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I was thinking about getting arma combined operations as i have not got it yet. People are saying that standalone won't come out till march-april. To be honest I can't wait that long. Its $30 which I can afford. Should I get it???

Edited by iEethos

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Easy answer is yes. The real question is why have you waited so long brosef?

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That date keeps changing, I don't think anyone knows when the standalone is coming out. Supposedly it's imminent, but I'd say get the mod if you have the cash. There are multiple other mods as well that you can also try that the standalone won't emulate, so i think it will end up being worth the money to get both the mod and the standalone.

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Probably not unless your gonna have 18 euro's by then which is something like 20 dollars so I'd leave also you may want to look at the latest standalone info,


If someone has a problem coming up with $20 within 3 months then they shouldn't be gaming to begin with.

Edited by OFC_Bill

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The real question is..

Do you need the communities input on something like this?

If you can afford it and want to get it, simply get it.

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Arma by itself is worth more than most triple A 60 dollar games in entertainment value for me, along with dayz which is probably worth 30-40 to me. All for 30 bucks, so yeah. Get it.

Edited by Angryofficer

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Just get it. It'll be able to return the investment in wasted time, even if SA came out tomorrow.

The mod will still be here, there are plenty of "other" mods to it. Then there is arma itself. Yeah buy it, play it, and enjoy the wasted hour lost to it.

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I was in the same issue, ended up buying it for £15, arma in itself is awesome, plus you get extra practice before the standalone

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If you're tight on cash, save your money if ARMA itself doesn't interest you. Seems silly to buy it when standalone is (hopefully) just around the corner if you don't want to actually play the game you're paying for.

Which I will again reiterate: you will be buying ARMA, not DayZ. Maybe that's exceedingly obvious to you, but to many it seemingly is not.

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