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Memory hacking in Standalone

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As it stands, when the standalone arrives, you should expect after the first week that 1 out of every 3 players is cheating by using an undetectable program that reads the game's memory for object locations. In addition to that, there will still be advanced users completely bypassing VAC and using wall hacks (or something to that effect).

Troll much? If so, why aren't 1 out of 3 players doing that in a Mod for a game which allows scripts? Tell me that.

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As it stands, when the standalone arrives, you should expect after the first week that 1 out of every 3 players is cheating by using an undetectable program that reads the game's memory for object locations. In addition to that, there will still be advanced users completely bypassing VAC and using wall hacks (or something to that effect).

object location hacks easilly defeated by not having spawned items sent to client until within visual detection range (Perhaps 500M-1000M or so)

Wall hacks not nearly as effective in a server model assuming they can get by VAC.

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Troll much? If so, why aren't 1 out of 3 players doing that in a Mod for a game which allows scripts? Tell me that.

They are. Write a program that reads game memory and go to any white list server. The more serious the server is, the more people pretending to be legitimate.

object location hacks easilly defeated by not having spawned items sent to client until within visual detection range (Perhaps 500M-1000M or so)

Chernarus is only a handful of kilometers wide. Are you implying that being able to know and see everything within a quarter of the world is not wildly advantageous?

Edited by gummy52

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They are. Write a program that reads game memory and go to any white list server. The more serious the server is, the more people pretending to be legitimate.

I play on a medium-sized whitelisted server and nobody has ever done this. Tents full of goodies have existed in areas very close to well traveled routes without ever being found. 1/3 people using cheats is a ridiculous number. I would say 1/100 at the very maximum. You must have DayZ and WarZ mixed up.

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They are. Write a program that reads game memory and go to any white list server. The more serious the server is, the more people pretending to be legitimate.

Chernarus is only a handful of kilometers wide. Are you implying that being able to know and see everything within a quarter of the world is not wildly advantageous?

14 is a large handful.

Did you seriously just tell people to hack in order to find out how many people on a whitelist server also hack? wow

Edited by bad_mojo

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Other vunerabilities can be addressed in time. It just needs to be said again and again for those who are worried about major hacks for SA. VAC and Sever model are going to have a HUGE effect on hacking.

A cheating idiot who uses a cheat on SA to know if a crashed chopper 1000M away has NVGs or not is frankly minor compared to teleporting and spawn hacks. Yes those give cheating idiots a serious advantage sadly but NOTHING in comparason to today.

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VAC and Sever model are going to have a HUGE effect on hacking.
Other vunerabilities can be addressed in time.

That is a complete contradiction.

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Everything 1k is indeed a huge advantage. And does need to be addressed eventually. However, again compared to spawning items and teleporting today they are minor. Just being realistic here.

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I'm deeply concerned that hacking will drown this game if it's not the absolute prime focus of the entire Bohemia Interactive company.

They really can't do much as a small company... I feel as though you are blowing this out of proportion. There is little to no data showing a large amount of people do this. I would rather have more content and a secure private whitelist than to quibble over possible cheaters.

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That is a complete contradiction.

No it isn't. Having a HUGE effect is not the same as removing it.

Hacks will never completely vanish but compared to today the security changes WILL have a huge effect. For most players just having most of the item spawning and teleporting removed will be a huge reason to go SA. If you want to stay away because BI does not have the reources to prevent all types of hacks that is your deal.

Edited by Zachstar

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I play on a medium-sized whitelisted server and nobody has ever done this. Tents full of goodies have existed in areas very close to well traveled routes without ever being found. 1/3 people using cheats is a ridiculous number. I would say 1/100 at the very maximum. You must have DayZ and WarZ mixed up.

I would say 1/3 are cheating, 1/6 at the absolute maximum. On several, more than five, populated (average of more than 20, peaking 50 players) whitelisted servers I have observed a staggering number of players blatantly using means for detecting where enemy players are. Roughly a third of said players have kill commanded me in retaliation to being ganked. I would certainly say at least half of the people I claim to be using location hacks are using location hacks.

You claim that you play on a "medium-sized" server. If you play on a server that averages 10 players, then that does absolutely nothing to disprove what I am saying. I would certainly hope that the retail release does not have server averages of 10 players. To that effect, many players do hack to gain advantage. Not many people are going to find it fun to cheat on a server with only 9 other players.

However, again compared to spawning items and teleporting today they are minor. Just being realistic here.

Spawning items and god mode are only possible because ArmA 2 a client side game that tells the other clients how the world should look. Stopping those from happening is automatic if the game-play is server side. In other words, stopping god mode and spawning items has nothing to do with stopping hacking. Those are bare minimums for programming a persistent online game.

Edited by gummy52

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Are you sure you just don't suck at finding and engaging enemies? Those are extremely high numbers without evidence. I do not deny that it is extremely bad. Yet those numbers are just silly in my opinion.

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Those are extremely high numbers without evidence. I do not deny that it is extremely bad. Yet those numbers are just silly in my opinion.

I thought the same as you did until I saw it for myself. It is a serious problem that will stifle the enormous potential of this game.

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I would say 1/3 are cheating, 1/6 at the absolute maximum. On several, more than five, populated (average of more than 20, peaking 50 players) whitelisted servers I have observed a staggering number of players blatantly using means for detecting where enemy players are. Roughly a third of said players have kill commanded me in retaliation to being ganked. I would certainly say at least half of the people I claim to be using location hacks are using location hacks.

You claim that you play on a "medium-sized" server. If you play on a server that averages 10 players, then that does absolutely nothing to disprove what I am saying. I would certainly hope that the retail release does not have server averages of 10 players. To that effect, many players do hack to gain advantage. Not many people are going to find it fun to cheat on a server with only 9 other players.

I really want to know what type of server you are playing on then... The server I play on has 20-30 people during the normal playing hours. I feel that you probably hack, or use some type of program, and that you think many other people do it to. I have NEVER, ever, not even once considered anyone on the server I play on has been hacking in any way. I've had obvious tents last months and ambushed and killed people from almost every squad. If they are so secretive, I don't see how you "saw it yourself."

You are obviously trolling. If nobody notices it, how will it "stifle the enormous potential of this game"? It really makes no sense what you are trying to say. I think you are either hacking yourself, and trying to find a way to make yourself feel better (hence saying everyone else does it) or that you are upset that some people spend all night looking for your tents with NVGs. I've had a couple slow nights, and gone around with an ATV, NVGs, and 10 cans of fuel looking for tents for 5+ hours. If you have the time, you can find tents. It's not hacking.

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gummy, what exactly tells you those people are using ESP hacks? I understand you yourself use that type of hack to watch people, but what about their actions tells you they are also using the hack?

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gummy, what exactly tells you those people are using ESP hacks? I understand you yourself use that type of hack to watch people, but what about their actions tells you they are also using the hack?

Teleporting, running for vehicles the moment they spawn, etc

I have NEVER, ever, not even once considered anyone on the server I play on has been hacking in any way. You are obviously trolling.

Here's some data for you. From a forum more active than this one, right off of google, you can find a thread titled "DayZ Survival Hack v3.3" with 70,565 views and 891 replies. Now I want you to google "dayz readprocessmemory".

It's a serious issue that's over shadowed by kill commands and item spawning.

Edited by gummy52

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Here's some data for you. From a forum more active than this one, right off of google, you can find a thread titled "DayZ Survival Hack v3.3" with 70,565 views and 891 replies. Now I want you to google "dayz readprocessmemory".

It's a serious issue that's over shadowed by kill commands and item spawning.

So 70K views. How many of these are:

1) recurrent views (same viewer)

2) banned players

3) players only interested in the thread's title and don't care to hack

4) players that are banned from most private hives

I really think that you are overly inflating this whole process. I am very far from being worried. And even if it is true and is so "secretive," there isn't much that can be done about it then. I know that BIS will work as hard as they can to make sure that these aren't an issue, but they can't dedicate a ton of people to this process with such a small team. I haven't noticed this happening, so I'm really not bothered at all.

Edited by BeastOverlord
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So 70K views. How many of these are:

From one website among many. You're trying claim that hacking is not common. It's incredibly easy to do right now and from the looks of things it won't be any harder in the standalone. What's stopping everyone from hacking? Their good will. Wake up.

Edited by gummy52

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Urrrrghghhg. Gummy, you already have a thread about your questionable statistics.

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What the flying shit does your comment contribute to this conversation? There are several topics about hacking on a daily basis and you opt to claim erring on the side of caution questionable?

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I merged the threads since the debates are crossing over.

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I merged the threads since the debates are crossing over.

Ahhhhh.... FUUUUUU. I had a really long reply and then it said that I couldn't post it. I thought it was locked so I deleted. :(

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What the flying shit does your comment contribute to this conversation? There are several topics about hacking on a daily basis and you opt to claim erring on the side of caution questionable?

You keep referring loosely to your own statistics (1 in 3 and so on) to make a point. Statistics, especially ones gleaned from such a small scale survey can be used to prove any point. You've visited some servers, found some hackers and are trying to extrapolate that data across the thousands of servers available to play on. It's just lazy. I don't disagree with hacking being a major issue, that's beyond doubt. I question you referring to you're own tiny survey to back up every comment you have to make about hacking.

Edited by Fraggle

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From one website among many. You're trying claim that hacking is not common. It's incredibly easy to do right now and from the looks of things it won't be any harder in the standalone. What's stopping everyone from hacking? Their good will. Wake up.

If it is so easy, I congratulate 95%+ of the DayZ community for not stooping so low. I think that you are just paranoid about the state of the game or play on a 'hackers only' server. I don't see how this is an issue if it never happens. Your 'facts' are completely off, just invented by you, and have no logical basis.

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Yes but again the scale will be no where NEAR what it is today. VAC is going to make many hackers cry. Server side will mean their hacks will cost more and be easier to report to VAC. And then the fact that games are tied to steam means their 15 or whatever USD is gone for good once VAC banned.

So what? A VAC ban is not bigger than any other anti-cheat ban

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