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Ladders, the new killers in the game

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So I recently fell off a ladder only 2 feet off the ground and died because of it... So you no longer need to fear death from starvation or thirst, because hell if I have yet to die because of a zombie... Now falling 2 feet seems to be the new killer... yay for messed up mods. so glad I didnt pay for this. Because if I did, I would be asking for my money back.

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It's known and yes is a pain, but will most likely be fixed in the standalone.

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Fact 1: People die from falling from low heights all the time.

Fact 2: You paid for ARMA 2, not Dayz. Dayz is just a mod.

Suck it up!

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well capt. obvious... thank you for the info... but honestly I paid for arma to play DayZ. who gives a fuck about arma... and falling 2 feet in a video game shouldnt kill you. period.

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Nothing new, in fact they have been fixed, you should have been here in May/June.

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I broke my leg climbing a ladder and it glitched and made me fall down and die. All you have to do is go back and loot. This happens in any games, always a few downsides lol

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well capt. obvious... thank you for the info... but honestly I paid for arma to play DayZ. who gives a fuck about arma... and falling 2 feet in a video game shouldnt kill you. period.

Alot of people say this. If you buy ArmA II only to play DayZ, which is a free mod for it ATM, then it's on you. I should also state that DayZ has been said to be "The Anti-Game". It's designed to frustrate you a little bit, so that you learn from your experience, rather than adding a bunch of automatic safety features.

However, if you want to ragequit about a single death involving a ladder, may I suggest not making a thread about it and embarrassing yourself?

EDIT: Look up DayZ+ if you want to die from a zombie quickly! On that thing, they all get us sooner or later. :lol:

Edited by GotBeanZ
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If falling off a ladder gets you this worked up, I'd hate to be around you when you rage quit because someone kills you.

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If falling off a ladder gets you this worked up, I'd hate to be around you when you rage quit because someone kills you.

I would actually love to see that happen. I think it'd be rather humorous.

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What are you doing climbing ladders in the first place? The only one I really find needed sometimes is the firehouse and ATC tower ones, and even that can be avoided provided you can shoot your way out. Even if ladders worked, the destinations of them are just bad news anyways.

In the words of Yahtzee, just because a ladder is hard to find doesn't mean there will be goodies at the top of it.

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ladders actually saved my life a long time ago,cause a crazy guy with an axe trying to kill me and he fell off a ladder I climbed!

long live LADDERS

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Wow, wait until you spend hours sorting out an ATV only to flip it on a stone. You're gonna find this free mod very frustrating.

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Whats all this about ladders??

In the 7ish months ive been playing DayZ I have...

Died by Infected ( or zombie if you swing that way )

Died by every kind of Bandit...

Died of starvation and/or thirst...

Died by Hacks :rolleyes:

And many, many other things.....

But i have never been injured at all by a ladder..... Am i just extremely lucky :huh:

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well capt. obvious... thank you for the info... but honestly I paid for arma to play DayZ. who gives a fuck about arma... and falling 2 feet in a video game shouldnt kill you. period.

It's a glitch. They can't fix it the mod because it's.. well, a mod.

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well capt. obvious... thank you for the info... but honestly I paid for arma to play DayZ. who gives a fuck about arma... and falling 2 feet in a video game shouldnt kill you. period.

I was playing Arma last night. Shit is a blast.

Btw, I've been playing since July and I have never died from sucking at climbing ladders. I must be super lucky.

edit: apparently I am super lucky.

Edited by SausageKingofChicago

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I was playing Arma last night. Shit is a blast.

Btw, I've been playing since July and I have never died from sucking at climbing ladders. I must be super lucky.

edit: apparently I am super lucky.

This but I've been playing since may. (oh, and I didn't play arma last night) What the absolute fuck are you doing in order to fall off ladders, selecting the dreaded "drop down" option?

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I died from climbing the green mountain radio tower ladder once, it was a long fall though.

My character sorta just let go, guess he couldn't take it no more.

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In a bid to avoid zeds I crawled into a barn the other day just outside Gorka. My legs broke upon crossing the threshold. Instead of crying I though of the possible options:

Call for help in side chat.

Someone comes, shoots me and loots me

Call for help in sidechat

Someone comes, loots me and leaves me without helping, helpless on the ground

Don't call for help

Get used to the floor for a while

What actually happened:

Call for help in sidechat

Someone comes in their UAZ, finds me (took a while and I was passing out) heals me, gives me a ride too.

Anything can happen, good or bad, its all part of the experience. Kind of why I like the game so much.

But cheers for the feedback, now I'm wary of ladders too lol

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You should've played in April/May. The ladders were different, way different... You couldn't trust a single ladder, that's why a lot of people weren't sitting up in the Cherno factory as often as now ;)

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Nothing new, in fact they have been fixed, you should have been here in May/June.

Forgot ladders... those doors :o

They were the killers!

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