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Nefarious (DayZ)

Would DayZ exist without The Walking Dead?

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Don't be soft. TWD isn't the main column for the Z genre in video games. Resident Evil 1-3 was for me. However TWD is a HUGE benchmark and hopefully a change from the cliché B-movie styled movies.

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28 Days Later was the real kick off of the modern zombie phenomenon, and the zombies of DayZ behave much more like the zombies of 28 Days Later than the zombies of The Walking Dead, so if you're going to partially credit any movie/TV show with the success of DayZ it should be 28 Days Later. Even the title DayZ was probably at least subconsciously inspired by 28 Days Later.

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Reread the post pls. I never said they didn't know what a zombie was. Did your cap key break?

This was your other post on a different topic post.....

Do you intend on qualifying this? I'm not sure what's tripping you up. You don't think the massive popularity of the zombie genre now has influenced these games? I am a huge zombie flick fan. I can tell you straight up that anyone I work with (Fire Dept./ Paramedic) knew squat about zombies prior to this tv show. Many of them are big fans now.

Your post has no context let alone content so I'm at a loss.

Sorry if I missed understood what you meant here but it seemed like you were saying your work mates knew nothing about zombies..... Like I said I find that so hard to believe....

Edited by WalBanger

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28 Days Later was the real kick off of the modern zombie phenomenon, and the zombies of DayZ behave much more like the zombies of 28 Days Later than the zombies of The Walking Dead, so if you're going to partially credit any movie/TV show with the success of DayZ it should be 28 Days Later. Even the title DayZ was probably at least subconsciously inspired by 28 Days Later.

28 Days Later isn't a Zombie film..

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Aside from the fact that I disagree with Call of Duty having anything to do with DayZ or any of the rest of the zombie craze, World at War had Nazi Zombies before Black Ops did.

never said Dayz had anything to do with COD, lol. But, never new CODWAW had zed's gonna have to check that.

Im sure there was some kinda zombie game from the 90's that was sorta UnderGround like DayZ. But i think COD & maybe even LFD made it a trend to base a game around.

Edited by DopeHat

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This was your other post on a different topic post.....

Sorry if I missed understood what you meant here but it seemed like you were saying your work mates knew nothing about zombies..... Like I said I find that so hard to believe....

Knowing squat about zombies means they wouldn't have a clue about Dawn of The Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Resident Evil etc. They wouldn't know zombies need to be shot in the head. Particulars that fans of the genre would know. You are trying to make it look like I said they didn't know WHAT A ZOMBIE WAS. There is a marked difference.

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28 Days Later isn't a Zombie film..

And Dayz 'zombies' arent traditional Zombies, but Infected humans, very, very much like in 28 Days Later.

The true inspiration behind anything zombie has got to be Romero's Night of the Living Dead. People then just touched up what zombies could do (run faster, moan "Braaaiiinnnns!" etc etc).

TWD was a very late addition to the zombie genre and can't really lay claim to have influenced much...yet.

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Well IMO if you know what a zombie is then you know you have to take out the head..... Otherwise it's a vampire?!?

Seriously though there is not 1 example of a zombie I can think of where the rules are always take out the head....

Other "fantasy" creatures have variants like in twilight the vampires don't burn up in the sun they "glow" which could easy be misinterperated as "burns up" in folk tales... Which I actually like this twist....... That's just one example but there is no variant on zombies...

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This thread makes me laugh, the walking dead is but a small pebble on the shore of the zombie apocalypse.


Order that chronologically and take a look, there has been an increasingly steady amount of zombie films released each year. It wasn't until the 70's that we notice a large increase in the number of films being made featuring zombies. Each decade after that seems to nearly double the amount of films of the previous.

There has not been a single piece of source material that has led the current uprising of zombies to the mainstream. Zombies have been constantly growing in number each year since 1920's. Zombies have always been here and they are not going away. It is ignorant to try and say removing a single "popular" zombie show/movie would make or break the allure of brain eating, animated corpses we all love.

But while we are at it.

Would we have Vampires if twilight never existed?

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Denying that call of duty started the zombie craze is pretty much calling yourself an idiot.

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Denying that call of duty started the zombie craze is pretty much calling yourself an idiot.

Zombies Ate My Neighbors was a bigger influence than anything COD did with zombies.

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The walking dead series///comic book's were where zombies were first introduced(2003). So yes I strongly feel that without the introduction of the walking dead comic series that zombies to this day would not fictionally exist.

Also warcraft (blizzard) are known to be the first people to introduce Orc/Elves to the world.

I'am pretty certain that the concept of zombism existed long before the Hollywood Movie industry even came into existence, much less kicked it off as horror-entertainment.

I personally was first introduced to zombism at age 8 with the Scooby Doo movie "Scooby Doo on Zombie Island (1998)" Which was 5 years before the original The Walking Dead comics came to exist.

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The walking dead series///comic book's were where zombies were first introduced(2003). So yes I strongly feel that without the introduction of the walking dead comic series that zombies to this day would not fictionally exist.

Also warcraft (blizzard) are known to be the first people to introduce Orc/Elves to the world.

WTF are you talking about?

You better be under the age of 10 and that's why you have limited knowledge of how long things have been around!!!

The Zombie idea has been around for more than 10 years.... I remember having a conversation at school with a mate of mine saying the only "fictional" creature he was scared of we're zombies, because they just keep coming at you and they don't stop, and if you kill 1 there are 1000's to replace it... And that was over 21yrs ago..

White Zombie (film) was made in 1932 (way before walking dead).......

As for orcs and elves being introduced to the world by Blizard is so far beyond wrong it's unbelievable...

Blizzard was established in 1993 now they didn't release Warcraft on day 1 of being established butlers say they did and give you the benefit.......

Here are some examples of other places Orcs/elves turned up before that date:-

Games workshop :- established 1977

Hobbit :- started writing in 1919 released 1937 (nearly 60years before blizzard even existed)

Edited by WalBanger

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Also warcraft (blizzard) are known to be the first people to introduce Orc/Elves to the world.


The more I read this the more I get frustrated at how people state "FACTS" that aren't facts and are just clearly made up nonsense or a guess based on nothing and just say they are facts without even the slightest bit of knowledge or brain power....

I don't think I could ever bring myself to post a FACT without being 100% sure of it.... It just makes you look like an idiot

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Rocket was inspired by the book & movie 'The Road'. It has no zombies, but I suspect he knew that an apocalypse survival mod for arma2 wouldn't play out very well without an antagonist, so he threw in some infected humans which were inspired by the '28 days/weeks later' films.

I believe DayZ wouldn't exist without 'The Road' but that's just my opinion from listening to Rocket talk about his inspirations for it.

If anyone hasn't seen the movie or read the book, I'd highly suggest checking it out(Read the book first). I hadn't seen or read it when Rocket mentioned it, and I'm so glad he did. It really paints a beautiful picture of what he's trying to achieve with DayZ. It's now one of my favorites, I've listened to the book twice and watched the film at least a few times.

Edited by bad_mojo

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Don't think the mod would be different without The Walking Dead, but it's success might have some correlation with the success of The Walking Dead series. But nothing major in my opinion.

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This thread makes me laugh, the walking dead is but a small pebble on the shore of the zombie apocalypse.


Order that chronologically and take a look, there has been an increasingly steady amount of zombie films released each year. It wasn't until the 70's that we notice a large increase in the number of films being made featuring zombies. Each decade after that seems to nearly double the amount of films of the previous.

There has not been a single piece of source material that has led the current uprising of zombies to the mainstream. Zombies have been constantly growing in number each year since 1920's. Zombies have always been here and they are not going away. It is ignorant to try and say removing a single "popular" zombie show/movie would make or break the allure of brain eating, animated corpses we all love.

But while we are at it.

Would we have Vampires if twilight never existed?

This post is comical. If you are telling me zombies had mainstream appeal prior to The Walking Dead you are delusional. Zombies have always had a cult following. I'm 39 and have been into the zombie genre since you were sperm.

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Perhaps if the "zombie-survival" genre been done to the extent of which it become monotonous and repetitive, DayZ may not have been such a popular game, and may have even been cast-aside.

However, DayZ actually put the the word "survival" from zombie-survival games into play, and has become one of the most critically acclaimed games of 2012 because of it.

It was a rather fresh idea, and what previous companies did to suit this fulfillment left off with mediocere games, and the best example of the genre back them would have been the rouge-like "Cataclysm".

I doubt The Walking Dead had much to do with the revival of the survival genre, but the popularity of DayZ and The Walking Dead make have spawned the long-awaited "Zombie-Apocalypse-Survival-Simulator".

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Ofcourse we would, these 2 things are not related to each other, except for the zombie apocalypse ofc. Anyway, the last 2 seasons sucked balls.

I prefered the second season most, first was awesome too, though. But this last season... It's like, "Hey, this is probably gunna be the last season, let's have all of the main characters die!" It's a shame.

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