the outfit you worked so hard to wear and your body and all that it carries is lost, that will cause some real moaning.

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Imagine in the SA you get the outfit you worked so hard to wear and your body and all that it carries is lost, that will cause some real moaning.

id like that. I mean you can always build yourself a tent to hide your true valuable item. You just need to consider which items you care to take with you and perhaps loose if you die/get killed. Thats why were playing dayz with permanent death at least i am.

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id like that. I mean you can always build yourself a tent to hide your true valuable item. You just need to consider which items you care to take with you and perhaps loose if you die/get killed. Thats why were playing dayz with permanent death at least i am.

A Tent is useless shit. ALL fucking admins are goind to reset the server aft a hacker spawned one little fucking car. I lost so much fuckig tents with so much fucking NV and m4a1 cco SD's only because 99% of the DayZ Admins are shitbrains. Cars a little bit saver but can be stolen and they are harder to hide.

I like the dead body situation now. If you wanna hide someone you can do it.

BTW: The OP is describing a problem wich not excists. It is not easy to get back to your body. okok if you play on a empty server its np but we are talking about full servers.

Most ppl get shot on Hotspots... and to loot you body on a hotspot is not that easy. Other ppl will shot you or loot your body first.

Useless topic here. Hide Body function is nice. Stay at this!

Server restarts are clearing the dead bodys.

BTW2. You care about that someone gets his gear back. So you killed the person only for losing his gear, destroying his fun. So you dont killed for defens, his loot, clearing an area, your fun or rage.

You Sir(The OP) are retarded.

Edited by DirtyCry

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Useless topic here. Hide Body function is nice. Stay at this!

Server restarts are clearing the dead bodys.

BTW2. You care about that someone gets his gear back. So you killed the person only for losing his gear, destroying his fun. So you dont killed for defens, his loot, clearing an area, your fun or rage.

You Sir(The OP) are retarded.

What a helpful and nice community we have developed here... :facepalm:

Edited by Zarniwoop
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i never had any problems going back to my body, theres always enough time, expect youre lazy and take hours or maybe server restarts like 15 minutes after (then youre just unlucky), but in half an hour you can run to berezhino or the airfield.

tents worked for me so far, ok you need to hide them good, and test if its saving properly i think most cases stuff in tents were lost is because they were fucked up to begin with, build in stones/trees and would never have been able to save stuff anyway.

since the uptade 1.7.3 or was it 1.7.4 tents were saving fine with no problems for me.

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A Tent is useless shit. ALL fucking admins are goind to reset the server aft a hacker spawned one little fucking car. I lost so much fuckig tents with so much fucking NV and m4a1 cco SD's only because 99% of the DayZ Admins are shitbrains. Cars a little bit saver but can be stolen and they are harder to hide.

I like the dead body situation now. If you wanna hide someone you can do it.

BTW: The OP is describing a problem wich not excists. It is not easy to get back to your body. okok if you play on a empty server its np but we are talking about full servers.

Most ppl get shot on Hotspots... and to loot you body on a hotspot is not that easy. Other ppl will shot you or loot your body first.

Useless topic here. Hide Body function is nice. Stay at this!

Server restarts are clearing the dead bodys.

BTW2. You care about that someone gets his gear back. So you killed the person only for losing his gear, destroying his fun. So you dont killed for defens, his loot, clearing an area, your fun or rage.

You Sir(The OP) are retarded.

Mister shit fucking flamer open a server by yourself and stop whining. To just use your words and solve your problem.

This Topic just refers to another well discussed thread.


Back to topic, like duscussed in the other thread dead bodys also can bring fun into the game like spreading Infections and so on. But for the Mod (if you are trying to force players to start new) the best solution is to just hide the bodies. agreed

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A Tent is useless shit. ALL fucking admins are goind to reset the server aft a hacker spawned one little fucking car. I lost so much fuckig tents with so much fucking NV and m4a1 cco SD's only because 99% of the DayZ Admins are shitbrains. Cars a little bit saver but can be stolen and they are harder to hide.

I like the dead body situation now. If you wanna hide someone you can do it.

BTW: The OP is describing a problem wich not excists. It is not easy to get back to your body. okok if you play on a empty server its np but we are talking about full servers.

Most ppl get shot on Hotspots... and to loot you body on a hotspot is not that easy. Other ppl will shot you or loot your body first.

Useless topic here. Hide Body function is nice. Stay at this!

Server restarts are clearing the dead bodys.

BTW2. You care about that someone gets his gear back. So you killed the person only for losing his gear, destroying his fun. So you dont killed for defens, his loot, clearing an area, your fun or rage.

You Sir(The OP) are retarded.


I am laughing at you so hard right now, I don't know if you just escaped or if you were dropped recently!

I did actually post this in the suggestion thread, but it was moved for actually being rellevant.

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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OMG. Why dont we just make it so you cant loot your own body??? FIXED!

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A lot of people already do that. I try not to kill people so I don't have that problem really. The people I do kill usually don't bother with reclaiming their stuff and rather just go to their tents or get re-equipped by their buddies with the helicopters.

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Yes but you dont want to seem like a jackass just killing and them losing everything i always leave them with some gear i take the best things and some pepole respawn realy far and players might loot that body it also helps pepole to see if pepole were in the area making them more cautious am not sure if bodys are draggable but if so just drag it and dump it in the forest or some were hiding is unrealistic

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While I can see it done, the problem is also that one can use dead bodies as a way to know there's been fighting and hostiles in the area. While it's close to impossible to know exactly when, you can somewhat know how "hostile" the area is depending on the bodies scattered about.

Personally I would more like to see equipment being destroyed, damaged or just through pure luck pulls through after a player dies. Like, for lack of a better term, durability loss. You know that there's a big chance your shit got broken, why would you go all the way back? Maybe Zeds pick up the items on your body if it happened in a town.

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Even though I'm against people returning to bodies after dying to re-get their gear (and every after-death safety net, tents, cars), finding a body makes for great situations in-game. I love finding one and taking stuff others haven't, then figuring out how he died, and realizing "oh shit he was shot recently I gotta get out of here".

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OMG. Why dont we just make it so you cant loot your own body??? FIXED!


Also make it so when you hide a body, the flies stop buzzing.

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I like the idea and this is exactly what i do to douche bandits i manage to kill.

It would also be a nice touch that once you hide them it leaves a little shallow grave pile of dirt with a Cross.

Once dumping is in the SA you could even leave a little present on top as well.

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Go for it, If you wanna shoite all over a persons grave, You go for it.

I think the fly buzzing sound will be annoying after a while, Imagine a map with 150 players on, everyone burys bodies and everyone takes a shoite every 3 hours.

that is one noisy place.

I hope rocket thought about this.

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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OMG. Why dont we just make it so you cant loot your own body??? FIXED!

Because this would be stupid?

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Burying dead people? What kind of survivor of the apocalypse has time to sit down, dig a hole and bury some guy they just shot. I could see it if they were a friend or were stinking up the place..but come on. Besides, I like the look of dead bodies so I leave all my kills where they fell.

It would make more sense to have a feature where you could move dead bodies around and actually "hide" them in bushes or something instead of them just vanishing into the ground. I suggested something a long, long time ago allong these lines. its here.

Edited by PracticalTactical

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