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Memory hacking in Standalone

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The other games you're talking about are match based FPS, so a cheater/hacker can disrupt a single round, it causes no much trouble, coz you can change the server and start again like nothing has happened (apart the little annoyance of server switching). While DayZ has a permanent enviroment, a cheater/hacker can "destroy" days (or even weeks) of gameplay progression in one instant.

This is the big difference, this is why being killed by a cheater in DayZ is 1000 times more annoying than being "hacked" in a tradizional FPS.

In fact if you look at the other "perma-world" games out there (most of them are RTS/RPG's) you can notice that the cheating is taken very seriously and most often they have dedicate staff to monitor and handle the situation (something that we can only dream of...).

For this reason, the cheating MUST be the issue at the top of everything or the game will fail.

Well i wasn't really referring to match based games just one game in particular, but since i didn't clarify its on me. I was referring to DayZ "Competition", Why only quote one part of what i had said? Yes DayZ has a permanent environment however the mod itself isn't anywhere close to being completed nor will the standalone be when it is initially released, which means that at any point or time while your playing you could lose all your gear just due to issues with the mod/game itself because it isn't the final released product. I am pretty sure that rocket is taking cheating just as serious as other companies do, he just doesn't have the man power to employ a dedicated team for that specific purpose. Just him changing specific things in the engine will ultimately solve most of the hacking issues however the game will not completely be hack free nor will any game for that matter. Also to gummy52 instead of suggesting that rocket look into this before the initial release why not politely ask him to consider it for a later date when the game is in a more finalized stage rather then when hes just trying to get the game up and working for us to play until then.

Edited by keosan24

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Hacking in Counter-Strike destroy the game

Hacking in Call of Duty in Hardcore Modus totally destroy the game

Hacking in DayZ annihilate the game.

DayZ have so much potential. Its just a fantastic game.

If you can not fight the Hacker i would say: just do it like Blizzard.

Create Official Server and let the ppl pay 10 Dollar in a month.

in 5 Years WoW i never saw a cheater. Why is that ? Do they have a better software ?

Another example Riot - League of Legends.

So you get enough money for big support for this game.

A Server System like in Age of Conan would be great for this.

if there are to many player in one area use more dimension.

i know some guys who cheated on counterstrike for years and never get banned, VAC is useless.

Oh really? Thats why people still play and host tournaments for those said games right?

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in 5 Years WoW i never saw a cheater. Why is that ? Do they have a better software ?

Another example Riot - League of Legends.

So you get enough money for big support for this game.

A Server System like in Age of Conan would be great for this.

if there are to many player in one area use more dimension.

Those game are completely server-side and that's why they don't have cheaters for them (AFAIK). You can't make a shooter completely server-side. It would be very very laggy and unfluid

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Guest Dwarden

even WoW and LOL got cheats ... they just have such huge playerbase (tens of millions) that the amount of cheaters is way lower than smaller titles

there were several crack conferences where they took Warden (Blizzard's AC) apart ... but such attack can't withstand any end-user software

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