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Giving up, to much stupidity.

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When you see a player opposite you with a rifle what do you do? I ususaly shout friendly and hide until I get confirmation.

Players gotta be careful with that axe eugene.

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You realize when the DayZ standalone comes out almost all the players that play the DayZ mod are going to go to the standalone? Which means the same experience with players .

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This is the problem when game sells out. There will be much of these stupid kiddos running headlessly and having the lulz.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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You probally ran into this guy


Sometimes the hatchet speaks to you...

Edited by Trizzo

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It's only the hackers that ruin the game. The rest is just simply DayZ.

No the Problem are these idiots on all the servers worldwide. Its a fact that in the early weeks and months of this mod the player were more friendly then now. Why? Because the corecommunity of ArmA is always/mostly friendly and the most of them have enough brain to understand the game. And what have we now, when all the kids and/or kill-adicted unsocial freaks running all the day over the server? Right! You will be shot under 60 sec after respawn even if you havent items. You get killed after you help other people in the game and you get killed if you try to communicate with them. Yes - PVP is a function of this mod, but in these days its the only one. In DayZ you see the true nature of humans - in a world without consequences you will only recieve bad things. The most people are totaly nearsighted and if they dont become any rewards they wouldnt do good things to other people - its really so sad...

I think the only way to bring some gentleness back in the game are rewards for helping or negative rewards for killing survivors. At the moment the best way in the game is to kill all what you see even if it wants to help you. You get a kill in your list ( "yeaaaaaah!!! im the best roxxor!!!!!11" -.-') and you get new stuff and the game gives you nothing for fear (exept other players) - even on difficult servers or servers with other maps or mods like Namalsk Crysis.

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Schrapple, don't let it drive you crazy. It happens all the time. I had the same thing happen to me just a week or so ago. I had an axe and was helping a fresh spawn by killing his zombie attackers. In the store I dropped some food and drink for him, he picked up a lee enfield and shot me. I tell myself he was probably a ten year old with extra special needs, who no speako da engrisho. It makes me feel better.

The same will happen in the SA dude, they're not re-writing the players.

Good point, Fraggle! Now why can't Rocket sort that one out? :huh:

Edited by Sula

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A few weeks ago I killed a guy with a hatchet after he tried to hide behind me being chased by a few zeds. The reasoning... I did not like babysitting.

But to the point. OP, anyone will do anything for any reason becasue they can in a game. That will never change no matter what game you get into and is something that a lot of gamers need to understand. It will occur and is something you should best get used to. If you have such standards that others need to be like you in game then you need to reevaluate them.

Edited by zfleming12

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No the Problem are these idiots on all the servers worldwide. Its a fact that in the early weeks and months of this mod the player were more friendly then now. Why? Because the corecommunity of ArmA is always/mostly friendly and the most of them have enough brain to understand the game. And what have we now, when all the kids and/or kill-adicted unsocial freaks running all the day over the server? Right! You will be shot under 60 sec after respawn even if you havent items. You get killed after you help other people in the game and you get killed if you try to communicate with them. Yes - PVP is a function of this mod, but in these days its the only one. In DayZ you see the true nature of humans - in a world without consequences you will only recieve bad things. The most people are totaly nearsighted and if they dont become any rewards they wouldnt do good things to other people - its really so sad...

I think the only way to bring some gentleness back in the game are rewards for helping or negative rewards for killing survivors. At the moment the best way in the game is to kill all what you see even if it wants to help you. You get a kill in your list ( "yeaaaaaah!!! im the best roxxor!!!!!11" -.-') and you get new stuff and the game gives you nothing for fear (exept other players) - even on difficult servers or servers with other maps or mods like Namalsk Crysis.

Calm the f*ck down.

That is all.

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Meh - the very fact that he had a zombie chain should have told you this guy didn't give a shit. Probaly re-spawned after dying and thought 'fuck it' and went for a wild ride.

I'll do that sometimes just to see how long I can last and if I get any good loot. When I'm in that 'mode' I'm axing anyone fool enough to get within swinging range.

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I am able to tolerate the many problems with day-z but the act of stupidity I witnessed today has made me hang up my day-z hat and wait for the stand alone. Let me set the scene.

Playing today on my favorite server, only me and one other on the server. I have an Enfield and a revolver and am cruising around Cherno collecting supplies, I suddenly see the other player running with only a hatchet and a zombie conga line behind him, he runs into a warehouse and the zeds follow him in. I go to help, I run into building and sit at the opposite end of the building to him with my rifle pointed at the ground. He runs towards me still with zombies chasing him and tries to chop me...WTF? Long story short I run and he continue for some time to try and kill me with the hatchet, eventually I got pissed and shot him.

Why would some one persist in trying to kill another player who has proven they are no threat especially when you are so seriously out gunned by them?

I can't answer so I am hanging up my day-z hat.

Ok - you are ragequitting the game because of a noob who has no clue? I am not sure if this is a troll attempt. To sum up: You had a gun, the other had no gun. He tried to hatchet you, but it did not work out and you put a bullet into his head. Now you are quitting because of that? Seriously? Either you have a menstrual disturbance or you do not have experience in online games.

A lot of players do not understand what they are doing. But to quit a game because of ONE player who annoyed you is, sorry for that, ridiculous! Then you should focus on single player games. If you can handle the idiots, the hackers and the bugs you are ready to play online. There are a lot of players out there who react in a mature way - as well as there are enough players who act like retarded kiddies. (It has nothing to do with the age of the player!)

Just think about it ;)

Edited by Draxx

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haha tbh i would of done exactly the same then took your loot ifyou are suprised by a man with a axe and having nothing to lose trying to kill you to take your loot maybe you maybe best leaving as its just part of the game and you must adjust . might sound harsh but its nothing new and will always happen

Edited by dgeesio

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Dude get over it, that is DayZ don't like it leave and play something more suited to you.

I'd have tried to kill you too, only I'd have waited till you were vulernable and couldent fight back like on a ladder. Its simple you could have gear I want and in this case you had a gun he had a hatchet. A few swipes and if he knew what he was doing you would have been dead, but you got lucky and got a n00b.

Move on and next time shoot first ask questions later! It's the DayZ way and always will be!

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The irony of someone who can't tell grammar from spelling calling others on either. :P

What does grammar have to do with it? I said you misspelled the title, which you did.

Nice try saving some face though, even though it flopped.

Edited by Dankine

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It also pisses me off, but at least I have killed every one of those little bitches who try to betray me.. Lamest way ever to win a firefight and even lamer if you lose it.

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I am able to tolerate the many problems with day-z but the act of stupidity I witnessed today has made me hang up my day-z hat and wait for the stand alone. Let me set the scene.

Why would some one persist in trying to kill another player who has proven they are no threat especially when you are so seriously out gunned by them?

Because u could have stuff he wants...and if this is the kind of events that wanna make u stop playing dayz I dont think the standalone will be any different. All in all stop playing dayz and we wont have posts like this from u.

Its also not a act of stupidity to try to kill someone with a axe, I have been victorious many times with a axe versus a guy with a gun.

Edited by svisketyggeren

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Come join my private hive server. I cannot offer you a safe haven from bandits but I can offer you a safe haven from Hackers and Scripters. We run a tight ship and welcome all who want to enjoy the game without the cheaters. www.TheNewSocietyDayZ.enjin.com go there and sign up

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Awww you died. Get over it.

No, he even did survive - the other guy died! That is even more hilarious! :D

He ragequitted just because of the noob who tried to attack him with an hatchet. Best ragequit ev0r. lawl

I wonder what would have happened if he gets sniped over a mile, or if he runs into a group of bandits fully geared and he has only his dinnerbell. Or he is tricked by a player by screaming "friendly, friendly" and gets shot in the back.....so many funny scenarios, where you could see an option for a ragequit...but his story is ridicoulus. /facepalm

Edited by Draxx

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