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Survivor, stop yelling "Friendly friendly" when im aiming at you!

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Need to continue that text a bit, phone derped and sent it unfinished.

By moving from cover to cover gives you the opportunity to contact unknowns and not startle them so badly. You have a bigger chance to probe their actions and see if they are hostile or not. Cover is the big word here probe is second. Have seen way too many survivors running on the middle of the road gun up and somebody with the same setup bumbs to him and panic happens :D

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Reading this just makes me think... How many of you have had military training? even a little? Ever heard the concept of moving allways near cover and when near hostile/unknown cover,probe, move to next cover if clear? If engaged, suppress ,move and cover?

It just sounds like most of you run in open bumping to each other with guns and that is the recipe of kos chaos.

You make it sound as Arma 2 and DayZ should be exclusive to army personell. I couldn't give less of a rats ass if a person I'm playing with/against is a soldier. It's a game. You don't have the same control of your character as you would have had. Your face value counts for nothing. Morals count for nothing. And supress in a zombie apocalypse? You'd announce your location to every single zombie in the entire town if you did that.

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You make it sound as Arma 2 and DayZ should be exclusive to army personell. I couldn't give less of a rats ass if a person I'm playing with/against is a soldier. It's a game. You don't have the same control of your character as you would have had. Your face value counts for nothing. Morals count for nothing. And supress in a zombie apocalypse? You'd announce your location to every single zombie in the entire town if you did that.

Well I did not mean that its mil personel only, just trying to say there are some basics on surviving hostile/unknown area. And suppress is a big thing I dont give a rats ass about zombies when some body is shooting at me.

Edited by Apina
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Every single area in the entire map, every map, is hostile/unknown ground. Towns are just a bit more concentrated. While I agree that a group of zeds are nothing compaired to an armed player, you still get both the elements (zombies), other players and that player you're currently trying to suppress against you. Since your character doesn't feel any pain if a bullet happens to grace you, you'd be far better off making a run for it to safer ground, like a house or behind the opposite wall, than to start suppressive fire.

Because other players play aggressively in towns, you have to do the same if you want to get in and out quickly. You will forever be at a vulnerable point if you actually do something beyond being sneaky sneaky. But, if you're there exclusively to KILL, then yes, staying in cover all the time is key. That would be common knowledge to pretty much everyone, it doesn't take a soldier or any military training to know that.

Edited by Darkwater

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When somebody shoots you, the automatic reaction from it is to go to the nearest cover right? What you do then? At that time hostile allready knows where you are and is probing for your next move ready to fire when you make a run thus you need to suppress. And I just asked are there any people with mil training OR have they heard about the concept of those tactics because my Experience from the game is that most of people have no clue.

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Why are so many "tough" bandits moving around in the open? I NEVER get close enough to talk to someone unless its a IRL friend of mine. If I see you and you have a better gun than me, I kill you and chances are you never saw me, because I wait untill you are out of cover and are a clean kill. If you don't have a better weapon than I do, I let you go and carry on with my day. I honestly don't see how this is an issue, and survivors can put them selves in the same place, just don't kill anyone use option 2 all the time.

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And to be clear I just try to say how to prevent getting KoS, and Im not trying to push my way of playing to anyone just giving an advice.

Im sorry if my post was a bit provocative but I tried to make a point about the running thru huge opening and bumbing to another player and getting the panic shots from a startled survivor. :)

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All I see from OP and most KoS types is a mindset problem, they kill on sight, becuase they got killed and it just creates a circle. Stop Killing on sight, try helping that person. If you approach someone in DayZ and offer them aid almost every time you will get a good reaction. On the off chance that I run into someone without me noticing, I usually open up with "I'm a medic need any help?" (even in a bandit skin i've seen it done many times). And you know what, yeah I've been shot a few times, but I can count that number on my fingers. And I've been playing Dayz for a few months, almost daily. Unless you are killing them for the thrill, you don't have to kill anybody.

And the "drop your weapon" does NOT work on most players, cause they believe you are going to kill them anyway. Try something more reasonable. Salute at them, or tell them to salute. Its not hard to lower your weapon and be nice, it's really not. Trust me, I live in Cherno/Elektro helping bambi's all day and killing those that would harm them.

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Anyone who asks me to drop my weapon in such an hostile enviroment, I automatically assume is a bandit and I'll either flee or kill him. Asking someone to completely surrender himself to your mercy is an act of aggression. I'll rather die with my weapon in my hand that to disarm and get shot on my knees. It's basic logic. You ask someone to surrender to your will, a bandits know their victims will retaliate as soon as they can get hands on a weapon.

I don't believe much in suppressive fire unless you have a big group, you have a good idea of where you're taking fire from or that you ID the weapon used against you as a substantially inferior weapon. Anything with a scope I just break contact and begin adding obstacles and distance between me and the shooter. If I suppress I reveal my position after I've already broken line of sight and I also attract nearby zombies. If I against my better judgment squeeze off a few rounds, it's only to make my attacker hesitate leaving his position to pursue or flank me, while I'm placing walls, houses and trees between us. Simply breaking contact, forces the aggressor to leave his position or deal with the zombies he, himself has alarmed.

Btw this has nothing to do with being a IRL badass, however since ArmA/DayZ offers a big world with plenty of cover and concealment, applying real world tactics does actually help. By staying close to cover and concealment, you present a much harder target. Whenever you move, you should always have the next cover in sight, you should always take the most concealed route and whenever you stop, you should always stop near cover or at the very least take a knee or go prone. It's about constantly being unpredictable and difficult to hit. If you're always on the move, changing direction at every corner, there's a greater chance that the first shot will miss you and then you have a much better chance of surviving the initial contact.

Anyways what works for me, might not work for you.

But by always taking cover before communicating, I present less of the threat to the person I meet, while I also protect myself from danger. And it works well for me.

Edited by Dallas

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Someone ran over to my group last night shouting friendly in direct and then switching to side channel for everyone to hear. He then started screaming in Mexican, fortunately the server I was on has kill messages and I could see he was a bandit and had killed 5 people previous to his death so I started to shoot him with my M9 SD as not to attract attention but I couldn't take him down and I saw him run to a dead body to pick up their gun. Luckily my friend shot him before he got too it or we may of taken a casualty!

Protip: Study what people say/do prior to meeting them so you can get an idea whether they're friendly or not!

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I never KOS or travel far from cover/concealment.

Reading this just makes me think... How many of you have had military training? even a little? Ever heard the concept of moving allways near cover and when near hostile/unknown cover,probe, move to next cover if clear? If engaged, suppress ,move and cover?

It just sounds like most of you run in open bumping to each other with guns and that is the recipe of kos chaos.

That is real life, this is a game. In a real life war situation you will have buddys to cover your back. And because this is a game there are several factors that makes it alot harder to locate an enemy, feks footsteps,

awareness and different sounds

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And to be clear I just try to say how to prevent getting KoS, and Im not trying to push my way of playing to anyone just giving an advice.

Im sorry if my post was a bit provocative but I tried to make a point about the running thru huge opening and bumbing to another player and getting the panic shots from a startled survivor. :)

There is no way to prevent KoS. If everyone had godmode then yeaaah but still :P

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All I see from OP and most KoS types is a mindset problem, they kill on sight, becuase they got killed and it just creates a circle. Stop Killing on sight, try helping that person. If you approach someone in DayZ and offer them aid almost every time you will get a good reaction. On the off chance that I run into someone without me noticing, I usually open up with "I'm a medic need any help?" (even in a bandit skin i've seen it done many times). And you know what, yeah I've been shot a few times, but I can count that number on my fingers. And I've been playing Dayz for a few months, almost daily. Unless you are killing them for the thrill, you don't have to kill anybody.

And the "drop your weapon" does NOT work on most players, cause they believe you are going to kill them anyway. Try something more reasonable. Salute at them, or tell them to salute. Its not hard to lower your weapon and be nice, it's really not. Trust me, I live in Cherno/Elektro helping bambi's all day and killing those that would harm them.

Its not allways a mindset problem, its just surivival instincts. If 90% of the players does it, there is a 90% chance that the player you meet is going to shoot you. Its either dead (never KoS) or alive (KoS). Now im between both, and i hope that most people are to.

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I'm friendly all the way, I've only had to kill one person before, he got on my motor bike so I had to axe him.

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i would rather not take the chance in loosing my 34 day old character with the best gear possible.

... and there it is. The truth comes out. Op is attached to his gear and too scared to lose it.

The number one rule in DayZ: don't get attached to your gear.

So now what? You just hide out in the woods now, hoping no one will stumble across you and try to take your toys?

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Never KoS, yes i die a lot but what people don't understand is that the true joy of dayz is not PvP as this is offered in numerious other games, it's not the looting as again this is in tons of other games it's the social interaction between players.

talking to two russians equally as high geared as you both scared of losing it (as you are) but you spend 10 minutes talking in jumbled up english and a bit of russian trying to understand each other near the NWAF and then healing them up, sharing food and giving cords of vehicles and tents to each other that might come in useful then both parties leaving unharmed - most scariest 10 minutes ever on Dayz, also the best.

Meeting someone and talking, trying to help each other, gear up and move out, going seperate ways or just talking randomly and sharing local information and even god damn trading is so unique in this game that i dont ever shoot. simply so that maybe 1 out of 50 people wont shoot back and i can enjoy that glimer of sweet sweet gameplay.

Edited by SoulShaper2
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I've killed only one person in the month I played. (not playing now cause I'm waiting for the SA) It really is not that hard to not kill people. Just be a ghost. Use stealth and your environment to your advantage. The reason i killed the player I ran into is cause he suprised me and he had a weapon and he hadn't said anything to me previously. And I had zombies chasing me so I couldn't revert to stealth. It is a choice to KOS "cause evry bodyz doin' itz" is not a good excuse. Actually worst excuse ever.

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I've killed only one person in the month I played. (not playing now cause I'm waiting for the SA) It really is not that hard to not kill people. Just be a ghost. Use stealth and your environment to your advantage. The reason i killed the player I ran into is cause he suprised me and he had a weapon and he hadn't said anything to me previously. And I had zombies chasing me so I couldn't revert to stealth. It is a choice to KOS "cause evry bodyz doin' itz" is not a good excuse. Actually worst excuse ever.

It's easy guys - Just don't be seen. Just don't exist ezpz

cmon man, really?

Edited by Cdrive

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... and there it is. The truth comes out. Op is attached to his gear and too scared to lose it.

The number one rule in DayZ: don't get attached to your gear.

So now what? You just hide out in the woods now, hoping no one will stumble across you and try to take your toys?

haha your funny :) Im saying that id rather not loose it, in other words it rather not loose it to some guy who shoots me while i try to be friendly. Got it? Im not attatched to my gear, it just took quiet a while to get it

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Never KoS, yes i die a lot but what people don't understand is that the true joy of dayz is not PvP as this is offered in numerious other games, it's not the looting as again this is in tons of other games it's the social interaction between players.

talking to two russians equally as high geared as you both scared of losing it (as you are) but you spend 10 minutes talking in jumbled up english and a bit of russian trying to understand each other near the NWAF and then healing them up, sharing food and giving cords of vehicles and tents to each other that might come in useful then both parties leaving unharmed - most scariest 10 minutes ever on Dayz, also the best.

Meeting someone and talking, trying to help each other, gear up and move out, going seperate ways or just talking randomly and sharing local information and even god damn trading is so unique in this game that i dont ever shoot. simply so that maybe 1 out of 50 people wont shoot back and i can enjoy that glimer of sweet sweet gameplay.

For me the true joy would be to try and survive. If i would have died several times a day, i would eventually stop playing cause of the repetitive run into nearest town, try get a gun, better backpack, some food and drinks, then up to stary and the northwest for better gear etc

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